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TURWHO Kitchen Knife Japan VG10 Damascus Steel Beautiful Knife With Resin Handle



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March 7th, 2024 08:03 am

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    TURWHO Kitchen Knife Japan VG10 Damascus Steel Beautiful Knife With Resin Handle



    These knives are made of high quality Japanese 67-layer Damascus steel and treated with 60HRC vacuum heat treatment and liquid nitrogen cooling. The Rockwell hardness of the cutting core is 60+. The cutting edge are 15 degrees, which means the blade is super sharp. Compared with similar products at this price, it has outstanding performance advantages.
    Exquisite appearance: beautiful and impressive Blade pattern for choice. Every time you pick it up, you can’t help but taking cooking seriously. AND remember? Serious men are always handsome. Then don’t forget to wipe your chef knife after using, to make a perfect finish to your cooking.
    The chef Knife are one of the most useful and versatile designs available, which you can use to chop, slice, dice and mince all types of vegetables, fruits, meats, and fish. This chef knife will be your most valuable player, no matter what type you pick. So choosing an excellent chef knife is especially important.
    Design Characteristics: The optimal size and weight own a best balance.Ultra-premium Resin handle are very beautiful and with life-long durability. The shade of handle is designed based on the human engineering. This can lessen your tiredness, numbness, and soreness even if you grasp it for a long time.


    TURWHO Trust: We promise a superior product that will give you a lifetime of exemplary service, try it risk free, we know you’ll love it.




    Brand: TURWHO
    Blade Material: Japanese VG10 67-layer Damascus Steel
    Handle Material: Resin (Color will be sent by Random)
    Handle Color: Random (Note: we will send the knife handle colors by random, can not be optional)
    Cutting edge: 15 degrees
    Food Compatibility: Universal
    Manufacturer Warranty: Lifetime


    Notice: we will send the knife handle colors by random, not optional.


    Package included:


    1x TURWHO Knife With Resin Handle (Handle colors will be sent by random, not optional)

    1x Beautiful Gift Box

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    Item Specifics
    Brand Turwho
    Hardness 60HRC
    Type Kitchen Knife
    Food Compatibility Universal
    Material Japanese VG10 Damascus Steel
    Cutting edge 15 degrees
    Color Random
    Blade Edge Straight
    Handle Material Resin
    Number of Items in Set 1
    Features With Harz Handles, Damascus Steel, Easy Clean, Very Sharp
    Manufacturer Warranty Lifetime
    Set Includes 1x Knife In Gift Box
    Making Method Hot Air
    Room Kitchen

    All purchases will go through eBay secured checkout to ensure that your order is processed without any delays. After you have made your purchase you can either click on ‘Pay now’ or follow the instructions in an automated email that you will receive shortly after your purchase. During the checkout, you can make an immediate payment by PayPal account, MasterCard, Visa or select an alternative method of payment, and receive the necessary payment details. 
    Please note: If you have already marked payment as sent But actually not paid, then you MUST mark as payment not sent otherwise the PAY NOW button will not be available.
    1.all orders will be Dispatched within 2 working days after payment.
    2.orders are not processed on weekends or public holidays.
    3.usually takes 3-6 business days to most US destinations.
    4.Your patience would be much appreciated.
    5.all items will be checked carefully and packaging well before send out.
    6.All orders are including the tracking number. Any questions, please feel free to contact us.
    Refund or replacement request is available only the requests within 60 days after parcel received & return the item as the same condition as received. Please contact us to request a return authorization. Your name, auction number, and reason for return should be included in the email. All items returned must contain all original packaging materials. Please repack the item carefully. Item returned will be tested and a new replacement will be shipped to the buyer immediately when found defective. In the event that a suitable replacement is not available then a refund will be issued. If the item is found non-defective and buyer just don’t like it, we will still make you a full refund, but the return shipping fee at buyer’s expense. All item return must have a RMA number, Please contact us to request a return detail address and the RMA number, this can help us identify return items accurate. Buyer is responsible for additional shipping costs for items that are returned refused or undeliverable. We do not accept any returns without an authorization number on the box or label it is being returned in.
    Contact Us

    We care about our valued buyers, if you have any questions, our Customer Service will be very glad to help you. For more information, please contact us through ebay message system. All questions would be answered within 48 hours.

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    These knives are made of high quality Japanese 67-layer Damascus steel and treated with 60HRC vacuum heat treatment and liquid nitrogen cooling. The Rockwell hardness of the cutting core is 60+. The cutting edge are 15 degrees, which means the blade is super sharp. Compared with similar products at this price, it has outstanding performance advantages.
    Exquisite appearance: beautiful and impressive Blade pattern for choice. Every time you pick it up, you can’t help but taking cooking seriously. AND remember? Serious men are always handsome. Then don’t forget to wipe your chef knife after using, to make a perfect finish to your cooking.
    The chef Knife are one of the most useful and versatile designs available, which you can use to chop, slice, dice and mince all types of vegetables, fruits, meats, and fish. This chef knife will be your most valuable player, no matter what type you pick. So choosing an excellent chef knife is especially important.
    Design Characteristics: The optimal size and weight own a best balance.Ultra-premium Resin handle are very beautiful and with life-long durability. The shade of handle is designed based on the human engineering. This can lessen your tiredness, numbness, and soreness even if you grasp it for a long time.


    TURWHO Trust: We promise a superior product that will give you a lifetime of exemplary service, try it risk free, we know you’ll love it.




    Brand: TURWHO
    Blade Material: Japanese VG10 67-layer Damascus Steel
    Handle Material: Resin (Color will be sent by Random)
    Handle Color: Random (Note: we will send the knife handle colors by random, can not be optional)
    Cutting edge: 15 degrees
    Food Compatibility: Universal
    Manufacturer Warranty: Lifetime


    Notice: we will send the knife handle colors by random, not optional.


    Package included:


    1x TURWHO Knife With Resin Handle (Handle colors will be sent by random, not optional)

    1x Beautiful Gift Box

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    Item Specifics
    Brand : Turwho
    Hardness : 60HRC
    Type : Kitchen Knife
    Food Compatibility : Universal
    Material : Japanese VG10 Damascus Steel
    Cutting edge : 15 degrees
    Color : Random
    Blade Edge : Straight
    Handle Material : Resin
    Number of Items in Set : 1
    Features : With Harz Handles, Damascus Steel, Easy Clean, Very Sharp
    Manufacturer Warranty : Lifetime
    Set Includes : 1x Knife In Gift Box
    Making Method : Hot Air
    Room : Kitchen


    All purchases will go through eBay secured checkout to ensure that your order is processed without any delays. After you have made your purchase you can either click on ‘Pay now’ or follow the instructions in an automated email that you will receive shortly after your purchase. During the checkout, you can make an immediate payment by PayPal account, MasterCard, Visa or select an alternative method of payment, and receive the necessary payment details. 
    Please note: If you have already marked payment as sent But actually not paid, then you MUST mark as payment not sent otherwise the PAY NOW button will not be available.


    1.all orders will be Dispatched within 2 working days after payment.
    2.orders are not processed on weekends or public holidays.
    3.usually takes 3-6 business days to most US destinations.
    4.Your patience would be much appreciated.
    5.all items will be checked carefully and packaging well before send out.
    6.All orders are including the tracking number. Any questions, please feel free to contact us.


    Refund or replacement request is available only the requests within 60 days after parcel received & return the item as the same condition as received. Please contact us to request a return authorization. Your name, auction number, and reason for return should be included in the email. All items returned must contain all original packaging materials. Please repack the item carefully. Item returned will be tested and a new replacement will be shipped to the buyer immediately when found defective. In the event that a suitable replacement is not available then a refund will be issued. If the item is found non-defective and buyer just don’t like it, we will still make you a full refund, but the return shipping fee at buyer’s expense. All item return must have a RMA number, Please contact us to request a return detail address and the RMA number, this can help us identify return items accurate. Buyer is responsible for additional shipping costs for items that are returned refused or undeliverable. We do not accept any returns without an authorization number on the box or label it is being returned in.

    Contact Us

    We care about our valued buyers, if you have any questions, our Customer Service will be very glad to help you. For more information, please contact us through ebay message system. All questions would be answered within 48 hours.

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