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Recliner Chairs Single Modern Reclining Sofas Home Theater Seating Club Chairs



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April 5th, 2024 02:57 pm

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Product Description
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● Sturdy home-use recliner: This adjustable recliner is constructed of strong composite wood frame. The robust recliner sofa is capable of holding up 120 kg/265 lb.

● Marshmallow-like softness: The upholstered reclining sofa features a soft-cushioned seat, and extra thick foam and rayon fibers filled backrest and footrest. The excellent elasticity and soft touch give you the ultimate sitting experience.

● Three relaxation modes: You can enjoy your favorite sitting positions on this adjustable reclining chair, no matter you prefer sitting up straight or with your legs up or lying flat. By a simple pushing at the backrest, the footrest instantly pops up and stops at any angle from 0 to 90 degrees.

● Personal fatigue-reliever: Our reclining chair can be your private sofa in the living room, office, bedroom to take a load off, or a perfect spot to spend your leisure time with games, movies, TV dramas and music.

● Easy to assemble: Assembly is required but very simple. This recliner comes in two parts, backrest and base part, which only takes you a few minutes to put them together and also easy to disassemble if needed.

● Protective feet: This single recliner chair sits on four sturdy feet equipped with non-marking pads, which efficiently protects both the sofa and the hard (wood) floor while moving.

● Pocket spring coil seat for first-class enjoyment: The thick high density foam is supported by quality pocket spring, a kind of spring that can work independently, providing full support to the body for improved sitting experience.


– Material: PU leather/Fabric

– Overall dimension: 67 x 85 x 99.5 cm / 26.5 x 33.5 x 39.2’’ (WxDxH)

– Fully reclined dimensions: 67 x 157 x 76 cm / 26.5 x 62 x 30’’ (WxDxH)

– Backrest size: 50 x 65cm/ 20 x 25.5’’ (WxH)

– Seat size: 49.5 x 60cm / 19.5 x 23.6’’ (WxD)

– Armrest width: 9cm/ 3.5’’ 

– Footrest size: 51 x 40cm/ 20 x 15.7’’

– Footrest adjustable angle: 0-90°

– Maximum weight capacity: 120 kg/265 lb/19 stone

Packing List:
  • 【THREE RELAXATION MODES】: You can enjoy your favorite sitting positions on this adjustable reclining chair, no matter you prefer sitting up straight or with your legs up or lying flat. By a simple pushing at the backrest, the footrest instantly pops up and stops at any angle from 0 to 90 degrees.
  • Please be aware of the products sold by unauthorized sellers rather than us. They may be selling you fake and inferior products. We have neither authorized nor supplied any other sellers to sell this product under our brand.
  • 【EASY TO ASSEMBLE】: Assembly is required but very simple. This recliner comes in two parts, backrest and base part, which only takes you a few minutes to put them together and also easy to disassemble if needed.
  • 【PROTECTIVE FEET】: This single recliner chair sits on four sturdy feet equipped with non-marking pads, which efficiently protects both the sofa and the hard (wood) floor while moving.
  • 【POCKET SPRING COIL SEAT FOR FIRST-CLASS ENJOYMENT】:The thick high density foam is supported by quality pocket spring, a kind of spring that can work independently, providing full support to the body for improved sitting experience.
  • Same chair, different comforts: Thanks to the sturdy and easy glide metal mechanism, this recliner operates smoothly and quietly and offers three reclining positions. You can sit up straight for a coffee time, or raise the footrest to relax your legs, or recline the back to unwind your whole body.
  • Easy to assemble: Assembly is required but very simple. This recliner comes in two parts – the backrest and base part, which only takes you a few minutes to put them together and is also easy to disassemble if needed.
  • Protective feet: This single recliner chair sits on four sturdy feet equipped with non-marking pads, which efficiently protects both the sofa and the hard (wood) floor while moving.
  • 【MARSHMALLOW-LIKE SOFTNESS】The upholstered recliner chair features a soft-cushioned seat supported by a pocket spring, and extra-thick foam and rayon fibers filled the backrest and footrest of the recliner chair. The excellent elasticity and soft touch of the faux leather upholstery give you the ultimate comfort.

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  1. We accept Paypal payment only

  2. Payment should be completed immediately upon purchase.

  3. We
    appreciate a positive feedback as much as you do. If for some reason
    there is any issue with the purchase, please contact us prior to leaving
    feedback, and we will be glad to work with you to have it resolved.

  1. Shipping by USPS or UPS, Package handling takes 1 business day
    at our warehouse, so please make sure enter correct payment and
    shipping information before checking out. Once your payment is
    completed, inform us by message if the changes are
    needed before we ship the product.

  2. If an address change
    is needed, you will be responsible for any fees associated in the
    condition that you contact us after we ship your item.

  3. Orders placed on weekend will be shipped within 2 business  days.
    USPS: 2-9 business days. | UPS: 1-6 business days.

Terms of sales
  1. All of our items come with a 30-day return policy. We ensure all
    our items are new and in excellent condition prior to shipping. In the
    event that you receive the item that is not to the standards above,
    please contact us via e-Bay messages. All returns must be in new
    original condition as received and should be shipped with same return packaging and delivery

  2. Please note that all returns must be
    pre-approved by Topeakmart. Unauthorized returns will not be
    accepted. If you need to return, please check twice to confirm the item
    not work and contact our customer service representative, let us know
    the detailed problem and send us some pictures for confirmation.

  3. All
    NON-seller mistake returns for refund are subject to 20% re-stocking
    fee and buyer should pay for the round-trip shipping fee. (E.g. you
    bought wrong model or wrong color).
    We ONLY accept the return for
    original package. Please make sure that item has NO man-made sabotage.
    Used items will not be accepted for return.

  4. We reserve the right to refuse any returns for objective reasons.

  5. No local pickup and NO local return to return address!


1. If you are satisfied with the product you received, please leave us
positive feedback and 5 star comment, which will be highly appreciated.

If there is any problem about your order, please contact seller prior
to leaving feedback, and we will be glad to work with you to have it

3.If you are dissatisfied for any reason, please do not
be quick to leave negative or neutral feedback. We’ll try our best to
resolve any problem for you to make EACH CUSTOMER 100% SATISFIED and
always leave positive feedback to all our customers.

Contact us

You can contact us directly by clicking on “Ask a Question” at bottom of this item page,

we will answer within 24 hours(except Holiday).

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