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NEBULA 1080p Video Projector Anker Nebula Cosmos FHD Entertainment D2140 – Black



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March 17th, 2024 06:02 am

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NEBULA 1080p Video Projector Anker Nebula Cosmos FHD Entertainment D2140 – Black

Product Details

Condition The item in this listing is an Open Box (packaging maybe slightly distressed). The unit powers on with factory settings restored and includes the original accessories. The unit may have some minor cosmetic marks. Product comes with a Minimum 90 days warranty

    • Blockbuster Picture: The projector’s radiant 1080p (4K supported) image features HDR10 so you can watch your favorite movies, sports events, games, shows, and more in incredible detail and clarity with brighter colors and deeper blacks.

    • Supersize Your Movies: Forget tiny 60-inch TVs—Go big with Cosmos’s colossal 120-inch picture for that true cinema scale. And thanks to the digital zoom, can you adjust the image size without getting up and moving the projector.

    • Every Detail Matters: Hybrid Log Gamma (HLG) upscales non-HDR content in real time so that everything you watch looks as crisp and clear as possible. And there’s no need to fiddle with settings menus—Cosmos will upscale automatically because the projector is 4K supported.

    • Superior Sound: There’s more to movies than the visuals alone. Cosmos packs in a trio of speakers powered by Dolby Digital Plus for 360° of true cinematic sound. From explosive action to hard-hitting dialogue, hear every moment loud and clear.

    • Packed with Content: Android TV 9.0 is your gateway to a universe of awesome entertainment. Choose from more than 7,000 apps, including Prime Video, YouTube, Hulu, and more. For peak performance, please update to the latest firmware.


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