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4ft Wooden Porch Swing Outdoor Patio Natural Wood Bench Hanging Garden Yard
- Fast Shipping Within 24 hours
- Best Price and Good Quality
- 30 Day Money Back Guarantee
Items Descriptions
- ✨ERGONOMIC DESIGN – Rollback design contours to your body. The extended backrest and seat perfectly support your back and thighs, brings more comfort than small size products.
- 👍QUALITY PRODUCT – Made from dried fir wood. Made by experienced and mature craftsmanship. For your comfort and safety, our slats are 1.5 inches extra-thick and have no sharp edges. All sides finished in cedar tone PU wood paint for complete protection. In our test, this product can hold 800 pounds. The coated screws will not rust.
- 😊SWING DIMENSIONS – 56.3W x 23.6D x 22.9H in. Seat dimensions: 42.4W x 19.7D x 19.1H in. The seat is wide enough for two adults to sit intimately. The armrests and cupholders add 13.9 total inches to the span of the swing at the widest point. The length of the chain is 80 inches.
- 😉EASY TO ASSEMBLE – Ships partially assembled. Follow the step by step instruction to assemble effortlessly in 20 minutes. Assembly video available. Our warehouse and customer service center are located in California, dedicated to providing customers with quality after-sales service.Â
- 😎PACKAGE INCLUDES – 4ft. porch swing with cupholders, two 5mm hanging chains, all tools for assembly, user manual. Two quality 7mm hanging hooks are included as a gift.
- 🎁SOLID PACKAGING – The box is in the form of a sky and ground cover that is easy to open, and there is enough padding inside to protect the components. The whole box of products has passed the standard drop test.
- ⚡FAST SHIPPING – Ships from two warehouses in California and New Jersey, so orders in the East and West can be delivered as fast as possible.
Shipping details
1.Please check your shipping address carefully before checkout, it can’t be changed if the order completed.
2.Items will be shipped within 1-3 business days when we received payment.
3.Delivery time depends on destination and other factors.
1. We accept payment from eBay and PayPal
2. Payment should be completed within 2 days after the auction ends
Return policy
Megacasainc accepts returns within 30 days of order receipt.
Return Process
*To protect your own benefit, please contact us using eBay Messaging before returning your order.
* Returns without prior authorization will not be refunded.
Return Requirements
*Returned merchandise must be in the same condition in which it was received.
* No return credit will be given if an item is in used condition, has been installed, or has missing or damaged retail packaging.
* Please adequately package return shipments. No credit will be given if the item is damaged in the return shipment.
Contact us
Dear buyers,
Welcome to our store!
Your satisfaction is our top goal, we appreciate your business.
1. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us by ebay Message, or email us through eBay, we will try our best to help you to resolve it.
2. If you are satisfied with our service, please rate the details of the transaction (Detailed Seller Ratings) on eBay and We will do the same for you.
3.Positive Feedback is very important to us. We hope that you contact us immediately BEFORE you give us neutral or negative feedback so that we can satisfactorily address your concerns.
4. We promise to offer the lowest price and high-quality produce.
Thanks for your patronizing.
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48 states.
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