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WELLMAKING-Bland Bowens Mount Big Optical Fresnel Spot Studio Lighting Accessory


SKU: 92AF06C0

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WELLMAKING Big Fresnel Spot with Bowens Mount

Items Description


🔥Comes with a high-quality Fresnel lens (180 mm/7”)


🔥Compact, vented housing


🔥Fits Any flash light head or LED light head because of its built-in structure of replaceable Bowens/Profoto/ Broncolor/Elinchrom/Hensel speedring


🔥Projects a crisp, clean beam of light, for selective lighting or classic cinema and sunlight effects


🔥Built-in iris control to change the diameter of the beam, so you can easily adjust the Beam from wide to spot



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Shipping Terms

1.Items will be dispatched within 1-3 business days after your full payment is made.
2.Under normal situations, delivery time will take 8 to 12 working days after dispatch, depending on your location. 

Payment Terms

1.We accept PayPal,VISA and MasterCard.This ensure your complete protection and also allows us to track your order quicker and give you a better service.
2.All major credit cards are accepted through secure payment processor PayPal.
3.We ship to your eBay or Paypal address. Please make sure your eBay and Paypal address is correct before you pay.
4.If you have any special requests,please send us a message before making the payment.

Return Terms

1.You need to contact us by email if you wish to return items to us, or if there is a problem with your order. Please choose the topic I have a question about using my item or I want to send the seller a message in your eBay Purchase History to tell us your problem or request a return and we respond as quickly as possible.
2.You have the right to cancel your order. If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, simply return the item to us in its original condition within 30 days of receipt. Goods will only be accepted for return if they are received back to us within this time, unless we have notified you otherwise.
3. Returned items should be unused and must be returned in the original packaging. We will issue a full refund on receipt, excluding the original delivery charge. Or if preferred, we will exchange the item.
4. In order for us to process your refund swiftly, please provide your eBay ID, address, and order ID inside your package, along with a note explaining the reason for return and/or the nature of any fault(s).
5. The cost of returning the item to us is your responsibility – delivery charges are only refundable where goods are faulty or wrong received.


1. If you are dissatisfied for any reason, please don’t be quick to leave us neutral or negative feedback. Wellmaking work hard to make sure EVERY CUSTOMER 100% SATISFIED and resolve any problem for you and always leave positive feedback to all our customers.
2. If you are satisfied with the product you received, please kindly leave us a positive feedback and 5 star DSR. If there is any problem of your order,please feel free to contact us firstly, we are responsible and credible seller, will follow it for you asap.

Contact us

1.It is our aim to answer all queries within 1 working day. We are here to help and assist you and if  you have any questions or queries, please feel free to contact us through ebay system or our ebay registered email address.
2.Your emails will be responded to within 24 hours (Except Weekends).
3.Buyer should fullfill the completed payment within 7 days of bid or bid closed, otherwise unpaid dispute would be filed.

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