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Vintage Extra Loud Alarm Clock Twin Bell Battery Backlight Bedroom Silent Home


SKU: 2DF04272

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Product Description


Product Type: Alarm Clock

Material: Stainless Steel

Color: Black、White

Shape: Round Shape

Display: Needle, Digital

Battery: 1 x AA Battery(Not Include)

Occasion: Home


1、Strong and sturdy, convenience to use.

2、Mute and timing design, provide good sleep.

3、Suitable for home use.

4、Directions for Use

Package List:
 1 x Alarm Clock

Directions for Use:

It is recommended to use a battery with a small charge to avoid damage to the movement.

the battery cover, and correctly load the battery as per the positive
(+) and negative (-) direcions indicated in the battery box.

the hand setting wheel on the movement cover at the back of clock, and
as arrow direction turn the hour and minute hands to indicate the
present time.

the knob for adjusting the alarm at the rear of clock as per the arrow
direction indicated to aim the hand for setting the alarm at the clock
time of alarming. Then put the switch in ON position, and the alarm will
be on; put the switch in OFF position, and the alarm will be off.

Be sure to follow the arrow direcion to set alarm and time.

4.When found time deviation or alarm sound very small, please replace the new battery in time.

Note: Due to the difference between different monitors, the picture may not reflect the actual color of the item.

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1. USA Stock, we ship from USA.
2. All packages will be shipped within 1-2 business day.
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4. Please note that there are certain circumstances that we unfortunately can not have control i.e. weather condition, delay by post office, Sundays, National Holidays, etc.
5. We don’t arrange shipment on weekends. We appreciate your great understanding.
1. Free 30 day returns. We accept return and exchange.
2. Please read the detail of listing before you purchase it. If you have any problem with the listing, feel free to contact us firstly.
3. Returned item must be in brand-new, un-used, undamaged and re-sellable condition, including original packaging and complete accessories that came with the item (with all tags and labels attached). If the item is returned damaged, or has been opened or used, we may issue a partial refund in accordance to its condition and the issue. Returned item will be refused if it contains any scratches, dirt, or sign of usage.
4.All the items are double checked before shipment, If item is damaged, defective or missing components upon arrival, please provide us photos of the damaged package or defective item, we will respond you within 24 hours and resolve your issue asap.
1.Please contact us via eBay message.
2.Since you and us may located in the different time zones, please allow us to respond you within 24 hours on office time. we will respond you within 48 hours on holidays.
3.We are doing our best to offer you a better shopping impression on eBay. If you have any issue about the transaction, feel free to contact us before opening eBay case, PayPal case and leaving Neutral feedback or Negative feedback, we will resolve your issue properly.
About Us
1.We are honest eBay sellers.
2.We offer best price products to worldwide.
Office time: Monday to Saturday, CST: 9:30-18:30
1.We ONLY accept PayPal.
2.Payment must be received within 7 days after winning the item. To claim back the Final Value Fee from eBay, an UPI (Unpaid Item Case) will be filed automatically if buyers fail to make the payment in 7 days after item ends.
3.If you have any problem with the payment after bidding, please let us know within 24h via eBay message. Thank you!
1. USA Stock, we ship from USA.
2. All packages will be shipped within 1-2 business day.
3. We will provide a tracking number.
4. Please note that there are certain circumstances that we unfortunately can not have control i.e. weather condition, delay by post office, Sundays, National Holidays, etc.
5. We don’t arrange shipment on weekends. We appreciate your great understanding.
1. Free 30 day returns. We accept return and exchange.
2. Please read the detail of listing before you purchase it. If you have any problem with the listing, feel free to contact us firstly.
3. Returned item must be in brand-new, un-used, undamaged and re-sellable condition, including original packaging and complete accessories that came with the item (with all tags and labels attached). If the item is returned damaged, or has been opened or used, we may issue a partial refund in accordance to its condition and the issue. Returned item will be refused if it contains any scratches, dirt, or sign of usage.
4.All the items are double checked before shipment, If item is damaged, defective or missing components upon arrival, please provide us photos of the damaged package or defective item, we will respond you within 24 hours and resolve your issue asap.
Contact Us
1.Please contact us via eBay message.
2.Since you and us may located in the different time zones, please allow us to respond you within 24 hours on office time. we will respond you within 48 hours on holidays.
3.We are doing our best to offer you a better shopping impression on eBay. If you have any issue about the transaction, feel free to contact us before opening eBay case, PayPal case and leaving Neutral feedback or Negative feedback, we will resolve your issue properly.
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