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2 Wire Braid Non-Marking 6000psi Hot Water Pressure Washer Hose 3/8″ x 100ft


SKU: 6A67201A

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Last Updated on

February 28th, 2024 08:26 am

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  • 100′ x 3/8″ Non-Marking 6000psi High Pressure Washer Hose – Super Abrasive Resistant Cover For Use With Your Hot or Cold Water High Pressure Washer!
    • Extremely Flexible Grey Non-Marking Cover
    • 3/8″ Male Thread Solid End X 3/8″ Male Thread Swivel End
    • 6” Hose Guards w/ bend restrictors
    • Tough Cover for extra protection & durability 


  • MPN AE17543NG074P Manufacturer Warranty 1 Year Brand Auto_Engineparts UPC Does not apply Item Length 100ft Maximum Pressure 6000 psi Type Hot Water Pressure Washer Hose Diameter 3/8in Condition New Number of piece 1 Color Gray
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    2 Wire Braid Non-Marking 6000psi Hot Water Pressure Washer Hose 3/8″ x 100ft

    100′ x 3/8″ Non-Marking 6000psi High Pressure Washer Hose – Super Abrasive Resistant Cover For Use With Your Hot or Cold Water High Pressure Washer!



    • Extremely Flexible Grey Non-Marking Cover
    • 3/8″ Male Thread Solid End X 3/8″ Male Thread Swivel End
    • 6” Hose Guards w/ bend restrictors
    • Tough Cover for extra protection & durability 


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    Item Specifics
    MPN : AE17543NG074P
    Manufacturer Warranty : 1 Year
    Brand : Auto_Engineparts
    Item Length : 100ft
    Maximum Pressure : 6000 psi
    Type : Hot Water Pressure Washer
    Hose Diameter : 3/8in
    Condition : New
    Number of piece : 1
    Color : Gray


    WARNING: Cancer and Reproductive Harm – www.P65Warnings.ca.gov.


    • Instant Paypal payment is the preferred method of payment.
    • We will only ship to the confirmed Paypal shipping address given with the payment.
    • We do not offer local pickups.

    1. Orders processed within 24 hours of payment verification.(if you want cancel orders or change address pls contact us within 6 hours after payment,or we are not responsible for shipping a replacement.)

    2. We only ship to confirmed PAYPAL addresses. Your PAYPAL address must match your Shipping address.

    3. The images shown are not the actual item and are for your reference only.

    4. Fast shipping:All our packages use USPS Package Service

    5. If you have not received your shipment within 15 days from payment , please contact us. We will track the shipment and get back to you as soon as possible with a reply. Our goal is customer satisfaction!


    1. You have 7 days to contact us and 10 days to return it from the date it was received. If this item is in your possession more than 7 days, it is considered used and we will not issue you a refund or replacement. There are NO EXCEPTIONS!

    2. All returned items must be in the original packaging and you must provide us with the shipping tracking number, specific reason for the return, and item custom lable.

    3. We will refund your full winning bid amount, upon receipt of the item in its original condition and packaging with all components and accessories included, AFTER both Buyer and Seller cancel the transaction from eBay. OR, you may choose to have a replacement.

    4. Return shipping is to be paid by the Buyer.

    Contact Us
    • We are always been trying to provide best service and reliable products for every customer.
    • If you are satisfed with the product you recieved,please leave us positive feedback.
    • If you are not satisfied for any reason, please do not be quick to leave negative or neutral feedback.We will work hard to make sure every customer 100 percent satisfied, and reslove any problem for you.

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    2 Wire Braid Non-Marking 6000psi Hot Water Pressure Washer Hose 3/8″ x 100ft
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    100′ x 3/8″ Non-Marking 6000psi High Pressure Washer Hose – Super Abrasive Resistant Cover For Use With Your Hot or Cold Water High Pressure Washer!



    • Extremely Flexible Grey Non-Marking Cover
    • 3/8″ Male Thread Solid End X 3/8″ Male Thread Swivel End
    • 6” Hose Guards w/ bend restrictors
    • Tough Cover for extra protection & durability 


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    Item Specifics
    MPN : AE17543NG074P
    Manufacturer Warranty : 1 Year
    Brand : Auto_Engineparts
    Item Length : 100ft
    Maximum Pressure : 6000 psi
    Type : Hot Water Pressure Washer
    Hose Diameter : 3/8in
    Condition : New
    Number of piece : 1
    Color : Gray

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    WARNING: Cancer and Reproductive Harm – www.P65Warnings.ca.gov.


    • Instant Paypal payment is the preferred method of payment.
    • We will only ship to the confirmed Paypal shipping address given with the payment.
    • We do not offer local pickups.

    1. Orders processed within 24 hours of payment verification.(if you want cancel orders or change address pls contact us within 6 hours after payment,or we are not responsible for shipping a replacement.)

    2. We only ship to confirmed PAYPAL addresses. Your PAYPAL address must match your Shipping address.

    3. The images shown are not the actual item and are for your reference only.

    4. Fast shipping:All our packages use USPS Package Service

    5. If you have not received your shipment within 15 days from payment , please contact us. We will track the shipment and get back to you as soon as possible with a reply. Our goal is customer satisfaction!

    1. You have 7 days to contact us and 10 days to return it from the date it was received. If this item is in your possession more than 7 days, it is considered used and we will not issue you a refund or replacement. There are NO EXCEPTIONS!

    2. All returned items must be in the original packaging and you must provide us with the shipping tracking number, specific reason for the return, and item custom lable.

    3. We will refund your full winning bid amount, upon receipt of the item in its original condition and packaging with all components and accessories included, AFTER both Buyer and Seller cancel the transaction from eBay. OR, you may choose to have a replacement.

    4. Return shipping is to be paid by the Buyer.

    • We are always been trying to provide best service and reliable products for every customer.
    • If you are satisfed with the product you recieved,please leave us positive feedback.
    • If you are not satisfied for any reason, please do not be quick to leave negative or neutral feedback.We will work hard to make sure every customer 100 percent satisfied, and reslove any problem for you.

    Copyright of Auto_EngineParts. All rights reserved.

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