Characterized by its improved shutter unit, the HC 80mm f/2.8 Lens from Hasselblad is the normal-length lens for the H system, and permits shooting at shutter speeds up to 1/2000 sec. with flash sync supported at all speeds. Even while featuring a simple six elements, six groups optical design, this versatile prime produces a flat image plane with
Characterized by its improved shutter unit, the HC 80mm f/2.8 Lens from Hasselblad is the normal-length lens for the H system, and permits shooting at shutter speeds up to 1/2000 sec. with flash sync supported at all speeds. Even while featuring a simple six elements, six groups optical design, this versatile prime produces a flat image plane with minimal distortion to naturally render scenes with a great deal of clarity and color fidelity. The f/2.8 maximum aperture provides a bright viewfinder image as well as permits fine-tuned control over focus for shallow depth of field techniques. The HC 80mm f/2.8 also features a versatile handling design, which makes use of a full focusing AF system that can be manually overridden at any time for fine-tuned control, as well as the ability to work with subjects as close as 2.3′ away.