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Toys For Girls Beauty Make Up Set 3 4 5 6 7 8 9Years Age Old Kids Cool Gift Xmas


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Your Best Online Business Partner

Toys For Girls Beauty Make Up Set 3 4 5 6 7 8 9Years Age Old Kids Cool Gift Xmas
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  • 100% New & High Quality
  • Strictly QC, Each item was fully checked before shipping
  • Shipping from CA,US
  • Expedited Shipping delivery with Tracking Number
  • Free Return




100 % brand new new and high quality

Safety and ,Non-Toxic and Washable. 
Material:ABS,Cosmetic safety materials
Perfect Makeup Set toys for little girls. 

Cultivate children’s hands-on ability, interest training, visual ability
AGE RANGE: Recommended for ages 3+ and up · Precaution and supervision is highly recommended

Package Included:
As the picture shows


Small parts not for children under 3 years old. Always play under adult supervision.

A light irritation can sometimes occur on certain people. If it happens, stop immediately the use.

In case of contact with the eyes, rinse the eyes with running water and hold open.

Please keep the packing to retain it for future reference since it contains important information.

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