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US Godox TT685II-S 2.4G TTL HSS Speedlite Flash For Sony+65cm Foldable Softbox



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Last Updated on

May 17th, 2024 10:54 pm

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  • Godox TT685II Description&Upgrade Function
  • Phone

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    US Godox TT685II-S 2.4G TTL HSS Speedlite Flash For Sony+65cm Foldable Softbox

    Godox TT685II Description&Upgrade Function

    1、【TCM Instant Conversion】TT685II adds TCM function, supports real-time conversion from TTL mode to manual mode. At the same time, this function helps you lock the proper exposure value ensuring every fire with an accurate expression of light.
    2、【Build-in 2.4G Wireless X System】Built-in Godox 2.4G wireless X system, integrated transceiver, 100 transmission distance, flexibly used in different occasions. If you purchase the Godox X system wireless flash trigger, you can realize remote control and triggering, which can expand more possibilities for image creation.
    3、【Powerful Features】TT685II has HSS (up to 1/8000s), FEC, FEB, rear curtain synchronization and other functions in TTL mode. There are 22 levels of power output from 1/1 to 1/128 in manual mode for you to adjust freely. At the same time, TT685II has two zoom modes: auto/manual. The flash coverage is 20-200mm.
    4、【External Power Port】TT685II is equipped with an external charging interface, compatible with Godox external flash power box PB960 (sold separately), to greatly improve flash performance, shorten the recycling time, improve battery life, suitable for wedding scenes, street fashion, news events and other changeable scenes.
    5、【New Changes & Compatibility】TT685II has been upgraded with a larger tilt angle, from -7° to 120°, and can be rotated by 330°. And adopts quick-release lock design to ensure smooth installation.


    Package Lists:

    1 * Godox TT685II-S Flash For Sony

    1 * Mini Stand

    1 * Protection Case 

    1 * Instruction Manual

    1 * Gift




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    Item Specifics
    Brand Godox
    Model Godox TT685II-S
    Compatible Brand For Sony
    Type Wireless
    Features E-TTL
    Mount Interface Hot Shoe
    Light Type Xenon
    To Fit DSLR
    Guide Number Less Than 2m
    Country/Region of Manufacture China
    Custom Bundle Yes

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    US Godox TT685II-S 2.4G TTL HSS Speedlite Flash For Sony+65cm Foldable Softbox

    Godox TT685II Description&Upgrade Function

    1、【TCM Instant Conversion】TT685II adds TCM function, supports real-time conversion from TTL mode to manual mode. At the same time, this function helps you lock the proper exposure value ensuring every fire with an accurate expression of light.
    2、【Build-in 2.4G Wireless X System】Built-in Godox 2.4G wireless X system, integrated transceiver, 100 transmission distance, flexibly used in different occasions. If you purchase the Godox X system wireless flash trigger, you can realize remote control and triggering, which can expand more possibilities for image creation.
    3、【Powerful Features】TT685II has HSS (up to 1/8000s), FEC, FEB, rear curtain synchronization and other functions in TTL mode. There are 22 levels of power output from 1/1 to 1/128 in manual mode for you to adjust freely. At the same time, TT685II has two zoom modes: auto/manual. The flash coverage is 20-200mm.
    4、【External Power Port】TT685II is equipped with an external charging interface, compatible with Godox external flash power box PB960 (sold separately), to greatly improve flash performance, shorten the recycling time, improve battery life, suitable for wedding scenes, street fashion, news events and other changeable scenes.
    5、【New Changes & Compatibility】TT685II has been upgraded with a larger tilt angle, from -7° to 120°, and can be rotated by 330°. And adopts quick-release lock design to ensure smooth installation.


    Package Lists:

    1 * Godox TT685II-S Flash For Sony

    1 * Mini Stand

    1 * Protection Case 

    1 * Instruction Manual

    1 * Gift




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