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GlassOfVenice Serena Murano Millefiori Watch With Leather Band – Black


SKU: 784FA102

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March 26th, 2024 12:34 pm

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100% Authentic Murano Glass

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Serena Murano Millefiori Watch With Leather Band – Black


US $179.95  US $89.95


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  • AUTHENTIC: High quality authentic Murano Glass hand-made in Venice, Italy. UNIQUE: Each piece is crafted entirely by hand using ancient glass-making techniques. No two pieces are exactly the same.
  • MEASUREMENTS: Case Diameter Approximately 1-3/8″, Face Diameter – 7/8″.
  • ITALIAN CRAFTSMANSHIP: Certificate of Authenticity included.
  • GIFT-READY: Comes with an attractive high-quality velvet pouch.
  • OFFICIAL STORE: Imported and distributed by GlassOfVenice, the largest US-based provider of authentic Murano Glass.
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GlassOfVenice Serena Murano Millefiori Watch With Leather Band – BlackA unique timepiece for every season and mood, this Murano Glass watch will remind you of Venice every minute of every day. With beautiful colors splattered around the dial on the handcrafted Millefiori bezel, this wonderful watch showcases the time-honored Murano glass-making tradition and classic Italian style that never goes out of fashion.
  • Measurements: The face of this Murano glass watch measures 7/8 inch in diameter. The entire case measures 1-3/8 inches in diameter.
  • The watch features silver-tone details, white dial, and clear black numbers.
  • Inside this watch is quality Japanese quartz movement.
  • The leatherette band is comfortable, stylish, and durable; it measures 8 inches in length and has multiple holes to fit a wide range of wrist sizes.
  • The Millefiori bezel of this watch is crafted by hand in a family glassmaking workshop on Murano island.
  • The watch comes with an attractive velvet pouch and a certificate of authenticity.
  • Because each watch bezel is crafted entirely by hand from small randomly selected pieces of Murano Glass, no two watches will be the same. The variability of colors and patterns is a feature of Millefiori glass-making technique and not a defect.

More benefits:

  • AUTHENTIC: High quality authentic Murano Glass hand-made in Venice, Italy. UNIQUE: Each piece is crafted entirely by hand using ancient glass-making techniques. No two pieces are exactly the same.
  • MEASUREMENTS: Case Diameter Approximately 1-3/8″, Face Diameter – 7/8″.
  • ITALIAN CRAFTSMANSHIP: Certificate of Authenticity included.
  • GIFT-READY: Comes with an attractive high-quality velvet pouch.
  • OFFICIAL STORE: Imported and distributed by GlassOfVenice, the largest US-based provider of authentic Murano Glass.

Who We Are. For many years GlassOfVenice has focused solely on direct import and worldwide distribution of authentic Murano Glass from Venice, Italy. GlassOfVenice was founded by a team of people with passion for Italy and Venice and appreciation of Venetian artistic heritage. The company carries the full range of Murano Glass crafted by the top artisans, from jewelry to tabletop, vases, sculptures, and chandeliers. GlassOfVenice stocks all its products in the U.S. warehouse and ships to retail and wholesale customers worldwide.


  • Here is a video of the product

  • The technique of fusing together small colored fragments of glass dates all the way back to Ancient Egypt and Rome. After the fall of Rome, having been lost for centuries, this intricate technique was reinvented by Murano glass masters in the 15th century, and given new life and worldwide fame. While this technique is called “Murrine” on Murano island, outside of Venice it was dubbed “Millefiori”, or “a thousand flowers” for its resemblance to a blossoming meadow.
    A Millefiori design starts with the rods of different colors, each made by stretching a blob of glass into a cane. These canes are then cut into small segments, and the segments are carefully arranged by hand into a pattern that fits within a desired shape. Finally, the resulting arrangement is put into a special furnace where the tiny glass pieces are carefully fused together in high heat, and then gradually cooled off. This is how Murano masters create their famous Millefiori pendants, earrings, cufflinks, pill boxes, paperweights and many other beautiful and unique Millefiori jewelry pieces that are instantly recognized and valued for their artistic appeal and fine craftsmanship. Enjoy your Murano Glass jewelry creation, knowing that it was carefully handmade by talented Murano Glass artisans in Venice, Italy.
All products ship from our warehouse in New Jersey, U.S.A.

 It is our goal to get the products to our customers safely and quickly. We have many years of experience in shipping fragile glass all over the world and a great record of damage-free deliveries. Every piece is packaged very carefully, using appropriate padding and special corrugated boxes to ensure safe journey. We strive to ship out most orders within 1 business day. We ship all orders via United States Postal Service and FedEx. During the check-out process you will be able to choose the delivery method you prefer.

U.S. Standard Shipping Delivery Estimates

We have a total customer satisfaction policy, which means that if you are not satisfied with the product you received from us for any reason, return it to us within 30 days of delivery for a full refund or exchange. Please keep in mind that Murano Glass is a handcrafted artisan product that is created using only basic tools and centuries-old techniques in traditional glass-making workshops in Venice, Italy. This means that no two items can ever be the same and variations of colors, patterns, and sizes is a normal characteristic of this product. Colors, patterns, and designs that differ from the photos you see on the site do not constitute defects but mean that you are purchasing authentic artistic product shaped by the hands and fantasy of the master artisan in Venice. If you feel that there is something wrong with the product you received please let us know immediately so that we can properly assist you.

We accept returns only from the original customer who made the order. Only unused, unworn, undamaged products in resellable condition can be returned. Anything that comes in sealed factory packaging, such as chains, must have the packaging intact and unopened.

Shipping charges, including shipping insurance, and other services (such as gift wrapping) are not refundable. 

You must obtain RMA number prior to returning the products to us. See instructions on getting the RMA below. Please note that special and custom orders are not refundable.
Please inspect all items in your order within 3 business days of delivery and promptly notify us of any damages. We will not replace/refund damaged items reported later than 3 business days after the delivery date.

How to make a return/exchange?
1. If you would like to return a product to us, please Contact Us Here or call us at   to obtain a Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA). Each RMA covers only the product(s) for which it was explicitly issued. RMAs are only valid for thirty (30) days from the time of original order delivery.
2. Once you receive the RMA, carefully pack the product(s) in the original packaging; enclose everything originally received. Place the packaged product in a protective outer box. We must receive all original products in order to process your return or exchange. We are not responsible for products that are damaged due to wear, poor packaging, defaced packaging, or lost shipments.
3. Include RMA number on the outside of the package: It should be clearly displayed on the return-shipping label of the package. Returns without an RMA will not be processed.
4. Ship the package to us at the following address:
     GlassOfVenice Returns
     139 Harristown Rd. Ste B1
     Glen Rock, NJ 07452


We accept Paypal and major Credit Cards.


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