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3600Pcs Siding Nails 2” x 0.092” 15 Degree Collated Wire Coil Full Round Head US


SKU: 0644A5A7

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  • Description:
  •  TYPE: Full Round Head Hot Dipped Galvanized Ring Shank Wire Coil Siding Nails APPLICATION: Provides excellent holding power for siding, sheathing, decking and fencing COUNT: 3,600Pcs LENGTH: 2 In. × 0.092 TREATMENT: Hot Dipped Galvanized COMPATIBILITY: Compatible with the Metabo HPT NV65AH2 
  • UPC Does not apply Brand ALL-CARB Head Style Flat Finish Galvanized MPN TR46338 System of Measurement Metric Material Steel Item Length 2 in
  • Good Online Partner

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    3600Pcs Siding Nails 2” x 0.092” 15 Degree Collated Wire Coil Full Round Head US


    TYPE: Full Round Head Hot Dipped Galvanized Ring Shank Wire Coil Siding Nails
    APPLICATION: Provides excellent holding power for siding, sheathing, decking and fencing
    COUNT: 3,600Pcs
    LENGTH: 2 In. × 0.092
    TREATMENT: Hot Dipped Galvanized
    COMPATIBILITY: Compatible with the Metabo HPT NV65AH2 

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    Item Specifics
    Brand ALL-CARB
    Head Style Flat
    Finish Galvanized
    MPN TR46338
    System of Measurement Metric
    Material Steel
    Item Length 2 in


    We accept Paypal only.


    Please contact us if you have special requirements (combination of packaging etc.).

    Change-of-mind return can only be accepted within 8 days after purchase. All other returns can be accepted in 30days.
     We will closely examine the condition of the returned items and will not issue any refund/exchange before we make sure the items are in their original neat conditions.
    Contact Us

    We do our best to resolve any issue. Leaving negative feedbacks and low ratings doesn’t get things solved. So please talk with us and we will not let you down.

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    TYPE: Full Round Head Hot Dipped Galvanized Ring Shank Wire Coil Siding Nails
    APPLICATION: Provides excellent holding power for siding, sheathing, decking and fencing
    COUNT: 3,600Pcs
    LENGTH: 2 In. × 0.092
    TREATMENT: Hot Dipped Galvanized
    COMPATIBILITY: Compatible with the Metabo HPT NV65AH2 

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