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Vevor Foldable 24″/26″ 1/7-Speed Adult Trike Tricycle 3-Wheel Bike w/Basket



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Product Description

Product Description:


Here we will offer you twenty adult bicycles, including five 24” 1-speed bicycles, five 24” 7-speed bicycles, five 26” 1-speed bicycles, five 26” 7-speed bicycles. This bicycle is designed to be durable with a large load capacity. Great for daily use or work. The 3-wheel frame is safe and stable on any road conditions. Perfect for adults, especially elders.

Features & Details

  • 【DURABLE AND FOLDABLE】- 24” 26” wheels 1-speed 7-speed tricycle adult. With three wheels, stylish color, and a premium carbon steel frame, these 24-inch 26-inch bicycles are durable and anti-rust. And it can be folded for easy move and storage. Load capacity: 110 kg/220 lbs.
  • 【ADJUSTABLE RUBBER HANDLES】- Height-adjustable handlebar of this 3-wheel bikes for adults is made of premium rubber with a special texture, ensuring you a comfortable grip and riding. We also offer you a handy pump to inflate the bike.
  • 【FLEXIBLE REAR DERAILLEUR】- 3-wheel bikes for adults with a seven-speed drivetrain is for easy and quick speed change. Always ride in a breeze with our adult trikes. Our bike also has a front V brake to stop riding immediately.
  • 【24” 26” WHEELS & PADDED SEAT】- With big wheels and fenders, our adult folding tricycles are elegant and practical. A soft padded seat with a backrest ensures you comfortable riding experience.
  • 【WIDE APPLICATIONS】- This foldable adult tricycle with one large rear basket is convenient to carry things. Great for recreation, shopping, exercise and so on.
Key Features

  • Premium Material

    The frame of this 3-wheel bike is made of carbon steel. It is anti-rust, anti-corrosion, and can support riders and cargoes combined weight up to 110 kg (220 lbs). 24” 26” Wheels are stable and practical.

  • Ergonomic Rubber Handle

    tricycle for adults has ergonomic rubber adjustable handles according
    to people’s habits, safety assured. The bell on the left handlebar is for
    safety concerns. Height of the Handlebar: 110-125 cm/43.3×49 in.

  • One or Seven Speed Drivetrains

    With a seven-speed drivetrain, the seven-speed tricycle for adults allows you to change speed freely. We also have single speed tricycle, and you can choose a different speed according to your needs.

  • Adjustable Padded Seat

    An extra-large padded seat with springs is designed to cushion your ride and offer you fantastic riding. The seat with a backrest is for extra comfort and softness. Our adult, big wheel tricycle, is easy to adjust its height by turning the seat post clamp.

  • Excellent Front V-brake

    The front V brake and rear brake of this three-wheel bikes provide double
    protection for you. Dual brakes promise the rider a smooth and intuitive

  • Practical Large Basket

    No longer need to worry about riding with many items. These three-wheeled bikes for adults with one large rear basket can accommodate many vegetables, fruits, etc. Perfect for a picnic, shopping, recreation, and the like.

Foldable Adult Tricycle

This bicycle is designed to be durable with a large load capacity. Great for daily use or work. The 3-wheel frame is safe and stable on any road conditions. Perfect for adults, especially elders. 

  • Durable and Foldable
  • Adjustable Rubber Handle
  • Flexible Rear Derailleur
  • 24” 26” Wheels & Padded Seat 
  • Wide Applications 

Package Content



  • Features: 24/26in Wheels, 1/7 Speed
  • Load Capacity: 110 kg/220 lbs(rider and cargo combined)
  • Unfold Dimensions (L x W): 187×76 cm/73.6×30 inch
  • Height of the Handlebar: 110-125 cm/43.3×49 in
  • Height of the Saddle: 85-98 cm/33×38.5 in
  • Fold Dimensions (L x W x H): 115x76x105 cm/45x30x41 in
Package Content
  • 1 x Adult Tricycle
  • 1 x Bicycle Pump





























































24″ 1 Speed, 5 Colors 24″ 1 Speed, 5 Colors 24″ 7 Speed, 5 Colors 24″ 7 Speed, 5 Colors 26″ 1 Speed, 5 Colors 26″ 1 Speed, 5 Colors 26″ 7 Speed, 5 Colors 26″ 7 Speed, 5 Colors
option 1 option 1 Red Red Red Red Red Red Red Red
option 2 option 2 Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green
option 3 option 3 Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue
option 4 option 4 Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink
option 5 option 5 White White White White White White White White







Welcome to our eBay store. As a leading and emerging company in manufacturer and exporting business, we are specialized in Business and Industrial Products, Sporting Goods, Pet Products, Home and Garden products for more than 10 years. We believe that it is our vision and mission to provide innovative products with best service and competitive price to satisfy you. Our goal is to make sure that you can find exactly what you are looking for and make it easy for you to place your orders.
  • We accept PayPal payment,PayPal Credit,Credit card or debit card and so on.
  • Payment should be completed within 4 (Four) days of auction closing. Or unpaid dispute will be filed for closing auction.
  • We will leave a positive feedback immediately after payment is received. We appreciate a positive feedback as much as you do. If for some reason there is any issue with the purchase, please contact us prior to leaving feedback, we will be glad to work together and provide a satisfying solution.
  • Please be aware that PO Box cannot receive items,please DO NOT fill in the PO Box address.


    California Warehouse: City of Industry, CA

    Texas Warehouse: Houston, TX

    New Jersey Warehouse: Perth Amboy, NJ

    New York State Warehouse: Perth Amboy, NJ

    Georgia Warehouse: Austell,GA

    North Carolina Warehouse: Grove NC

    Oregon Warehouse: AIRPORT WAY Portland,OR

    • All of our items are backed with a 30-day return policy. We ensure all our items are new and in excellent condition prior to shipping. In case you receive the item that is not to the standards above, please contact us via e-Bay messages. All returns must be in new original condition as received and should be shipped with delivery confirmation
    • Please note that all returns must be pre-approved by us. Unauthorized returns will not be accepted. If you need to return, please check twice to confirm the item not work and contact our customer service representative, let us know the detailed problem and send us some pictures for confirmation.
    • We ONLY accept returns with original package. Please make sure that item has NO man-made sabotage. Used items will not be accepted for return.
    • Email Customer Support:
    • 9:00am-2:00am PST Sunday-Friday
    • All emails will be responded to within 12-24 hours
    • This item comes with 12 months Warranty from the date of customers purchased it. Special circumstances will be listed clearly in the listing.
    • If your item has been damaged in transit or become faulty in warranty period, please email us with pictures or video to show the problem.
    • Please do check everything carefully after you received the parcel, any the damage except DOA (Dead-On-Arrival) would not be covered if it’s your fault.
    • Replacement products are provided with the same warranty as the returned products.

    Foldable Adult Tricycle

    This bicycle is designed to be durable with a large load capacity. Great for daily use or work. The 3-wheel frame is safe and stable on any road conditions. Perfect for adults, especially elders. 

    • Durable and Foldable
    • Adjustable Rubber Handle
    • Flexible Rear Derailleur
    • 24” 26” Wheels & Padded Seat 
    • Wide Applications 
    Key Features

    • Premium Material

      The frame of this 3-wheel bike is made of carbon steel. It is anti-rust, anti-corrosion, and can support riders and cargoes combined weight up to 110 kg (220 lbs). 24” 26” Wheels are stable and practical.

    • Ergonomic Rubber Handle

      Thistricycle for adults has ergonomic rubber adjustable handles accordingto people’s habits, safety assured. The bell on the left handlebar is forsafety concerns. Height of the Handlebar: 110-125 cm/43.3×49 in.

    • One or Seven Speed Drivetrains

      With a seven-speed drivetrain, the seven-speed tricycle for adults allows you to change speed freely. We also have single speed tricycle, and you can choose a different speed according to your needs.

    • Adjustable Padded Seat

      An extra-large padded seat with springs is designed to cushion your ride and offer you fantastic riding. The seat with a backrest is for extra comfort and softness. Our adult, big wheel tricycle, is easy to adjust its height by turning the seat post clamp.

    • Excellent Front V-brake

      The front V brake and rear brake of this three-wheel bikes provide doubleprotection for you. Dual brakes promise the rider a smooth and intuitivestopping.

    • Practical Large Basket

      No longer need to worry about riding with many items. These three-wheeled bikes for adults with one large rear basket can accommodate many vegetables, fruits, etc. Perfect for a picnic, shopping, recreation, and the like.

    Package Content

    • 1 x Adult Tricycle
    • 1 x Bicycle Pump


    • Features: 24/26in Wheels, 1/7 Speed
    • Load Capacity: 110 kg/220 lbs(rider and cargo combined)
    • Unfold Dimensions (L x W): 187×76 cm/73.6×30 inch
    • Height of the Handlebar: 110-125 cm/43.3×49 in
    • Height of the Saddle: 85-98 cm/33×38.5 in
    • Fold Dimensions (L x W x H): 115x76x105 cm/45x30x41 in

    24″ 1 Speed, 5 Colors 24″ 7 Speed, 5 Colors 26″ 1 Speed, 5 Colors 26″ 7 Speed, 5 Colors
    option 1 Red Red Red Red
    option 2 Green Green Green Green
    option 3 Blue Blue Blue Blue
    option 4 Pink Pink Pink Pink
    option 5 White White White White

    Here we will offer you twenty adult bicycles, including five 24” 1-speed bicycles, five 24” 7-speed bicycles, five 26” 1-speed bicycles, five 26” 7-speed bicycles. This bicycle is designed to be durable with a large load capacity. Great for daily use or work. The 3-wheel frame is safe and stable on any road conditions. Perfect for adults, especially elders.

    Features & Details

    • 【DURABLE AND FOLDABLE】- 24” 26” wheels 1-speed 7-speed tricycle adult. With three wheels, stylish color, and a premium carbon steel frame, these 24-inch 26-inch bicycles are durable and anti-rust. And it can be folded for easy move and storage. Load capacity: 110 kg/220 lbs.
    • 【ADJUSTABLE RUBBER HANDLES】- Height-adjustable handlebar of this 3-wheel bikes for adults is made of premium rubber with a special texture, ensuring you a comfortable grip and riding. We also offer you a handy pump to inflate the bike.
    • 【FLEXIBLE REAR DERAILLEUR】- 3-wheel bikes for adults with a seven-speed drivetrain is for easy and quick speed change. Always ride in a breeze with our adult trikes. Our bike also has a front V brake to stop riding immediately.
    • 【24” 26” WHEELS & PADDED SEAT】- With big wheels and fenders, our adult folding tricycles are elegant and practical. A soft padded seat with a backrest ensures you comfortable riding experience.
    • 【WIDE APPLICATIONS】- This foldable adult tricycle with one large rear basket is convenient to carry things. Great for recreation, shopping, exercise and so on.


    California Warehouse: City of Industry, CA

    Texas Warehouse: Houston, TX

    New Jersey Warehouse: Perth Amboy, NJ

    New York State Warehouse: Perth Amboy, NJ

    Georgia Warehouse: Austell,GA

    North Carolina Warehouse: Grove NC

    Oregon Warehouse: AIRPORT WAY Portland,OR


    Welcome to our eBay store. As a leading and emerging company in manufacturer and exporting business, we are specialized in Business and Industrial Products, Sporting Goods, Pet Products, Home and Garden products for more than 10 years. We believe that it is our vision and mission to provide innovative products with best service and competitive price to satisfy you. Our goal is to make sure that you can find exactly what you are looking for and make it easy for you to place your orders.


    • We accept PayPal payment,PayPal Credit,Credit card or debit card and so on.
    • Payment should be completed within 4 (Four) days of auction closing. Or unpaid dispute will be filed for closing auction.
    • We will leave a positive feedback immediately after payment is received. We appreciate a positive feedback as much as you do. If for some reason there is any issue with the purchase, please contact us prior to leaving feedback, we will be glad to work together and provide a satisfying solution.


    • All of our items are backed with a 30-day return policy. We ensure all our items are new and in excellent condition prior to shipping. In case you receive the item that is not to the standards above, please contact us via e-Bay messages. All returns must be in new original condition as received and should be shipped with delivery confirmation
    • Please note that all returns must be pre-approved by us. Unauthorized returns will not be accepted. If you need to return, please check twice to confirm the item not work and contact our customer service representative, let us know the detailed problem and send us some pictures for confirmation.
    • We ONLY accept returns with original package. Please make sure that item has NO man-made sabotage. Used items will not be accepted for return.


    • Email Customer Support:
    • 9:00am-2:00am PST Sunday-Friday
    • All emails will be responded to within 12-24 hours


    • This item comes with 12 months Warranty from the date of customers purchased it. Special circumstances will be listed clearly in the listing.
    • If your item has been damaged in transit or become faulty in warranty period, please email us with pictures or video to show the problem.
    • Please do check everything carefully after you received the parcel, any the damage except DOA (Dead-On-Arrival) would not be covered if it’s your fault.
    • Replacement products are provided with the same warranty as the returned products.

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