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Peace Nest 2 Pack 6″ Thick Tufted Wicker Seat Cushion Sets Outdoor Waterproof


SKU: D44E531D

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HighlightsSet of two (2) outdoor/indoor tufted rounded edge reversible seat cushionsProduct Dimensions: 20 x 19.7 x 6 inSewn Seam ClosureUltra-durable water- & fade-resistant outdoor polyester fabric protects fill material and is ideal for use on the patio or poolside; also suitable for indoor usePolyester fiber fill is plush, comfortable, and long-lastingSpot clean or hand wash with mild detergent and cool water; air dry. For best results and to extend the life of your cushions, store covered when not in useSpecificationsNumber of Pieces: 2Seat Cushion Dimensions: 20 Inches (W) x 19.7 Inches (D) x 6 Inches (Thick)Closure Type: Sewn SeamFill Material: 100% Polyester FiberUsed For: ChairsFeatures: Tufted CushionsTextile Material: 100% PolyesterIncludes: 1…

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Peace Nest Outdoor 2 Pack 6″ Thick Tufted Wicker Seat Cushion Sets Waterproof 20×19.7×6″


Set of two (2) outdoor/indoor tufted rounded edge reversible seat cushions

Product Dimensions: 20 x 19.7 x 6 in

Sewn Seam Closure

Ultra-durable water- & fade-resistant outdoor polyester fabric protects fill material and is ideal for use on the patio or poolside; also suitable for indoor use

Polyester fiber fill is plush, comfortable, and long-lasting

Spot clean or hand wash with mild detergent and cool water; air dry. For best results and to extend the life of your cushions, store covered when not in use


Number of Pieces: 2

Seat Cushion Dimensions: 20 Inches (W) x 19.7 Inches (D) x 6 Inches (Thick)

Closure Type: Sewn Seam

Fill Material: 100% Polyester Fiber

Used For: Chairs

Features: Tufted Cushions

Textile Material: 100% Polyester

Includes: 1 Chair Seat Cushion

Protective Qualities: Weather-Resistant, Fade-Resistant

Care & Cleaning: Spot or Wipe Clean

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Item Specifics
Type Seat Pad
Brand Peace Nest
Suitable For Chaise Lounge
Item Width 20 in
Material Polyester
Item Length 19.7 in
Item Height 6 in
Number of Items in Set 2
Shape Rectangle
Fill Material Polyester/Polyfill
Care Instructions Clean with Dampen Cloth


For your convenience, we accept payments either via PayPal, or any U.S. issued, major credit or debit card.


We know how anxious you are to receive your order! Therefore, we ship all orders within 1 -2 business day of receiving cleared payment.


While we are confident that you will have no regrets for buying, we do understand that there may be exceptions! Therefore, we accept returns within 30 days of receiving your order. Due to hygiene reasons, all items must be in its original condition. To initiate a return, please contact us directly via eBay messages.

Contact Us

Customer satisfaction is our #1 priority. Whether you’re satisfied or not, we encourage you to reach out to us and let us know. We take each and every comment seriously and work upon to improve your online shopping experience.

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Peace Nest Outdoor 2 Pack 6″ Thick Tufted Wicker Seat Cushion Sets Waterproof 20×19.7×6″
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Set of two (2) outdoor/indoor tufted rounded edge reversible seat cushions

Product Dimensions: 20 x 19.7 x 6 in

Sewn Seam Closure

Ultra-durable water- & fade-resistant outdoor polyester fabric protects fill material and is ideal for use on the patio or poolside; also suitable for indoor use

Polyester fiber fill is plush, comfortable, and long-lasting

Spot clean or hand wash with mild detergent and cool water; air dry. For best results and to extend the life of your cushions, store covered when not in use


Number of Pieces: 2

Seat Cushion Dimensions: 20 Inches (W) x 19.7 Inches (D) x 6 Inches (Thick)

Closure Type: Sewn Seam

Fill Material: 100% Polyester Fiber

Used For: Chairs

Features: Tufted Cushions

Textile Material: 100% Polyester

Includes: 1 Chair Seat Cushion

Protective Qualities: Weather-Resistant, Fade-Resistant

Care & Cleaning: Spot or Wipe Clean

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For your convenience, we accept payments either via PayPal, or any U.S. issued, major credit or debit card.

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While we are confident that you will have no regrets for buying, we do understand that there may be exceptions! Therefore, we accept returns within 30 days of receiving your order. Due to hygiene reasons, all items must be in its original condition. To initiate a return, please contact us directly via eBay messages.

Customer satisfaction is our #1 priority. Whether you’re satisfied or not, we encourage you to reach out to us and let us know. We take each and every comment seriously and work upon to improve your online shopping experience.

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 Bed Pillows
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Set of 4 Waterproof Outdoor Seating Cushions Chair Pads,Patio Furniture Cushions

USD 52.53

Chaise Lounge Outdoor Chair Polyester Cushion Patio Garden Dinning Seat Pad

USD 45.28

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Chaise Lounge Outdoor Chair Polyester Cushion Patio Garden Dinning Seat Pad

USD 45.28

Set of 4 Waterproof Outdoor Seating Cushions Chair Pads,Patio Furniture Cushions

USD 52.53

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