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For 97-01 Honda CR-V CRV Door Handle Front & Rear Outside Outer Set of 4 Black



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Last Updated on

June 7th, 2024 05:28 am

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  • Feature:
  • Color: Smooth Black
  • Finish: Paint to Match
  • Fitment:
  • 1997-2001 Honda CR-V
  • Quantity Included:
  • 1PC Black Exterior Rear Left Side door handle
  • 1PC Black Exterior Rear Right Side door handle
  • 1PC Black Exterior Front Left Side door handle
  • 1PC Black Exterior Front Right Side door handle
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    For 97-01 Honda CR-V CRV Door Handle Front & Rear Outside Outer Set of 4 Black



    Color: Smooth Black

    Finish: Paint to Match




    1997-2001 Honda CR-V


    Quantity Included:


    1PC Black Exterior Rear Left Side door handle

    1PC Black Exterior Rear Right Side door handle

    1PC Black Exterior Front Left Side door handle

    1PC Black Exterior Front Right Side door handle


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    Item Specifics
    Brand : Autodayplus
    Type : Door Handle
    Placement on Vehicle : Front
    Color : Black
    Finish : Chrome
    Number of Pieces : 4
    Material : Plastic
    Features : Anti-Stain
    Manufacturer Part Number : ADP802388aa
    OE/OEM Part Number : 72640S10003
    Shape : Rectangular
    Vintage Car Part : No
    Performance Part : No
    Items Included : 4x Exterior Front,Rear,left,Driver Passenger Right Door Handles
    Item Weight : 1.17 LB
    Superseded Part Number : 77609
    Fitment Type : Direct Replacement
    Fit For : For Cadillac 2006-02, Chevrolet 2007-00, GMC 2007-00
    Other Part Number : 77609
    Custom Bundle : Yes
    UPC : 1907490100816
    Modified Item : No
    Applicable Regions : Exterior
    Shipped Country : US
    Average Delivery Time : In 3-5 Days
    Bundle Description : 4x Exterior Front,Rear,left,Driver Passenger Right Door Handles
    Non-Domestic Product : No
    Return Policy : 30 Days Free Return
    OE Spec or Performance/Custom : OE Spec
    Door lock/key hole provision : With KeyHole
    Manufacturer Warranty : 3 Years
    Attachment Type : Bolt-On
    Universal Fitment : No
    Interchange Part Number : 77609

    (if you want cancel orders or change address pls contact us within 6 hours after payment,or we are not responsible for shipping a replacement.)1. Orders processed within 24-48 hours of payment verification.

    2. We only ship to confirmed PAYPAL addresses. Your PAYPAL address must match your Shipping address.
    3. The images shown are not the actual item and are for your reference only.
    4. Fast shipping:All our packages use USPS First Class Package Service
    5. If you have not received your shipment within 15 days from payment , please contact us. We will track the shipment and get back to you as soon as possible with a reply. Our goal is customer satisfaction!lll. We maintain high standards of excellence (five stars review)and strive for 100% customer satisfaction! FEEDBACK IS VERY IMPORTANT TO US. We request that you contact us immediately BEFORE you give us neutral or negative feedback, so that we can satisfactorily address your concerns.
    2. It is impossible to address issues if we do not know about them!1. We accept payment via PAYPAL only.
    2. Payment must be made within 4 days of auction closing.
    3. Total amount due includes the final auction price plus S&H(Shipping and Handling).
    4. S&H will be determined based upon the SHIP TO address.PLEASE NOTE: S&H dons not include duties,local taxes.1. We accept payment via PAYPAL only.
    2. Payment must be made within 4 days of auction closing.
    3. Total amount due includes the final auction price plus S&H(Shipping and Handling).
    4. S&H will be determined based upon the SHIP TO address.PLEASE NOTE: S&H dons not include duties,local taxes.1. We accept payment via PAYPAL only.
    2. Payment must be made within 4 days of auction closing.
    3. Total amount due includes the final auction price plus S&H(Shipping and Handling).
    4. S&H will be determined based upon the SHIP TO address.PLEASE NOTE: S&H dons not include duties,local taxes.


    WARNING: Cancer and Reproductive Harm – www.P65Warnings.ca.gov.

    1. Orders processed within 24 hours of payment verification.(if you want cancel orders or change address pls contact us within 6 hours after payment,or we are not responsible for shipping a replacement.)

    2. We only ship to confirmed PAYPAL addresses. Your PAYPAL address must match your Shipping address.

    3. The images shown are not the actual item and are for your reference only.

    4. Fast shipping:All our packages use USPS First Class/UPS/Fedex… Package Service

    5. If you have not received your shipment within 15 days from payment , please contact us. We will track the shipment and get back to you as soon as possible with a reply. Our goal is customer satisfaction!

    1. You have 30 days to contact us and 10 days to return it from the date it was received. If this item is in your possession more than 7 days, it is considered used and we will not issue you a refund or replacement. There are NO EXCEPTIONS!

    2. All returned items must be in the original packaging and you must provide us with the shipping tracking number, specific reason for the return, and item custom lable.

    3. We will refund your full winning bid amount, upon receipt of the item in its original condition and packaging with all components and accessories included, AFTER both Buyer and Seller cancel the transaction from eBay. OR, you may choose to have a replacement.

    4. Return shipping is to be paid by the Buyer.

    1. We maintain high standards of excellence (five stars review)and strive for 100% customer satisfaction! FEEDBACK IS VERY IMPORTANT TO US. We request that you contact us immediately BEFORE you give us neutral or negative feedback, so that we can satisfactorily address your concerns.

    2. It is impossible to address issues if we do not know about them!

    1.We only accept PayPal.

    2.Please do not use the PayPal note field to indicate us to ship to other address. The note there will NOT be read. If you want to change the shipping address, please contact us by eBay messages.

    3.(if you want cancel orders or change address pls contact us within 6 hours after payment,or we are not responsible for shipping a replacement.)

    4.Payment must be received within 10 days as auction ended or order might be delayed.

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     Brake Clutch Lever
     Door Hinge Conversion Kits
     Pillar Posts
     Fuse Holder Box
     Tonneau Cover
     Steering Knuckle
     Power Brake Booster
     Radiator Support
     Hot Stapler
     leveling kit + struts shocks
     Wheel Rim
     ◈  Exterior Lighting
     ◈  LED 3RD Brake Light
     ◈  Cab marker Roof Running light
     ◈  License Plate Light
     ◈  Headlight
     ◈  Instrument Panel Lights
     ◈  Side Marker Lights
     ◈  Interior Lighting
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    For 97-01 Honda CR-V CRV Door Handle Front & Rear Outside Outer Set of 4 Black
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    Color: Smooth Black

    Finish: Paint to Match




    1997-2001 Honda CR-V


    Quantity Included:


    1PC Black Exterior Rear Left Side door handle

    1PC Black Exterior Rear Right Side door handle

    1PC Black Exterior Front Left Side door handle

    1PC Black Exterior Front Right Side door handle


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    Item Specifics
    Brand : Autodayplus
    Type : Door Handle
    Placement on Vehicle : Front
    Color : Black
    Finish : Chrome
    Number of Pieces : 4
    Material : Plastic
    Features : Anti-Stain
    Manufacturer Part Number : ADP802388aa
    OE/OEM Part Number : 72640S10003
    Shape : Rectangular
    Vintage Car Part : No
    Performance Part : No
    Items Included : 4x Exterior Front,Rear,left,Driver Passenger Right Door Handles
    Item Weight : 1.17 LB
    Superseded Part Number : 77609
    Fitment Type : Direct Replacement
    Fit For : For Cadillac 2006-02, Chevrolet 2007-00, GMC 2007-00
    Other Part Number : 77609
    Custom Bundle : Yes
    UPC : 1907490100816
    Modified Item : No
    Applicable Regions : Exterior
    Shipped Country : US
    Average Delivery Time : In 3-5 Days
    Bundle Description : 4x Exterior Front,Rear,left,Driver Passenger Right Door Handles
    Non-Domestic Product : No
    Return Policy : 30 Days Free Return
    OE Spec or Performance/Custom : OE Spec
    Door lock/key hole provision : With KeyHole
    Manufacturer Warranty : 3 Years
    Attachment Type : Bolt-On
    Universal Fitment : No
    Interchange Part Number : 77609
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