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2 PCS Lamp Fly Control Electronic Mosquito Killer Bug Insect Zappers 1800V


SKU: 9F341092

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Last Updated on

April 24th, 2024 01:14 pm

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  • Say byebye to biting insects and flying pests. Saves you from mosquito problem.
  • Ideal for bedroom, living room, kitchen, courtyard, garden, backyard etc. Turn it on three hours before bedtime for best effect.
  • Features:
  • PHYSICAL MOSQUITO KILLER: This electronic mosquito killer features a high-effective 365nm UV light to lure mosquitoes, flies and gnat, then the flying insects are trapped and electrocuted by the electrically charged 1800V metal grids, making a comfortable and quiet environment for you.
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    2 PCS Lamp Fly Control Electronic Mosquito Killer Bug Zapper Insect Zappers 1800V

    Say byebye to biting insects and flying pests. Saves you from mosquito problem.

    Ideal for bedroom, living room, kitchen, courtyard, garden, backyard etc. Turn it on three hours before bedtime for best effect.



    PHYSICAL MOSQUITO KILLER: This electronic mosquito killer features a high-effective 365nm UV light to lure mosquitoes, flies and gnat, then the flying insects are trapped and electrocuted by the electrically charged 1800V metal grids, making a comfortable and quiet environment for you.

    SAFT FOR HUMAN AND PETS: No more pesticides or potentially harmful sprays. Non-irritating odor, non-toxic and harmless to humans. The shock grid is encased in a durable ABS plastic housing to prevent accidental shock injuries to pets and children.

    FREE YOUR HANDS: Hanging hoop makes it easy to hang on the tree, porch or everywhere you want. The flat bottom also makes it stable on the table and ground. You don’t need to wave, and you don’t have to endure the smell of mosquito coils.

    POWERFUL & EFFECTIVE: The coverage area of this high-powered electric bug zapper is up to 322 sq ft. Ideal for use at home, balcony, garden, hotel, camping, enclosed patio, courtyard, etc.

    EASY TO CLEAN: the mosquito killer lamp has a removeable tray for the dead insects in the bottom of the device. Just simply remove the tray and clean it up with a brush or flush with water.

    LURE POSITION: Specially designed mount on the bottom of the zapper for our lures, able to get better effect for using them together.



    Lamp type: 9W UV Tube

    High voltage: Electronic transformer

    Materials: ABS plastic housing

    Rated Voltage: AC110v, 50/-60Hz

    Output high voltage:1800V

    Size: 154*137*288mm

    Coverage area: 30 square meters

    Installation type: Hoop hanging or put on flat surface

    Removable collection tray: Yes

    UV light sepectrum: 365nm

    Power cable length: 1.5m

    Switch: Yes


    How it works?

    Mosquitoes, flies and other flying insects that generally invade people have the habit of phototaxis. This Zapper is taking advantage of this characteristic principle, using a UV light tube that can emit 365nm light spectrum to lure annoying insect pests to the grid where they will be immediately zapped.


    How to Use:

    Simply place it on a flat surface, or use the hoop to hang it on a tree or house wall bracket. Plug it in and wait. For better results, please put your fly zappers in areas where flying insects are frequent activity.


    Just a reminder: Try to resinstall the bulb if it does not light up after plugged in. Might be loose while delivering.


    Above Package

    ● 2 x Bug Zapper 
    ● 2 x Using Manual

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    Item Specifics
    UPC Doesn’t Apply
    Manufacturer Part Number SS MK-056
    Warranty Limted Lifetime
    Country/Region of Manufacture China
    Type Mosquito Insect Killer
    MPN SS MK-056
    Brand YONGTONG
    Model SS MK-056
    Output Hight Voltage 1200-1800V


    1. We only accept eBay payments.

    2. eBay Payments also accept Paypal, VISA, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, Apple pay, Google pay and so on.

    3. All payments must be made within 10 days after auction won.

    4. Sales Tax is applicable in CA of USA.


    1. eBay Payments Confirmed Addresses Only.

    2. No Delivery to Alaska and Hawaii or PR.

    3. No P.O. Box and APO/FPO Delivery.

    4. Tracking Number will be provided.

    5. Domistic shipping is within the 48 Contiguous States of United States, the delivery time is between 2 and 8 days. Items will be shipped by UPS, USPS or Fedex within 3 business day after receiving full payment.

    6. Local shipping is for those countries with our warehouses, normally the delivery time is between 3-9 dyas.

    7. International shipping is from China, the delivery time is between 12 and 40 days.


    1. Our 30-Days Money Back Guarantee assures our customers that they will receive all orders promptly and exactly as described. In addition, it allows customers to return new and unused products in their original factory condition for any reason within 30 days from the date of purchase.

    2. Customer ordering error, changed mind, etc.: A 20% Restocking fee will apply.

    3. Exchanges: A 20% Restocking fee will apply. Exchanges will be made after our return center receives and inspects the merchandise.

    4. Credit or Refund: A credit or refund will be issued after our return center receives and inspects the merchandise. After inspection we will credit the card that was charged, less any applicable shipping charges, restocking fees or taxes..

    Contact Us

    Feel Free to Contact Us through the eBay Message


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    2 PCS Lamp Fly Control Electronic Mosquito Killer Bug Zapper Insect Zappers 1800V

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    Say byebye to biting insects and flying pests. Saves you from mosquito problem.

    Ideal for bedroom, living room, kitchen, courtyard, garden, backyard etc. Turn it on three hours before bedtime for best effect.



    PHYSICAL MOSQUITO KILLER: This electronic mosquito killer features a high-effective 365nm UV light to lure mosquitoes, flies and gnat, then the flying insects are trapped and electrocuted by the electrically charged 1800V metal grids, making a comfortable and quiet environment for you.

    SAFT FOR HUMAN AND PETS: No more pesticides or potentially harmful sprays. Non-irritating odor, non-toxic and harmless to humans. The shock grid is encased in a durable ABS plastic housing to prevent accidental shock injuries to pets and children.

    FREE YOUR HANDS: Hanging hoop makes it easy to hang on the tree, porch or everywhere you want. The flat bottom also makes it stable on the table and ground. You don’t need to wave, and you don’t have to endure the smell of mosquito coils.

    POWERFUL & EFFECTIVE: The coverage area of this high-powered electric bug zapper is up to 322 sq ft. Ideal for use at home, balcony, garden, hotel, camping, enclosed patio, courtyard, etc.

    EASY TO CLEAN: the mosquito killer lamp has a removeable tray for the dead insects in the bottom of the device. Just simply remove the tray and clean it up with a brush or flush with water.

    LURE POSITION: Specially designed mount on the bottom of the zapper for our lures, able to get better effect for using them together.



    Lamp type: 9W UV Tube

    High voltage: Electronic transformer

    Materials: ABS plastic housing

    Rated Voltage: AC110v, 50/-60Hz

    Output high voltage:1800V

    Size: 154*137*288mm

    Coverage area: 30 square meters

    Installation type: Hoop hanging or put on flat surface

    Removable collection tray: Yes

    UV light sepectrum: 365nm

    Power cable length: 1.5m

    Switch: Yes


    How it works?

    Mosquitoes, flies and other flying insects that generally invade people have the habit of phototaxis. This Zapper is taking advantage of this characteristic principle, using a UV light tube that can emit 365nm light spectrum to lure annoying insect pests to the grid where they will be immediately zapped.


    How to Use:

    Simply place it on a flat surface, or use the hoop to hang it on a tree or house wall bracket. Plug it in and wait. For better results, please put your fly zappers in areas where flying insects are frequent activity.


    Just a reminder: Try to resinstall the bulb if it does not light up after plugged in. Might be loose while delivering.


    Above Package

    ● 2 x Bug Zapper 
    ● 2 x Using Manual

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    Item Specifics
    UPC : Doesn’t Apply
    Manufacturer Part Number : SS MK-056
    Warranty : Limted Lifetime
    Country/Region of Manufacture : China
    Type : Mosquito Insect Killer
    MPN : SS MK-056
    Brand : YONGTONG
    Model : SS MK-056
    Output Hight Voltage : 1200-1800V

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    1. We only accept eBay payments.

    2. eBay Payments also accept Paypal, VISA, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, Apple pay, Google pay and so on.

    3. All payments must be made within 10 days after auction won.

    4. Sales Tax is applicable in CA of USA.

    1. eBay Payments Confirmed Addresses Only.

    2. No Delivery to Alaska and Hawaii or PR.

    3. No P.O. Box and APO/FPO Delivery.

    4. Tracking Number will be provided.

    5. Domistic shipping is within the 48 Contiguous States of United States, the delivery time is between 2 and 8 days. Items will be shipped by UPS, USPS or Fedex within 3 business day after receiving full payment.

    6. Local shipping is for those countries with our warehouses, normally the delivery time is between 3-9 dyas.

    7. International shipping is from China, the delivery time is between 12 and 40 days.

    1. Our 30-Days Money Back Guarantee assures our customers that they will receive all orders promptly and exactly as described. In addition, it allows customers to return new and unused products in their original factory condition for any reason within 30 days from the date of purchase.

    2. Customer ordering error, changed mind, etc.: A 20% Restocking fee will apply.

    3. Exchanges: A 20% Restocking fee will apply. Exchanges will be made after our return center receives and inspects the merchandise.

    4. Credit or Refund: A credit or refund will be issued after our return center receives and inspects the merchandise. After inspection we will credit the card that was charged, less any applicable shipping charges, restocking fees or taxes..

    Feel Free to Contact Us through the eBay Message

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