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VEVOR Potting Bench Table Garden Work Planting Bench Steel Table 46″x20″x32″


SKU: F74A7734

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Product Description

VEVOR Potting Bench Table Garden Work Planting Bench Steel Table 46″x20″x32″ – YouTube

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46 x 20 x 32 in Potting Bench
Galvanized Steel & Ample Space & Sturdy Structure
metal potting bench is designed as a multi-function table for indoor
and outdoor use. Durable material and stable construction ensure
long-time use. And the proper dimension provides you with enough space
to meet your daily needs, creating a well-organized space for your
garden, balcony, deck, greenhouse, etc.

  • Premium Steel Material
  • Hold More Items
  • User-friendly Design
  • Easy to Install & Maintain

Tough Equipment & Tools, Pay Less

VEVOR is a leading brand that specializes in equipment and tools. Along with thousands of motivated employees, VEVOR is dedicated to providing our customers with tough equipment & tools at incredibly low prices. Today, VEVOR’s products are sold in more than 200 countries and regions with 10 million plus members worldwide.

Why Choose VEVOR?

  • Premium Tough Quality
  • Incredibly Low Prices
  • Fast & Secure Delivery
  • 30-Day Free Returns
  • 24/7 Attentive Service

Key Features

  • High-quality Steel

    potting bench adopts premium galvanized steel, ensuring long-term use. Perfect for both outdoor and indoor use.

  • Appropriate Dimension

    outdoor workbench features a double-layer design, providing you with
    enough space to store your tools or work on the desktop.

  • Stable Structure

    construction of our greenhouse table is sturdy and strong enough to
    hold up to 44.1 lbs on each layer without shaking, meeting your daily
    storage needs.

  • Humanized Design

    For your convenience, our planting bench comes with a height-adjustable shelf, and four wear-proof rubber feet.

  • Effortlessly Assemble and Maintain

    legs and desktop of our potting table are connected with screws so that
    you can finish the assembly easily and quickly. Daily maintenance
    is also effortless with a damp cloth.

  • Various Uses

    galvanized potting bench is not only for potting plants. It also can be
    a multi-use table and workstation for your balcony, deck, greenhouse,
    backyard, garage, etc.


  • Model: SS-YJH-00012
  • Material: Galvanized Steel
  • Upper Shelf Load Capacity: 44.1 lbs/20 kg
  • Lower Shelf Load Capacity: 44.1 lbs/20 kg
  • Product Dimension: 46 x 20 x 32 in/116 x 50 x 81 cm
  • Product Weight: 17.9 lbs/8.1 kg

Package Content

  • 1 x Potting Bench
  • 1 x Installation Instruction

Features & Details

  • Premium
    Steel Material: The potting bench is made of galvanized steel, which is
    rust-proof and waterproof. It will not get musty like wood tables
    and is built strong for the outdoors. The potting bench can create a neat and function area for you.
  • Hold
    More Items: Size: 46 x 20 x 32 in. Upper layer weight capacity: 44.1
    lbs. Lower layer weight capacity: 44.1 lbs. Our outdoor workbench
    provides you with ample work and storage space, holding your potted
    plants, gloves, watering can, and other garden tools.
  • User-friendly
    Design: Superb details are designed for convenient use. The greenhouse table features an adjustable shelf for holding various items, and the base of the legs are rubber and wear proof.
  • Easy
    to Install & Maintain: Only a few minutes are required to assemble
    our planting bench. The fittings and instructions are all included in
    the package for easy setup. The metal frame connected with screws is
    stable enough and easy to maintain. Just clean it with a damp cloth.
  • Multiple-use
    Table: The potting table can keep your outdoor and indoor area neat and
    organized. You can use it as a table or workstation for your garden,
    backyard, patio, porch, deck, greenhouse, garage, etc.

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Welcome to our eBay store. As a leading and emerging company in manufacturer and exporting business, we are specialized in Business and Industrial Products, Sporting Goods, Pet Products, Home and Garden products for more than 10 years. We believe that it is our vision and mission to provide innovative products with best service and competitive price to satisfy you. Our goal is to make sure that you can find exactly what you are looking for and make it easy for you to place your orders.
  • We accept PayPal payment,PayPal Credit,Credit card or debit card and so on.
  • Payment should be completed within 4 (Four) days of auction closing. Or unpaid dispute will be filed for closing auction.
  • We will leave a positive feedback immediately after payment is received. We appreciate a positive feedback as much as you do. If for some reason there is any issue with the purchase, please contact us prior to leaving feedback, we will be glad to work together and provide a satisfying solution.
  • Please be aware that PO Box cannot receive items,please DO NOT fill in the PO Box address.


    California Warehouse: City of Industry, CA

    Texas Warehouse: Houston, TX

    New Jersey Warehouse: Perth Amboy, NJ

    New York State Warehouse: Perth Amboy, NJ

    Georgia Warehouse: Austell,GA

    North Carolina Warehouse: Grove NC

    Oregon Warehouse: AIRPORT WAY Portland,OR

    • All of our items are backed with a 30-day return policy. We ensure all our items are new and in excellent condition prior to shipping. In case you receive the item that is not to the standards above, please contact us via e-Bay messages. All returns must be in new original condition as received and should be shipped with delivery confirmation
    • Please note that all returns must be pre-approved by us. Unauthorized returns will not be accepted. If you need to return, please check twice to confirm the item not work and contact our customer service representative, let us know the detailed problem and send us some pictures for confirmation.
    • We ONLY accept returns with original package. Please make sure that item has NO man-made sabotage. Used items will not be accepted for return.
    • Email Customer Support:
    • 9:00am-2:00am PST Sunday-Friday
    • All emails will be responded to within 12-24 hours
    • This item comes with 12 months Warranty from the date of customers purchased it. Special circumstances will be listed clearly in the listing.
    • If your item has been damaged in transit or become faulty in warranty period, please email us with pictures or video to show the problem.
    • Please do check everything carefully after you received the parcel, any the damage except DOA (Dead-On-Arrival) would not be covered if it’s your fault.
    • Replacement products are provided with the same warranty as the returned products.



    VEVOR Potting Bench Table Garden Work Planting Bench Steel Table 46″x20″x32″ – YouTube

    Video will open in a new window
    Using the eBay App? Paste link into a browser window:


    Tough Equipment & Tools, Pay Less

    VEVOR is a leading brand that specializes in equipment and tools. Along with thousands of motivated employees, VEVOR is dedicated to providing our customers with tough equipment & tools at incredibly low prices. Today, VEVOR’s products are sold in more than 200 countries and regions with 10 million plus members worldwide.

    Why Choose VEVOR?

    • Premium Tough Quality
    • Incredibly Low Prices
    • Fast & Secure Delivery
    • 30-Day Free Returns
    • 24/7 Attentive Service

    46 x 20 x 32 in Potting Bench
    Galvanized Steel & Ample Space & Sturdy Structure
    metal potting bench is designed as a multi-function table for indoor
    and outdoor use. Durable material and stable construction ensure
    long-time use. And the proper dimension provides you with enough space
    to meet your daily needs, creating a well-organized space for your
    garden, balcony, deck, greenhouse, etc.

    • Premium Steel Material
    • Hold More Items
    • User-friendly Design
    • Easy to Install & Maintain
    Key Features

    • High-quality Steel

      Ourpotting bench adopts premium galvanized steel, ensuring long-term use. Perfect for both outdoor and indoor use.

    • Appropriate Dimension

      Thisoutdoor workbench features a double-layer design, providing you withenough space to store your tools or work on the desktop.

    • Stable Structure

      Theconstruction of our greenhouse table is sturdy and strong enough tohold up to 44.1 lbs on each layer without shaking, meeting your dailystorage needs.

    • Humanized Design

      For your convenience, our planting bench comes with a height-adjustable shelf, and four wear-proof rubber feet.

    • Effortlessly Assemble and Maintain

      Thelegs and desktop of our potting table are connected with screws so thatyou can finish the assembly easily and quickly. Daily maintenanceis also effortless with a damp cloth.

    • Various Uses

      Thisgalvanized potting bench is not only for potting plants. It also can bea multi-use table and workstation for your balcony, deck, greenhouse,backyard, garage, etc.

    Package Content

    • 1 x Potting Bench
    • 1 x Installation Instruction

    • Model: SS-YJH-00012
    • Material: Galvanized Steel
    • Upper Shelf Load Capacity: 44.1 lbs/20 kg
    • Lower Shelf Load Capacity: 44.1 lbs/20 kg
    • Product Dimension: 46 x 20 x 32 in/116 x 50 x 81 cm
    • Product Weight: 17.9 lbs/8.1 kg

    Features & Details

    • Premium
      Steel Material: The potting bench is made of galvanized steel, which is
      rust-proof and waterproof. It will not get musty like wood tables
      and is built strong for the outdoors. The potting bench can create a neat and function area for you.
    • Hold
      More Items: Size: 46 x 20 x 32 in. Upper layer weight capacity: 44.1
      lbs. Lower layer weight capacity: 44.1 lbs. Our outdoor workbench
      provides you with ample work and storage space, holding your potted
      plants, gloves, watering can, and other garden tools.
    • User-friendly
      Design: Superb details are designed for convenient use. The greenhouse table features an adjustable shelf for holding various items, and the base of the legs are rubber and wear proof.
    • Easy
      to Install & Maintain: Only a few minutes are required to assemble
      our planting bench. The fittings and instructions are all included in
      the package for easy setup. The metal frame connected with screws is
      stable enough and easy to maintain. Just clean it with a damp cloth.
    • Multiple-use
      Table: The potting table can keep your outdoor and indoor area neat and
      organized. You can use it as a table or workstation for your garden,
      backyard, patio, porch, deck, greenhouse, garage, etc.


    California Warehouse: City of Industry, CA

    Texas Warehouse: Houston, TX

    New Jersey Warehouse: Perth Amboy, NJ

    New York State Warehouse: Perth Amboy, NJ

    Georgia Warehouse: Austell,GA

    North Carolina Warehouse: Grove NC

    Oregon Warehouse: AIRPORT WAY Portland,OR



    Welcome to our eBay store. As a leading and emerging company in manufacturer and exporting business, we are specialized in Business and Industrial Products, Sporting Goods, Pet Products, Home and Garden products for more than 10 years. We believe that it is our vision and mission to provide innovative products with best service and competitive price to satisfy you. Our goal is to make sure that you can find exactly what you are looking for and make it easy for you to place your orders.



    • We accept PayPal payment,PayPal Credit,Credit card or debit card and so on.
    • Payment should be completed within 4 (Four) days of auction closing. Or unpaid dispute will be filed for closing auction.
    • We will leave a positive feedback immediately after payment is received. We appreciate a positive feedback as much as you do. If for some reason there is any issue with the purchase, please contact us prior to leaving feedback, we will be glad to work together and provide a satisfying solution.


    • All of our items are backed with a 30-day return policy. We ensure all our items are new and in excellent condition prior to shipping. In case you receive the item that is not to the standards above, please contact us via e-Bay messages. All returns must be in new original condition as received and should be shipped with delivery confirmation
    • Please note that all returns must be pre-approved by us. Unauthorized returns will not be accepted. If you need to return, please check twice to confirm the item not work and contact our customer service representative, let us know the detailed problem and send us some pictures for confirmation.
    • We ONLY accept returns with original package. Please make sure that item has NO man-made sabotage. Used items will not be accepted for return.


    • Email Customer Support:
    • 9:00am-2:00am PST Sunday-Friday
    • All emails will be responded to within 12-24 hours


    • This item comes with 12 months Warranty from the date of customers purchased it. Special circumstances will be listed clearly in the listing.
    • If your item has been damaged in transit or become faulty in warranty period, please email us with pictures or video to show the problem.
    • Please do check everything carefully after you received the parcel, any the damage except DOA (Dead-On-Arrival) would not be covered if it’s your fault.
    • Replacement products are provided with the same warranty as the returned products.

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