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Tribesigns Rustic Computer Desk w/ 5 Drawers, Home Office Desks w/ Printer Stand


SKU: 6B5C3C94

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Pilipala eBay Store


Tribesigns Rustic Computer Desk w/ 5 Drawers, Home Office Desks w/ Printer Stand
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[COMPACT DRWAER DESK]: Composed of 2 drawers computer desk and 3 drawers file cabinet, compact design maximizes your workspace and storage space without taking up much space. The spacious 39.37″ L X 17.71″ W desktop and 5 drawers provide you enough workstation and storing space for your home and office supplies. Idea desk for small rooms.


[VERSATILE & REVERSIBLE FILE CABINET]: The reversible file cabinet can be configured either on the right or left as your preference. More than as a file storage cabinet to keep your documents, books or other home office supplies well sorted and organized, it also can be used as a printer stand. The beside file cabinet enriches the utility and functionality of this desk.


[DURABLE AND STURDY CONSTRUCTION]: Made of high quality E1 particleboard and MDF board, this desk with storage is built to last, durable, sturdy, wear and scratch resistant. The premium thick metal tube frame ensures the stability and sturdiness for the work desk. Adjustable leg pads help the drawer table stands stably on uneven floor.


[RETRO AND INDUSTRIAL STYLE]: Finished in rustic brown and black, Tribesigns computer writing desk gives a appearance of vintage and industrial chic. Retro styled desk adds a comfortable atmosphere to your workspace and fits perfectly with any room space. Perfect PC table or makeup vanity desk for living room, office, and bedroom.


[EASY TO ASSEMBLY AND WARRANTY]: Package comes with all necessary assembly hardware kits and clear illustrated instruction. It is very easy to assemble this office desk with filing cabinet, without much of hassle. Tribesigns provides 12 MONTHS warranty and 24 hours customer service for any problem. Feel free to get this desk for your home office!



Brand Tribesigns
Shape Rectangular
Desk design Computer Desk
Product Dimensions 51.18″L x 17.72″W x 32.28″H
Color Brown / Gray
Style Industrial
Special Feature Compact
Room Type Office, Dormitory, Living Room, Bedroom
Number of Drawers 5
Item Weight 59.52 Pounds
Drawer Type File Drawer
Included Components Mounting Hardware Kits
Assembly Required Yes
Manufacturer Tribesigns
Country of Origin China


Package Includes

1x Computer Desk

1x Assembly Kit

1x Instruction


Tribesigns Computer Desk with Drawers & Printer Stand

Compact, Complete, Space Saving…


2-in-1 Design: The combination of writing desk with drawers and file cabinet makes small spaces more functional.


File Cabinet or Printer Stand: Versatile 3 drawers file cabinet also works as a printer stand.


Retro and Industrial: Rustic brown board and black metal tubes meet your retro style.


High Quality Material: Premium board and sturdy metal tubes ensures durability and stability.


Wide Application: Great choice as computer desk, writing desk, office work desk, and retro vanity desk.

File Cabinet Drawers

The file drawer cabinet gives extra large storage space for your files, books, and other home office supplies.

Top Storage Space

The top surface of the file cabinet is perfect for printer or other items storage or decor display.

Simple Drawer Guide

Simple drawer guide, it is very easy to assemble and disassemble the drawers directly, no need any tools.

Reversible File Cabinet

With reversible design, the filing cabinet can be configured either on the right or left side as your preference or room space requirements.

Sturdy Metal Frame

0.79 x 0.79 inch sturdy metal frame provides strong support for the desk, ensuring the stability and sturdiness of the work desk.

Easy Pull Handle

Designed with easy pull handles, it is very easy to pull the drawers out, conveniently and comfortably.

Adjustable Leg Pads

Adjustable leg pads added to ensure the desk stands stably on uneven floor, and help protect the floor from scratches.

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Tribesigns Computer Desk with File Drawer and Storage Shelves, 59″ Office Desk

USD 215.39

55″ L-Shaped Large Executive Office Desk with Drawers & 47 inch File Cabinet VE

USD 327.58

Tribesign Computer Desk with Hutch, 55-Inch Large Gaming Desk for Home Office YR

USD 163.78

Tribesigns 180° Rotating L-Shaped Computer Desk Table Workstation Office Student

USD 182.96

Height Adjustable Computer Laptop Desk Rolling Standing Table for Sofa Bedside

USD 90.98

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