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Fashion Gold Filled Leopard Print Crystals Big Round Hoop Earrings 1UK148AA6



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April 24th, 2024 01:43 pm

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  • These unique gold filled large leopard print hoop earrings sparkle with stunning crystal. These hoops are an amazing statement piece, and make a great gift for the animal print lover! Earring Material Gold Plated Color Gold Weight 3 grams Diameter 5 CM / 6CM Width 5.5 cm Width 6mm Type Hoop Diamter 2/2.5 inches Condition New with tags UPC Does not apply EAN Does not apply MPN Does not apply Brand Unbranded
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    Fashion Gold Filled Leopard Print Crystals Big Round Hoop Earrings 1UK148AA6
    These unique gold filled large leopard print hoop earrings sparkle with stunning crystal. These hoops are an amazing statement piece, and make a great gift for the animal print lover!

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    Item Specifics
    Earring Material Gold Plated
    Color Gold
    Weight 3 grams
    Diameter 5 CM / 6CM
    Width 5.5 cm
    Width 6mm
    Type Hoop
    Diamter 2/2.5 inches
    Condition New with tags
    UPC Does not apply
    EAN Does not apply
    MPN Does not apply
    Brand Unbranded


    Shipping Policy

    We have a strong shipping term where we always provide fast and safe shipment to worldwide. 
    We ship Monday through Friday excluding holidays. The shipping cut-off time is 1pm PDT. Orders placed after1pm PDT will be processed the next business day. Please allow 1-2 business days for your order to process before it is shipped. Deliveries occur Monday – Friday. 
    We need a little more time to create your amazing, personalized piece. Please allow an additional 3 – 5 business days processing time for orders with engraving item. For custom timepiece orders, please allow 3-5 business days for processing. Once your personalized piece has been created, your order will ship with the shipping method selected at checkout.

    USA Buyer

    Standard Shipping: 3-7 working days
    Priority Mail: 3 working days
    Express Service: 1 working day

    Canada Buyer

    Standard Shipping: 7-20 working days
    Express Service: 1 working day

    UK Buyer

    Standard Shipping: 2-3 working days
    Next Day Service: 1 working day


    AU Buyer

    Standard Shipping: 10-25 days 
    Express Service: 1-4 working days

    EU Buyer

    Standard Shipping: 7-20 working days
    Express Service: 1-2 working days

    Asia Buyer

    Standard Shipping: 5-14 working days
    Express Service: 1-2 working days

    Other Buyer: Please contact us to ask the shipping time


    Thank you for your order. We will post to your paypal address. Please make sure the address is correct. 
    Thank you.



    We want you to be absolutely satisfied with our jewelry. If for any reasons you aren’t satisfied with product(s) purchased, you can return any non-engraved item in its original condition for a refund or exchange within 30 DAYS from the delivery date. Please understand that shipping and handling fee is not refundable. Buyer is responsible for shipping cost incurred shipping products back.

    [ Contact Us: This is the contents of your Contact Us. You can add a banner for this Contact Us as header and add text descriptions here. The text descriptions can be different Font Size, Font Color, Style and even graphics and icons are also accepted. ]

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    These unique gold filled large leopard print hoop earrings sparkle with stunning crystal. These hoops are an amazing statement piece, and make a great gift for the animal print lover!

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    Item Specifics
    Earring Material Gold Plated
    Color Gold
    Weight 3 grams
    Diameter 5 CM / 6CM
    Width 5.5 cm
    Width 6mm
    Type Hoop
    Diamter 2/2.5 inches
    Condition New with tags
    UPC Does not apply
    EAN Does not apply
    MPN Does not apply
    Brand Unbranded
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    Shipping Policy

    We have a strong shipping term where we always provide fast and safe shipment to worldwide. 
    We ship Monday through Friday excluding holidays. The shipping cut-off time is 1pm PDT. Orders placed after1pm PDT will be processed the next business day. Please allow 1-2 business days for your order to process before it is shipped. Deliveries occur Monday – Friday. 
    We need a little more time to create your amazing, personalized piece. Please allow an additional 3 – 5 business days processing time for orders with engraving item. For custom timepiece orders, please allow 3-5 business days for processing. Once your personalized piece has been created, your order will ship with the shipping method selected at checkout.

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    Priority Mail: 3 working days
    Express Service: 1 working day

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    Express Service: 1-2 working days

    Other Buyer: Please contact us to ask the shipping time

    Thank you for your order. We will post to your paypal address. Please make sure the address is correct. 
    Thank you.


    We want you to be absolutely satisfied with our jewelry. If for any reasons you aren’t satisfied with product(s) purchased, you can return any non-engraved item in its original condition for a refund or exchange within 30 DAYS from the delivery date. Please understand that shipping and handling fee is not refundable. Buyer is responsible for shipping cost incurred shipping products back.

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