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EMS Abs Stimulator Muscle Abdominal Toner Trainer Belt Fitness Workout Equipment


SKU: B4695A88

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Last Updated on

May 10th, 2024 12:15 am

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  • ABS Stimulator Abdominal Muscle Exerciser Trainer LCD Display EMS Toning Fitness Slimming Belt Electric Massages
  • Feature: 1.Muscle Trainer: It stimulates the muscle nerves, transmits pulse signals to the muscles, promotes the muscles to complete the contraction movement, so your body will consume energy and burn extra fat so as to get slimmer and stronger. The eight-point pad is suitable for your abs and waist, and the two-point pad is used for arm, leg and thigh muscles training. Good for betterment of muscular paralysis.
  • housechangenew

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    EMS Abs Stimulator Muscle Abdominal Toner Trainer Belt Fitness Workout Equipment

    ABS Stimulator Abdominal Muscle Exerciser Trainer LCD Display EMS Toning Fitness Slimming Belt Electric Massages


    1.Muscle Trainer: It stimulates the muscle nerves, transmits pulse signals to the muscles, promotes the muscles to complete the contraction movement, so your body will consume energy and burn extra fat so as to get slimmer and stronger. The eight-point pad is suitable for your abs and waist, and the two-point pad is used for arm, leg and thigh muscles training. Good for betterment of muscular paralysis.

    2.6 Modes and 19 Intensity Levels: From warm-up to high-intensity workout, and finally to relaxation, the fitness device helps you get the physique you desire in a simple exercise program. Designed with 6 modes that switch freely.

    3.Convenient and Safe to Use: It’s light and portable, which can be worn unobtrusively under your clothes. You can exercise your muscles while reading, doing household chores, in the gym, or during business or leisure trips. The back of the patch is made of soft silica gel and justly fits your skin. It is also harmless and odourless. Just attach it to your body one time per day, and easily achieve your exercise target.

    4.High-Efficient Exercise: It runs about 20 minutes one time, and 20 minutes of use is equal to 60 minutes’ swimming, 60 minutes’ sit-ups, 2000-meter running and a fortnight’s dieting.

    5.LCD Display & USB Rechargeable: The controller comes with a LCD display that shows the current intensity level and work mode. The controller has a built-in 200mAh rechargeable Li-ion battery, which can be powered by computers, power banks and adapters.


    Type: Muscle Trainer
    Power Supply: USB rechargeable
    Color: As the picture show
    Skin Type: All skin types
    Gender: Unisex
    Applicable Scene: fitness, health massage, running, etc.


    Package Included:
    1 * Abdominal Sticker
    2 * Arm Sticker
    3 * Controller
    1 * User Manual

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    Item Specifics
    Usage Commercial Use
    Material Silicone,PET,ABS
    Sport/Activity Gym & Training
    Type Intelligent Body Building Patch
    Features Adjustable
    MPN Does Not Apply
    Using Mode 6 Modes
    Brand Unbranded
    Muscle Group Abdominal
    Color Blue
    Indoor/Outdoor Both
    Vintage Yes
    Color Blue
    Indoor/Outdoor Both
    Vintage Yes

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    ABS Stimulator Abdominal Muscle Exerciser Trainer LCD Display EMS Toning Fitness Slimming Belt Electric Massages


    1.Muscle Trainer: It stimulates the muscle nerves, transmits pulse signals to the muscles, promotes the muscles to complete the contraction movement, so your body will consume energy and burn extra fat so as to get slimmer and stronger. The eight-point pad is suitable for your abs and waist, and the two-point pad is used for arm, leg and thigh muscles training. Good for betterment of muscular paralysis.

    2.6 Modes and 19 Intensity Levels: From warm-up to high-intensity workout, and finally to relaxation, the fitness device helps you get the physique you desire in a simple exercise program. Designed with 6 modes that switch freely.

    3.Convenient and Safe to Use: It’s light and portable, which can be worn unobtrusively under your clothes. You can exercise your muscles while reading, doing household chores, in the gym, or during business or leisure trips. The back of the patch is made of soft silica gel and justly fits your skin. It is also harmless and odourless. Just attach it to your body one time per day, and easily achieve your exercise target.

    4.High-Efficient Exercise: It runs about 20 minutes one time, and 20 minutes of use is equal to 60 minutes’ swimming, 60 minutes’ sit-ups, 2000-meter running and a fortnight’s dieting.

    5.LCD Display & USB Rechargeable: The controller comes with a LCD display that shows the current intensity level and work mode. The controller has a built-in 200mAh rechargeable Li-ion battery, which can be powered by computers, power banks and adapters.


    Type: Muscle Trainer
    Power Supply: USB rechargeable
    Color: As the picture show
    Skin Type: All skin types
    Gender: Unisex
    Applicable Scene: fitness, health massage, running, etc.


    Package Included:
    1 * Abdominal Sticker
    2 * Arm Sticker
    3 * Controller
    1 * User Manual

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    Item Specifics
    Usage Commercial Use
    Material Silicone,PET,ABS
    Sport/Activity Gym & Training
    Type Intelligent Body Building Patch
    Features Adjustable
    MPN Does Not Apply
    Using Mode 6 Modes
    Brand Unbranded
    Muscle Group Abdominal
    Color Blue
    Indoor/Outdoor Both
    Vintage Yes
    Color Blue
    Indoor/Outdoor Both
    Vintage Yes

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