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Marseille Soaps The Serail In Box of 12 Olive Oil Soaps – 1Kg


SKU: 855C3667

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Joom: This product may cause an allergic reaction. Before use, read the instructions and information on the package. For more information, you can contact the seller or manufacturer directly.
WITHOUT PALM OIL For generations, the LE SERAIL soap factory has been committed to respecting and perpetuating the manufacture of real Marseille soap cooked in a cauldron in the old fashioned way. Extra pure, this soap contains no coloring, fragrance, preservative, fixative or synthetic product. Thanks to its hypoallergenic and bactericidal properties, Marseille soap is highly recommended by dermatologists. This green Marseille soap cube is recommended for body use. Pure vegetable soap entirely biodegradable, it does not pollute and thus contributes to the protection of the environment. Composition: 62% olive oil and 10% vegetable oils (coconut), water, salt, soda. 12 olive oil soaps weight between 950 and 1 kg

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