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3-7 Business day
Estimated Delivery
Product Description
Pls click here
- 【Keep Breathability】The inherent weave pattern of wicker furniture enables air to flow through the material, thereby preventing it from retaining heat. This breathability enhances the comfort level, particularly in hot weather conditions.
- 【Selected Material, All-weather Coating】This 3-piece outdoor wicker furniture set is constructed from weather-resistant PE rattan, which offers resistance to fading and cracking, preserving its vibrant color in a range of weather conditions, including rain, sunlight, and moisture.
- 【Stable Construction】This table and chair set is constructed to be durable, utilizing PE rattan and a strengthened metal frame. The table features a water-resistant tempered glass top and steel support. Each chair has a maximum load-bearing capacity of 286lb, while the table can support 22lb.
- 【Padded Cushion with Ultra Comfort】Padded with a high-resilience foam, these cushions with good elasticity are very soft to provide a cozy seating experience for relaxation. The water-resistant cover of the cushions with zippers can be easily removed, facilitating cleaning and maintenance.
- 【Adjustable Footpads】This patio table and chairs set is designed with height-adjustable footpads to better adapt to outdoor conditions, just screwing in or out to fit all uneven ground as needed.
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3-Piece Wicker Furniture Set, Outdoor Wicker Patio Conversation Furniture Set, 2-Piece Woven Rattan Chairs with Cushions and Side Table for Bistro Porch Garden
Let this three-piece wicker furniture suit illuminate your veranda, terrace, or living area! The rattan chairs and table are constructed with a high-quality steel frame and waterproof PE rattan, ensuring durability against rain, sun, and wind while maintaining their condition even with prolonged use. The chairs are equipped with soft foam-padded seat cushions that resist deformation. Suitable for both indoor and outdoor use, all necessary hardware and instructions are provided for easy assembly. Bring home this practical chair and table set today!
Product Details
3-piece outdoor wicker furniture set is constructed from weather-resistant PE
rattan, which offers resistance to fading and cracking, preserving its vibrant
color in a range of weather conditions, including rain, sunlight, and moisture.
Comfortable & Removeable Cushions
Pls click here
We accept Paypal payment only
Payment should be completed immediately upon purchase.
appreciate a positive feedback as much as you do. If for some reason
there is any issue with the purchase, please contact us prior to leaving
feedback, and we will be glad to work with you to have it resolved.
Shipping by USPS or UPS, Package handling takes 1 business day
at our warehouse, so please make sure enter correct payment and
shipping information before checking out. Once your payment is
completed, inform us by message if the changes are
needed before we ship the product.
If an address change
is needed, you will be responsible for any fees associated in the
condition that you contact us after we ship your item.
Orders placed on weekend will be shipped within 2 business days.
USPS: 2-9 business days. | UPS: 1-6 business days.
Terms of sales
All of our items come with a 30-day return policy. We ensure all
our items are new and in excellent condition prior to shipping. In the
event that you receive the item that is not to the standards above,
please contact us via e-Bay messages. All returns must be in new
original condition as received and should be shipped with same return packaging and delivery
Please note that all returns must be
pre-approved by Topeakmart. Unauthorized returns will not be
accepted. If you need to return, please check twice to confirm the item
not work and contact our customer service representative, let us know
the detailed problem and send us some pictures for confirmation.
NON-seller mistake returns for refund are subject to 20% re-stocking
fee and buyer should pay for the round-trip shipping fee. (E.g. you
bought wrong model or wrong color).
We ONLY accept the return for
original package. Please make sure that item has NO man-made sabotage.
Used items will not be accepted for return.
We reserve the right to refuse any returns for objective reasons.
No local pickup and NO local return to return address!
1. If you are satisfied with the product you received, please leave us
positive feedback and 5 star comment, which will be highly appreciated.
If there is any problem about your order, please contact seller prior
to leaving feedback, and we will be glad to work with you to have it
3.If you are dissatisfied for any reason, please do not
be quick to leave negative or neutral feedback. We’ll try our best to
resolve any problem for you to make EACH CUSTOMER 100% SATISFIED and
always leave positive feedback to all our customers.
Contact us
You can contact us directly by clicking on “Ask a Question” at bottom of this item page,
we will answer within 24 hours(except Holiday).