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Description: Make the time spent outdoors a little more comfortable with ivinta 4-PCS wrought iron patio furniture set. The sturdy steel frame is powder coated with a durable bronze finish. The seat cushions are 4″ deep, and the back cushion has two tufted button details for a tailored look. Features:
Item Specifiction:
Package Included:
Buyer Reading: All parts and tools are contained in the package, accommodating with a clear instruction, it takes about 45 minutes for two adults to install. Getting all the parts in place first, fasten all the screws finally. Please avoid big move ,please finish it as the steps IVINTA Return and Warranty Policy 30-day return policy, and 1-year manufacturer warranty! During this time, we will afford the shipping cost of return and replacement for defective and damaged item. For your very convenience, we would provide you the pre-paid return label or pick up service. Note: Please disassemble the item before returning, otherwise there will be a huge cost for shipping charges as over sized. About us Warranties & Return Shipment Information Payment FAQ About us Welcome to our store! Warranties & Return Warranties: Return:
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