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Touchless Stainless Steel Handsfree Automatic IR Sensor Soap Liquid Dispenser X


SKU: C26A357E

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Product Features:Automatic Stainless Steel Sensor Infrared Handfree Soap Sanitizer Dispenser This item has built-in infrared smart sensor, soap will come out automatically once laying your hand, dishware, and etc., under the spout. It’s perfect to use at bathroom, kitchen, office, school, hospital, hotel and restaurant. Built-in infrared smart sensor. Fully automatic and touch-free operation, to avoid the second cross-infection. Innovative non-drip design eliminates waste and countertop mess. Large, easy to fill opening. Convenient, adaptable lasting time. Ideal for lotions liquid soaps or sanitizers, etc. Perfect to use at bathrooms, kitchens, office, school, hospital, hotel and restaurant. Material: stainless steel Capacity: 250ml Cordless, p…

Top USA Distributor

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Touchless Stainless Steel Handsfree Automatic IR Sensor Soap Liquid Dispenser X

Product Features:Automatic Stainless Steel Sensor Infrared Handfree Soap Sanitizer Dispenser This item has built-in infrared smart sensor, soap will come out automatically once laying your hand, dishware, and etc., under the spout. It’s perfect to use at bathroom, kitchen, office, school, hospital, hotel and restaurant. Built-in infrared smart sensor. Fully automatic and touch-free operation, to avoid the second cross-infection. Innovative non-drip design eliminates waste and countertop mess. Large, easy to fill opening. Convenient, adaptable lasting time. Ideal for lotions liquid soaps or sanitizers, etc. Perfect to use at bathrooms, kitchens, office, school, hospital, hotel and restaurant.
 Material: stainless steel
Capacity: 250ml Cordless, powered by 4 AAA batteries (NOT Included) 
Color: As shown in the figure.

Silver Item size: 190*110*75mm(max) 
Packing content: 1 x Automatic Soap Dispenser 1 x Instruction Manual

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Item Specifics
Brand : Unbranded
UPC : Does not apply
MPN : Does Not Apply


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New List Item

1:5 / 1:8 For Hardwood & Softwood Woodworking Dovetail Marker Marking Gauge

USD 9.69

1 Set Slimming machine lazy slimming thin belly slimming belt massage belt

USD 24.88

New Premium Pack Hand Grip Gripper Finger Wrist Exerciser Strengthener

USD 7.61

Smart Body Building Fitness Patch EMS Remote Control Abdominal Muscle Trainer

USD 16.64

1 pair Sandbag Punch Training Kids Children Boxing Gloves Boys/Girls Fight

USD 7.00

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Touchless Stainless Steel Handsfree Automatic IR Sensor Soap Liquid Dispenser X
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Product Features:Automatic Stainless Steel Sensor Infrared Handfree Soap Sanitizer Dispenser This item has built-in infrared smart sensor, soap will come out automatically once laying your hand, dishware, and etc., under the spout. It’s perfect to use at bathroom, kitchen, office, school, hospital, hotel and restaurant. Built-in infrared smart sensor. Fully automatic and touch-free operation, to avoid the second cross-infection. Innovative non-drip design eliminates waste and countertop mess. Large, easy to fill opening. Convenient, adaptable lasting time. Ideal for lotions liquid soaps or sanitizers, etc. Perfect to use at bathrooms, kitchens, office, school, hospital, hotel and restaurant.
 Material: stainless steel
Capacity: 250ml Cordless, powered by 4 AAA batteries (NOT Included) 
Color: Color randomised

Silver Item size: 190*110*75mm(max) 
Packing content: 1 x Automatic Soap Dispenser 1 x Instruction Manual

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