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NAIZEA Outdoor Padded Lawn Recliner Zero Gravity Chair Folding Chaise Chairs&Mat


SKU: C12C7948

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.cover:after{background-image:url(https://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MTIwMFgxMjAw/z/M5kAAOSwsTBjCGTA/$_2.JPG?set_id=880000500F)}[data-lid=”314657164042″] .title:after{content:’NAIZEA Adults Zero Gravity Chair Folding Camping Chaise ,Mattress &Carry Bags’}[data-lid=”314657164042″] .price:after{content:’$126′} [data-lid=”314712858380″] .cover:after{background-image:url(https://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MTYwMFgxNjAw/z/dZ0AAOSwZnlkP6yY/$_2.JPG?set_id=880000500F)}[data-lid=”314712858380″] .title:after{content:’NAIZEA Zero Gravity Chair Folding Reclining Chairs Cool Touch Summer Patio Chair’}[data-lid=”314712858380″] .price:after{content:’$98′} [data-lid=”314657164048″] .cover:after{background-image:url(https://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MTIwMFgxMjAw/z/h5UAAOSwalpizmw8/$_2.JPG?set_id=880000500F)}[data-lid=”314657164048″] .title:after{content:’NAIZEA Camping Chairs For Adults 2 Pack Folding Reclining Portable Lounge Chair’}[data-lid=”314657164048″] .price:after{content:’$245′} [data-lid=”314657164050″] 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.cover:after{background-image:url(https://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MTAwMFgxMDAw/z/xT8AAOSwrDdjTm6~/$_2.JPG?set_id=2)}[data-lid=”314657164068″] .title:after{content:’NAIZEA Foldable Zero Gravity Chair For Women&Men Office Outdoor Recliner Chair’}[data-lid=”314657164068″] .price:after{content:’$126′} [data-lid=”314661683239″] .cover:after{background-image:url(https://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MTIwMFgxMjAw/z/BSAAAOSwkd5kkrcJ/$_2.JPG?set_id=880000500F)}[data-lid=”314661683239″] .title:after{content:’NAIZEA Zero Gravity Chair Adjustable Lawn Recliner Reclining Patio Chaise w/Mat’}[data-lid=”314661683239″] .price:after{content:’$108′}

Outdoor Padded Lawn Recliner Zero Gravity Chair Folding Chaise Lounge Chairs
Thank you for your interest in our chairs, we sell four types of chairs:Zero gravity chair; cool touch chair – suitable for summer  3 in 1 lounge chair and 6 Gears Adjustable Chair
Zero gravity chair

☁About this item:

Zero Gravity Chair supports up to 440 lbs. The steel pipe is thickened, so that the chair does not shake or collapse, and the bearing capacity is greater and safer. Upgrading the fabric to make sleep more comfortable;This outdoor recliner can be adjusted from 90º to 170º effortlessly for your preference. Simply push the clip to unlock the position, and pull the clip back to secure it at your desired position;This folding lawn chair can be folded and unfolded in seconds. The camping lounge chairs are easy to transport and store, and you can easily carry them by car. Suitable for terraces, lawns, gardens, yards, balconies, poolsides and beaches;The soft cushion adds extra comfort. but can also be removed for breathability for summertime. Additionally, lounge chair is very easy to install and can be easily folded, for easier storage and handling;Whether you want to relax by reading a book or take a quick break, this comfortable chair is the ideal solution. It can be used for indoor and outdoor activities, such as family gatherings, barbecues or beach days, or in the office.

Adjustable and Zero-gravity】Our zero-gravity lounge chair has an adjustable design that can be adjusted from 90 to 170-degree angle. This amazing feature helps you select the optimal angle that brings you to a comfortable, relaxing position. Simply push the clip to unlock the position, and pull the clip back to secure it at your desired position.

Comfortable Design】The outdoor zero gravity lounge chair is designed to satisfy your ultimate comfort. The armrest of folding lounge chair is thick and contoured. It will serve you whether sitting or lying, outdoor and indoor. Our recliner chair comes with a thick and soft pad.

Long-Lasting and Durable】The outdoor chaise lounge chair can take over 440 pounds of weight and it is extra durable and will last you a lifetime. This professional outdoor folding lounge chair is built with premium quality materials, which provide increased durability and resistance.

Removable Soft Pad】Intuitive design features that this outdoor zero gravity chair can be used by anybody. You can remove the soft cushion from the folding lounge chair to promote better airflow during hot summer days. Plus,the chaise lounge chair is very easy to install and can be easily folded, for easier storage and handling.

Wide Application】Whether relaxing by reading a book or geting a quick break, this comfortable folding lounge chair is the best choice. It can be used indoors, for outdoor activities, such as family gatherings, BBQs or beach day, or at the office.

1. Multi‑angle adjustable and ergonomic design. Satisfy your comfortable experience.
2. Using thick composite high‑strength Oxford cloth, safe and breathable, dirt‑resistant.
3. Reinforced fastener, sturdy steel pipe structure, more durable and comfortable.
4. Safety non‑slip foot pads are used at the bottom to prevent rollover when turning over.
5. Light weight and folding design for easy storage, transport and perfect of  summer.

Item Type: Folding Chair
Material: Steel Pipe + Oxford Cloth
Color: As shown in the picture
Size: Approx.45X28X26inch
Weight: Approx.18.7lbs
Adjustment Angle: 90°-170°
Bearing Weight: 440lbs
Mattress Color:Navy;Black;Smoky Gray and  So on

Mattress Material:Pearl Cotton Mattress

Package List:

1 x Folding Chair With Pearl Cotton Mattress

1 x Pillow

1x Cup Holder


Cool touch chair – suitable for summer

Ice Silk zero-gravity lounge chair has an adjustable design that can be adjusted from 90 to 170-degree angle. This amazing feature helps you select the optimal angle that brings you to a comfortable, relaxing position. Simply push the clip to unlock the position, and pull the clip back to secure it at your desired position. Our Zero Gravity Chair supports up to 440 lbs. The steel pipe is thickened, so that the chair does not shake or collapse, and the bearing capacity is greater and safer. Upgrading the fabric to make sleep more comfortable.The soft cushion adds extra comfort. but can also be removed for breathability for summertime. Additionally, lounge chair is very easy to install and can be easily folded, for easier storage and handling.Whether you want to relax by reading a book or take a quick break, this comfortable chair is the ideal solution. It can be used for indoor and outdoor activities, such as family gatherings, barbecues or beach days, or in the office.

【Fabric for summer】Ice touch functional fabric has high thermal conductivity and excellent moisture absorption and drying properties. By using the diffusion and evaporation of water, you can easily get rid of hot air and feel cool and comfortable when lying down.   Ice touch fabric can quickly eliminate the heat of the skin surface when the human body sweats, so it can keep the seat cushion in a low temperature state. In order to discharge moisture quickly, the weaving, knitting and processing methods of Ice touch fabric are improved, so that sweat is not easy to remain on the cloth surface, and a more refreshing lying and sitting experience is realized. While maintaining a cool feeling, it also inhibits the sticky feeling caused by sweat, and feels more relaxed and light when lying down.

【HEAVY DUTY】: Our Zero Gravity Chair supports up to 440 lbs. The steel pipe is thickened, so that the chair does not shake or collapse, and the bearing capacity is greater and safer. Upgrading the fabric to make sleep more comfortable;

【ADJUSTABLE DESIGH】: This outdoor recliner can be adjusted from 90º to 170º effortlessly for your preference. Simply push the clip to unlock the position, and pull the clip back to secure it at your desired position;

【PORTABLE & EASY to USE】: This folding lawn chair can be folded and unfolded in seconds. The camping lounge chairs are easy to transport and store, and you can easily carry them by car. Suitable for terraces, lawns, gardens, yards, balconies, poolsides and beaches;

Ice touch Zero Gravity Chair 】: Made of ICE TOUCH comfortable fabric, tear-resistant soft and easy to maintain. Enhances the thermal conductivity of the fabric itself. The strong thermal conductivity allows people to quickly transfer heat from the fabric to the outside of their body after sweating, making them feel very cool. It also has a high level of comfort and a pleasantly cool sitting and lying feeling. The removable pillow can be used as a headrest or lumbar support for extra comfort.

MULTIPURPOSE USE】: Whether you want to relax by reading a book or take a quick break, this comfortable chair is the ideal solution. It can be used for indoor and outdoor activities, such as family gatherings, barbecues or beach days, or in the office.

The most unique feature of ICE TOUCH in fabric is that it enhances the thermal conductivity of fabric itself. With strong thermal conductivity, people can quickly pass through the fabric after sweating and transfer their heat to the outside of the body. At this time, people feel very cool.

1) Excellent air permeability, antibacterial and deodorizing, no irritation to skin, and prevention of rough skin.

(2) Smooth touch feeling, easy maintenance, excellent ventilation function, keeping the body dry and antistatic.

(3) Breathable, quick sweat absorption, suitable for use in summer. 

1:6 Gears Adjustable Chair :Chaircot dual-use and with mattress

2:Zero gravity chair :90-170 degree Adjustable  and With Mattress+Pillow+Cup Holder

Picture and size

3:Cool touch chair – suitable for summer :90-170 degree Adjustable and With Pillow+Cup Holder

Picture and size


4:3 in 1 lounge chair :5 gear adjust (can be completely flat)and With Mattress+Pillow

Picture and size

6 Gears Adjustable Chair
☁About this item:

【3-IN-1 FOLDING CHAIR BED】This multifunctional folding armchair can be easily converted into a lounge sofa chair or bed to meet your different needs. Hidden legs and armrests add support to the bed, making it simple yet elegant.

【MULTI PURPOSE】Folding design for easy transport and store. This versatile folding armchair bed will be an excellent choice for Relaxing on Your Next Road Trip, at Home, Office, the Pool, Lake, RV, Campsite, Patio, Deck, Tent or Cabin;

【DURABLE AND STRONG FRAME】The armrests will provide extra support if the foldable chair is unfolded. The metal frame of the Sleeper Chair Bed is scientifically designed to be durable enough to hold up to 440 lbs.

【REMOVABLE COMFORTABLE MATTRESS】Equipped with a mattress, you can sleep more comfortably in this portable folding lounge chair cot, don’t hesitate anymore, hurry up and place your order;

EASY SETUP – Compact, incredibly fast and easy to set up. Expanded size: 71″*23.”*13″, Folded size: 31.5” * 7.8”.


Chair Cot Dual-use(3 in1 lounge chair)

Upgraded Folding Chaise Lounge Chair can be adjusted into 5 fixed positions. Lying, leaning, sitting, just choose your preferable position to enjoy the moment of your leisure time with our chaise lounge chair. Our folding cot features the full square tube frame to provide strong support, the weight capacity up to 440 pounds; Breathable materials can provide maximum breathability and comfort. unfold size: 70.1″x20.5″x9.8″. Folded size 38.1″ x 26.4″ x 7.1″ . With a perfect balance of a firm and soft surface, our cot an ergonomic design to help reduce muscle tension and stress; Comes with soft mattress and detachable pillow to make sleeping in this portable folding recliner more comfortable. And it can be adjustable up and down or removed based on your own needs. Tri-fold storage design for easy transport and store. Whether relaxing by reading a book or geting a quick break, this folding lounge recliner is the best choice. It can be used indoors, for outdoor activities, widely used in beach, pool, courtyard, balcony, lawn and other scenes, suitable for your outdoor leisure using.

[5 Positions Adjustable]: Slsy Upgraded 3 in 1 Folding Chaise Lounge Chair can be adjusted into 5 fixed positions. Lying, leaning, sitting. It can be adjusted to the desired angle and easy to switch from 90 to 180 degrees.This feature helps you select the optimal angle that brings you to a comfortable, relaxing position. Simply push the clip to unlock the position, and pull the clip back to secure it at your desired position.

[Protable Size]: nfold size: 70.1″x20.5″x9.8″. Folded size 38.1″ x 26.4″ x 7.1″ . very easy to carry. Tri-fold storage design for easy transport and store. Whether relaxing by reading a book or geting a quick break, this folding lounge recliner is the best choice.

[REMOVABLE PAD & HEADREST]It comes with soft Mattress and detachable pillow to make sleeping in this portable folding recliner more comfortable. You can also remove the soft cushion to promote better airflow; Without padding, suit for summer time. Comfortable headrest: Effectively increase cervical support and relieve head fatigue.

[Sturdy and Durable]: This folding Patio Lounge Chair features the full square tube frame to provide strong support, and the pressure is evenly distributed by the supporting feet , which is more stable; Breathable materials can provide maximum breathability and comfort. It can hold up to 440LBS.

[MULTI-FUNCTIONAL]: Whether relaxing by reading a book or geting a quick break, this folding lounge recliner is the best choice. It can be used indoors, for outdoor activities, widely used in beach, pool, courtyard, balcony, lawn and other scenes, suitable for your outdoor leisure using.



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We are a private owned firm professional in industrial product line. Based on better customer experience by inexpensive quality products and consistent professioanal customer service, we are striving and keep gaining more insight of customers’ needs and the increasing ability of reciving customer acknowledgement.

Our store is committed to helping everyone bring happiness home. That’s why products are super portable and no assembling needed.We had manufactured the outdoor series for about 10 years,We continuously update the quality, and we are very willing to hear feedback from you!Your comfortable and wonderful outdoor experience is our greatest wish!

Manufacture’s Information

Our Store is committed to helping everyone bring happiness home. That’s why products are super portable and no assembling needed. We had manufactured the outdoor series for about 10 years, it was made for last.We continuously update the quality, and we are very willing to hear feedback from you!Your comfortable and wonderful outdoor experience is our greatest wish!

Outdoor Padded Lawn Recliner Zero Gravity Chair Folding Chaise Lounge Chairs
Thank you for your interest in our chairs, we sell four types of chairs:Zero gravity chair; cool touch chair – suitable for summer  3 in 1 lounge chair and 6 Gears Adjustable Chair
Zero gravity chair

☁About this item:

Zero Gravity Chair supports up to 440 lbs. The steel pipe is thickened, so that the chair does not shake or collapse, and the bearing capacity is greater and safer. Upgrading the fabric to make sleep more comfortable;This outdoor recliner can be adjusted from 90º to 170º effortlessly for your preference. Simply push the clip to unlock the position, and pull the clip back to secure it at your desired position;This folding lawn chair can be folded and unfolded in seconds. The camping lounge chairs are easy to transport and store, and you can easily carry them by car. Suitable for terraces, lawns, gardens, yards, balconies, poolsides and beaches;The soft cushion adds extra comfort. but can also be removed for breathability for summertime. Additionally, lounge chair is very easy to install and can be easily folded, for easier storage and handling;Whether you want to relax by reading a book or take a quick break, this comfortable chair is the ideal solution. It can be used for indoor and outdoor activities, such as family gatherings, barbecues or beach days, or in the office.

Adjustable and Zero-gravity】Our zero-gravity lounge chair has an adjustable design that can be adjusted from 90 to 170-degree angle. This amazing feature helps you select the optimal angle that brings you to a comfortable, relaxing position. Simply push the clip to unlock the position, and pull the clip back to secure it at your desired position.

Comfortable Design】The outdoor zero gravity lounge chair is designed to satisfy your ultimate comfort. The armrest of folding lounge chair is thick and contoured. It will serve you whether sitting or lying, outdoor and indoor. Our recliner chair comes with a thick and soft pad.

Long-Lasting and Durable】The outdoor chaise lounge chair can take over 440 pounds of weight and it is extra durable and will last you a lifetime. This professional outdoor folding lounge chair is built with premium quality materials, which provide increased durability and resistance.

Removable Soft Pad】Intuitive design features that this outdoor zero gravity chair can be used by anybody. You can remove the soft cushion from the folding lounge chair to promote better airflow during hot summer days. Plus,the chaise lounge chair is very easy to install and can be easily folded, for easier storage and handling.

Wide Application】Whether relaxing by reading a book or geting a quick break, this comfortable folding lounge chair is the best choice. It can be used indoors, for outdoor activities, such as family gatherings, BBQs or beach day, or at the office.

1. Multi‑angle adjustable and ergonomic design. Satisfy your comfortable experience.
2. Using thick composite high‑strength Oxford cloth, safe and breathable, dirt‑resistant.
3. Reinforced fastener, sturdy steel pipe structure, more durable and comfortable.
4. Safety non‑slip foot pads are used at the bottom to prevent rollover when turning over.
5. Light weight and folding design for easy storage, transport and perfect of  summer.

Item Type: Folding Chair
Material: Steel Pipe + Oxford Cloth
Color: As shown in the picture
Size: Approx.45X28X26inch
Weight: Approx.18.7lbs
Adjustment Angle: 90°-170°
Bearing Weight: 440lbs
Mattress Color:Navy;Black;Smoky Gray and  So on

Mattress Material:Pearl Cotton Mattress

Package List:

1 x Folding Chair With Pearl Cotton Mattress

1 x Pillow

1x Cup Holder


Cool touch chair – suitable for summer

Ice Silk zero-gravity lounge chair has an adjustable design that can be adjusted from 90 to 170-degree angle. This amazing feature helps you select the optimal angle that brings you to a comfortable, relaxing position. Simply push the clip to unlock the position, and pull the clip back to secure it at your desired position. Our Zero Gravity Chair supports up to 440 lbs. The steel pipe is thickened, so that the chair does not shake or collapse, and the bearing capacity is greater and safer. Upgrading the fabric to make sleep more comfortable.The soft cushion adds extra comfort. but can also be removed for breathability for summertime. Additionally, lounge chair is very easy to install and can be easily folded, for easier storage and handling.Whether you want to relax by reading a book or take a quick break, this comfortable chair is the ideal solution. It can be used for indoor and outdoor activities, such as family gatherings, barbecues or beach days, or in the office.

【Fabric for summer】Ice touch functional fabric has high thermal conductivity and excellent moisture absorption and drying properties. By using the diffusion and evaporation of water, you can easily get rid of hot air and feel cool and comfortable when lying down.   Ice touch fabric can quickly eliminate the heat of the skin surface when the human body sweats, so it can keep the seat cushion in a low temperature state. In order to discharge moisture quickly, the weaving, knitting and processing methods of Ice touch fabric are improved, so that sweat is not easy to remain on the cloth surface, and a more refreshing lying and sitting experience is realized. While maintaining a cool feeling, it also inhibits the sticky feeling caused by sweat, and feels more relaxed and light when lying down.

【HEAVY DUTY】: Our Zero Gravity Chair supports up to 440 lbs. The steel pipe is thickened, so that the chair does not shake or collapse, and the bearing capacity is greater and safer. Upgrading the fabric to make sleep more comfortable;

【ADJUSTABLE DESIGH】: This outdoor recliner can be adjusted from 90º to 170º effortlessly for your preference. Simply push the clip to unlock the position, and pull the clip back to secure it at your desired position;

【PORTABLE & EASY to USE】: This folding lawn chair can be folded and unfolded in seconds. The camping lounge chairs are easy to transport and store, and you can easily carry them by car. Suitable for terraces, lawns, gardens, yards, balconies, poolsides and beaches;

Ice touch Zero Gravity Chair 】: Made of ICE TOUCH comfortable fabric, tear-resistant soft and easy to maintain. Enhances the thermal conductivity of the fabric itself. The strong thermal conductivity allows people to quickly transfer heat from the fabric to the outside of their body after sweating, making them feel very cool. It also has a high level of comfort and a pleasantly cool sitting and lying feeling. The removable pillow can be used as a headrest or lumbar support for extra comfort.

MULTIPURPOSE USE】: Whether you want to relax by reading a book or take a quick break, this comfortable chair is the ideal solution. It can be used for indoor and outdoor activities, such as family gatherings, barbecues or beach days, or in the office.

The most unique feature of ICE TOUCH in fabric is that it enhances the thermal conductivity of fabric itself. With strong thermal conductivity, people can quickly pass through the fabric after sweating and transfer their heat to the outside of the body. At this time, people feel very cool.

1) Excellent air permeability, antibacterial and deodorizing, no irritation to skin, and prevention of rough skin.

(2) Smooth touch feeling, easy maintenance, excellent ventilation function, keeping the body dry and antistatic.

(3) Breathable, quick sweat absorption, suitable for use in summer. 

1:6 Gears Adjustable Chair :Chaircot dual-use and with mattress

2:Zero gravity chair :90-170 degree Adjustable  and With Mattress+Pillow+Cup Holder

Picture and size

3:Cool touch chair – suitable for summer :90-170 degree Adjustable and With Pillow+Cup Holder

Picture and size


4:3 in 1 lounge chair :5 gear adjust (can be completely flat)and With Mattress+Pillow

Picture and size

6 Gears Adjustable Chair
☁About this item:

【3-IN-1 FOLDING CHAIR BED】This multifunctional folding armchair can be easily converted into a lounge sofa chair or bed to meet your different needs. Hidden legs and armrests add support to the bed, making it simple yet elegant.

【MULTI PURPOSE】Folding design for easy transport and store. This versatile folding armchair bed will be an excellent choice for Relaxing on Your Next Road Trip, at Home, Office, the Pool, Lake, RV, Campsite, Patio, Deck, Tent or Cabin;

【DURABLE AND STRONG FRAME】The armrests will provide extra support if the foldable chair is unfolded. The metal frame of the Sleeper Chair Bed is scientifically designed to be durable enough to hold up to 440 lbs.

【REMOVABLE COMFORTABLE MATTRESS】Equipped with a mattress, you can sleep more comfortably in this portable folding lounge chair cot, don’t hesitate anymore, hurry up and place your order;

EASY SETUP – Compact, incredibly fast and easy to set up. Expanded size: 71″*23.”*13″, Folded size: 31.5” * 7.8”.


Chair Cot Dual-use(3 in1 lounge chair)

Upgraded Folding Chaise Lounge Chair can be adjusted into 5 fixed positions. Lying, leaning, sitting, just choose your preferable position to enjoy the moment of your leisure time with our chaise lounge chair. Our folding cot features the full square tube frame to provide strong support, the weight capacity up to 440 pounds; Breathable materials can provide maximum breathability and comfort. unfold size: 70.1″x20.5″x9.8″. Folded size 38.1″ x 26.4″ x 7.1″ . With a perfect balance of a firm and soft surface, our cot an ergonomic design to help reduce muscle tension and stress; Comes with soft mattress and detachable pillow to make sleeping in this portable folding recliner more comfortable. And it can be adjustable up and down or removed based on your own needs. Tri-fold storage design for easy transport and store. Whether relaxing by reading a book or geting a quick break, this folding lounge recliner is the best choice. It can be used indoors, for outdoor activities, widely used in beach, pool, courtyard, balcony, lawn and other scenes, suitable for your outdoor leisure using.

[5 Positions Adjustable]: Slsy Upgraded 3 in 1 Folding Chaise Lounge Chair can be adjusted into 5 fixed positions. Lying, leaning, sitting. It can be adjusted to the desired angle and easy to switch from 90 to 180 degrees.This feature helps you select the optimal angle that brings you to a comfortable, relaxing position. Simply push the clip to unlock the position, and pull the clip back to secure it at your desired position.

[Protable Size]: nfold size: 70.1″x20.5″x9.8″. Folded size 38.1″ x 26.4″ x 7.1″ . very easy to carry. Tri-fold storage design for easy transport and store. Whether relaxing by reading a book or geting a quick break, this folding lounge recliner is the best choice.

[REMOVABLE PAD & HEADREST]It comes with soft Mattress and detachable pillow to make sleeping in this portable folding recliner more comfortable. You can also remove the soft cushion to promote better airflow; Without padding, suit for summer time. Comfortable headrest: Effectively increase cervical support and relieve head fatigue.

[Sturdy and Durable]: This folding Patio Lounge Chair features the full square tube frame to provide strong support, and the pressure is evenly distributed by the supporting feet , which is more stable; Breathable materials can provide maximum breathability and comfort. It can hold up to 440LBS.

[MULTI-FUNCTIONAL]: Whether relaxing by reading a book or geting a quick break, this folding lounge recliner is the best choice. It can be used indoors, for outdoor activities, widely used in beach, pool, courtyard, balcony, lawn and other scenes, suitable for your outdoor leisure using.



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All the items will be shipped from California, United States within 48 business hours upon receipt of your payment.We DO NOT ship to APO/FPO addresses, Puerto Rico, Hawaii, Virgin Islands, etc

(FedEx Services) are offered and shipping time is Estimated in 1-5 Days depending on the destination.

Please feel free to contact us if you don’t receive your package within 14 business days.We only send item to your Verified address and please make sure it is correct.

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30 days money back! Buy with confidence!

If you are not satisfied with the item once receive it, please return it within 30 days for a replacement or money back. Please contact us before returning.

3 months warranty period, please feel free to contact us if you have any questions within three months, we will try our best to help you solve the problem in the best way.


Your satisfaction is always our major target. After sales service is also a part of the product. Pls don’t leave any neutral or negative feedback without contact with us for getting it effectively solved If you are satisfied with our products or serivce, pls help leave positive feedback(s ) or suggestion for us. Thank you very much for your cooperation.

Please buy or place bid only if you agree with all the terms.

About Us

We are a private owned firm professional in industrial product line. Based on better customer experience by inexpensive quality products and consistent professioanal customer service, we are striving and keep gaining more insight of customers’ needs and the increasing ability of reciving customer acknowledgement.

Our store is committed to helping everyone bring happiness home. That’s why products are super portable and no assembling needed.We had manufactured the outdoor series for about 10 years,We continuously update the quality, and we are very willing to hear feedback from you!Your comfortable and wonderful outdoor experience is our greatest wish!

Manufacture’s Information

Our Store is committed to helping everyone bring happiness home. That’s why products are super portable and no assembling needed. We had manufactured the outdoor series for about 10 years, it was made for last.We continuously update the quality, and we are very willing to hear feedback from you!Your comfortable and wonderful outdoor experience is our greatest wish!

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