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Set Of 4 OEM Tire Pressure Sensor for Ford F-150 Explorer Mustang F2GZ-1A189-AB


SKU: 9673C983

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  • Tire Pressure Sensor Fit For Ford, Lincoln etc
  • Fit for:
  • For 2018-2021 Ford Ecosport
  • For 2015-2020 Ford Edge
  • For 2016-2019 Ford Explorer
  • For 2015-2020 Ford F-150
  • For 2015-2020 Ford Mustang
  • For 2013-2018 Ford Police Interceptor Utility
  • For 2019-2020 Ford Ranger
  • For 2019-2020 Ford Transit Connect
  • For 2017-2019 Lincoln Continental
  • For 2016-2018 Lincoln MKX
  • Specification:
  • OE:F2GT1A180AB, F2GZ1A189A, TPMS35, F2GT-1A150-AB
  • Features:
  • *Function:
  • 1.Monitors the indicators of each tire independently and transmits the real-time data,maintaining vehicle balance to ensure driving safety.
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    Set Of 4 OEM Tire Pressure Sensor for Ford F-150 Explorer Mustang F2GZ-1A189-AB

    Tire Pressure Sensor Fit For Ford, Lincoln etc


    Fit for:

    For 2018-2021 Ford Ecosport

    For 2015-2020 Ford Edge

    For 2016-2019 Ford Explorer

    For 2015-2020 Ford F-150

    For 2015-2020 Ford Mustang

    For 2013-2018 Ford Police Interceptor Utility

    For 2019-2020 Ford Ranger

    For 2019-2020 Ford Transit Connect

    For 2017-2019 Lincoln Continental

    For 2016-2018 Lincoln MKX



    OE:F2GT1A180AB, F2GZ1A189A, TPMS35, F2GT-1A150-AB





    1.Monitors the indicators of each tire independently and transmits the real-time data,maintaining vehicle balance to ensure driving safety.

    2.high monitoring precision, the sensitivity is perfectly matched with the front and rear wheels.

    3.Made of high-quality materials, chips and durable lithium batteries.


    Long battery life, it can last up to 5-10 years under the normal use.

    *High technology

    The advanced chip technology ensures that the signal is transmitted only when the wheel is rotating ,keeping the long service life of TPMS sensor.


    Packaging include:

    Tire Pressure Sensor*4(one set)


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    Item Specifics
    Brand AUXITO
    Manufacturer Part Number F2GZ-1A189-A for Ford F-150 Edge Mustang
    Manufacturer Warranty 2 Year
    Interchange Part Number F2GT1A180AB, F2GZ1A189A, TPMS35, F2GT-1A150-AB
    Other Part Number F2GT1A180AB, F2GZ1A189A, TPMS35, F2GT-1A150-AB
    Part Brand Ford
    Placement on Vehicle Front, Rear, Left, Right
    Part Number F2GT1A180AB, F2GZ1A189A, TPMS35, F2GT-1A150-AB
    Other Info Tire pressure sensors require going through a re-learning procedu
    Fitment Type Direct Replacement
    Type Tire pressure sensors
    Sensor Quantity 4
    Sensor Type Tire Pressure Monitoring Sensor
    OE/OEM Part Number F2GT1A180AB, F2GZ1A189A, TPMS35, F2GT-1A150-AB
    Features 4pcs
    Universal Fitment No

    Why swith to LED?
    LEDs not only give your vehicle a clean, modern look but, with proper use, will outlast any halogen bulb and HID bulb! Low energy draw, high lumen output, and instant on/off LED technology out shines stock bulbs in every way.
    Which bulbs are used in my vehicle?
    Check Sylvania automotive lamp replacemnt guide, you can select the year, make, and model of your vehicle, then select the application you want to replace or upgrade from stock.
    What does CAN Bus mean?
    CAN Bus means Controller Area Network Bus. This system monitors your vehicle and reports operating conditions. CAN Bus systems are commonly found in European vehicles such as BMW, Audi, Mercedes, Volkswagen, Porsche, and in many American vehicles. While most late model American vehicles have CAN Bus systems, it is always good to check with your vehicle dealer to see which system your vehicle has before purchasing electrical products.
    When do you need Warning Canceller?
    Some vehicles with cmplex internal computers(such as Audi,BMW,Jaguar,Mercedes,etc.) might report on-dash errors or flickering on the headlights. The warning canceller fixes the dashboard warning and flickering effect.
    Bulb Out Dashboard Error: On some vehicles, the dashboard will report as if you have a headlight bulb missing or burnt. It does not affect the headlights functioning, but the light on-dash will be on. The warning canceller fixes the issue.
    Flickering Issue: This happens when your vehicle does not recognize the new headlights installed. When turning the headlights on, the vehicle’s computer does not understand the signal back from the headlights hence thinking they are still off. This triggers the headlight flickering effect. The warning canceller solves this issue.
    LED Advantages:
    Very low and efficient energy consumption than halogen bulbs & HID Bulbs
    Compared with HID bulbs, LED bulbs Light up instantly, no warm up period
    Low voltage protection, high precision constant current driver chip
    Longer lifespan than HID and halogen bulbs
    Light can be controlled easily in color and intensity
    Easy to install a LED headlight conversion kit

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    How Long Will It Take to Receive My Refund?
    If you have emailed us for a refund ,once we have approved it ,after 30 days your money will be refunded. The estimated time for the refund to appear in your account is based on the payment method you use. Paypal is the only supported in NIGHTEYE Store. Please notify us within 30 days after you’ve received your purchased item.
    All return requests must be submitted through your eBay account. 
    NOTE: Buyers pay for the return shipping fee.
    Items to be returned must be in resalable condition, for example:
    You do not satisfy the item quality
    Item do not fit your vehicle perfect
    Item can not reach your expectation
    The item arrived be broken
    You do not receive the item
    Parcel Lost
    Receive the wrong item
    If you have problems with the above issue, please Contact Us immediately 

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    (2).Please keep the consistency of Paypal address and ebay address.

    (3).Payment should be made within 4 days once you won a item ,or ebay will launch Unpaid Reminder agaist you and there will be bad record on your ebay account .

    Contact Us

    [Our office hours are MONDAY – Saturday 9:00PM – 6:00PM PST, but we will response you once we get your message .There will be some delay on respons if you send message or E-Mail on Sundy.]

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    Set Of 4 OEM Tire Pressure Sensor for Ford F-150 Explorer Mustang F2GZ-1A189-AB

    Tire Pressure Sensor Fit For Ford, Lincoln etc


    Fit for:

    For 2018-2021 Ford Ecosport

    For 2015-2020 Ford Edge

    For 2016-2019 Ford Explorer

    For 2015-2020 Ford F-150

    For 2015-2020 Ford Mustang

    For 2013-2018 Ford Police Interceptor Utility

    For 2019-2020 Ford Ranger

    For 2019-2020 Ford Transit Connect

    For 2017-2019 Lincoln Continental

    For 2016-2018 Lincoln MKX



    OE:F2GT1A180AB, F2GZ1A189A, TPMS35, F2GT-1A150-AB





    1.Monitors the indicators of each tire independently and transmits the real-time data,maintaining vehicle balance to ensure driving safety.

    2.high monitoring precision, the sensitivity is perfectly matched with the front and rear wheels.

    3.Made of high-quality materials, chips and durable lithium batteries.


    Long battery life, it can last up to 5-10 years under the normal use.

    *High technology

    The advanced chip technology ensures that the signal is transmitted only when the wheel is rotating ,keeping the long service life of TPMS sensor.


    Packaging include:

    Tire Pressure Sensor*4(one set)


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    Why swith to LED?
    LEDs not only give your vehicle a clean, modern look but, with proper use, will outlast any halogen bulb and HID bulb! Low energy draw, high lumen output, and instant on/off LED technology out shines stock bulbs in every way.
    Which bulbs are used in my vehicle?
    Check Sylvania automotive lamp replacemnt guide, you can select the year, make, and model of your vehicle, then select the application you want to replace or upgrade from stock.
    What does CAN Bus mean?
    CAN Bus means Controller Area Network Bus. This system monitors your vehicle and reports operating conditions. CAN Bus systems are commonly found in European vehicles such as BMW, Audi, Mercedes, Volkswagen, Porsche, and in many American vehicles. While most late model American vehicles have CAN Bus systems, it is always good to check with your vehicle dealer to see which system your vehicle has before purchasing electrical products.
    When do you need Warning Canceller?
    Some vehicles with cmplex internal computers(such as Audi,BMW,Jaguar,Mercedes,etc.) might report on-dash errors or flickering on the headlights. The warning canceller fixes the dashboard warning and flickering effect.
    Bulb Out Dashboard Error: On some vehicles, the dashboard will report as if you have a headlight bulb missing or burnt. It does not affect the headlights functioning, but the light on-dash will be on. The warning canceller fixes the issue.
    Flickering Issue: This happens when your vehicle does not recognize the new headlights installed. When turning the headlights on, the vehicle’s computer does not understand the signal back from the headlights hence thinking they are still off. This triggers the headlight flickering effect. The warning canceller solves this issue.
    LED Advantages:
    Very low and efficient energy consumption than halogen bulbs & HID Bulbs
    Compared with HID bulbs, LED bulbs Light up instantly, no warm up period
    Low voltage protection, high precision constant current driver chip
    Longer lifespan than HID and halogen bulbs
    Light can be controlled easily in color and intensity
    Easy to install a LED headlight conversion kit

    (1) We will ship your item(s) within 48 hours.

    (2) We ship this item to US only via USPS first class mail. It usually takes 3-6 working days to deliver.

    How Long Will It Take to Receive My Refund?
    If you have emailed us for a refund ,once we have approved it ,after 30 days your money will be refunded. The estimated time for the refund to appear in your account is based on the payment method you use. Paypal is the only supported in NIGHTEYE Store. Please notify us within 30 days after you’ve received your purchased item.
    All return requests must be submitted through your eBay account. 
    NOTE: Buyers pay for the return shipping fee.
    Items to be returned must be in resalable condition, for example:
    You do not satisfy the item quality
    Item do not fit your vehicle perfect
    Item can not reach your expectation
    The item arrived be broken
    You do not receive the item
    Parcel Lost
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    If you have problems with the above issue, please Contact Us immediately 

    (1).We only accept PayPal payment, should be received within 3 days from the date of purchase.

    (2).Please keep the consistency of Paypal address and ebay address.

    (3).Payment should be made within 4 days once you won a item ,or ebay will launch Unpaid Reminder agaist you and there will be bad record on your ebay account .

    [Our office hours are MONDAY – Saturday 9:00PM – 6:00PM PST, but we will response you once we get your message .There will be some delay on respons if you send message or E-Mail on Sundy.]

    (1).Negative feedback will not help resolve any problems you have, please contact us via eBay messages before leaving negative feedback, our customer service will make best effort to help you with the issues.

    (2).We maintain high standards of excellenceand strive for 100% customer satisfaction! Feedback is very important to us. We request that you contact us immediately BEFORE you give us neutral or negative feedback, so that we can satisfactorily address your concerns.

    On Jan 4, 2023 at 23:46:40 PST, seller added the following information:


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