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Queen Faux Leather Platform Bed Frame with Adjustable Headboard and 4 Drawers


SKU: 1989082A

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24Hr Free Shipping Prime Service

  • Most Reasonable PriceNice Product with Low Price
  • 24-Hour ShipmentFree Delivery in the Next 3 Days
  • Thoughtful After-Sales ServiceReturn and Exchange Products if Not Satisfied

Product Description

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Product Details


    The diamond button tufting adds a stylish vibe to the room.


    Soft and comfortable PU leather with waterproof function is easy to clean.


    Wooden slats and a metal frame firmly support your mattress.


    The bottom storage drawers with rollers allow easy pulling.


    Sturdy metal legs with attached footpads prevent your floor from scratches.


    Fixtures to prevent drawers from sliding back and forth under the bed.

Specifications of Queen Size

Color: Black
Material: plywood, oak wood, MDF board, iron, PU leather, foam, silk floss, non-woven fabric
Overall Dimension: 83 x 65 x (39.5-44)’’ (L x W x H)
Applicable Mattress Size:80 x 60” (L x W)
Drawer Size (each): 31.5 x 20 x 6’’ (L x W x H)
Adjustable Headboard Height: 39.5-44’’
Floor to Slat: 11.5’’
Max. Weight Capacity: 794lb
Drawer Weight Capacity (each): 44lb
Model: With USB

N.W.: box 1: 60.2 lb; box 2: 40.9 lb

G.W.: box 1: 69.5 lb; box 2: 46.8 lb

Model: Without USB
N.W.: box 1: 58.9lb; box 2: 40.8lb
G.W.: box 1: 65.7lb; box 2: 46lb

Specifications of Full Size
Color: Black
Material: plywood, oak wood, MDF board, iron, PU leather, foam, silk floss, non-woven fabric
Overall Dimension: 79 x 59 x (39.5-44)’’ (L x W x H)
Applicable Mattress Size: 75 x 54’’ (L x W)
Adjustable Headboard Height:  39.5-44’’
Drawer Size (each):  31.5 x 20 x 6’’ (L x W x H)
Floor to Slat: 11.5’’
Max. Weight Capacity: 705lb
Drawer Weight Capacity (each): 44lb
Model: With USB
N.W.: box 1: 57.3lb; box 2: 40.1lb

G.W.: box 1: 64.6 lb; box 2: 45.4 lb

Model: Without USB
N.W.: box 1: 52.9lb; box 2: 39.2lb
G.W.: box 1: 60.8lb; box 2: 43.7lb

Packing List:
  • Drawer Storage: Comes with 4 wire netting drawers with wheels under the bed, this upholstered bed provides convenient storage space for keeping your off-season clothing, blankets, shoes, toys, games, books, holiday decorations and any other light stuff organized and out of sight, creating a clean and tidy look to your bedroom.
  • Faux Lether Upholstery: Upholstered with high-grade faux leather and filled with dense foam padding, the headboard of the bed is very comfortable to lean on, giving you wonderful relaxation when reading books or watching TV. In addition, the headboard height is adjustable between 100-112cm/39.5-44’’ to fit various mattress sizes.
  • PU Leather Headboard: Filled with high-density foam and covered by high-grade PU leather, this modern bed frame features a soft and comfortable headboard that gives you superb relaxation when reading, binge-watching, sleeping and so on. The adjustable headboard ranging from 100-112cm/39.5-44’’ can be easily applied to different sizes of mattresses.
  • No Box Spring Needed: No bulky box spring or any other extra foundation is required for this fancy bed frame with the sturdy and robust wood slats, benefiting on extending the life of your latex, memory foam or spring mattress (mattress not included).
  • 2-Box Shipping: This platform bed frame with be shipped in 2 boxes for reducing the risk of damage, which may arrive on different days. Please feel free to contact us if you have encountered any problems.

Prime Service Descriptions:

  1. After receiving your order, we will send out your package within 24 hours. We also use the 24-hour delivery service to make sure you can receive your delivery in 48 hours after you placing an order. This will be the fastest delivery service you can get in the US!
  2. Because eBay charges the lowest fee among the online shopping platforms, the same product has a lower and more competitive price on eBay, which means you can get the exactly same product as sold on other platforms in a much lower price on eBay. Save your money!
  3. The quality of products is our bottom line. We will keep offering you high quality products. We also provide an excellent after-sales service for you to have a worry-free online shopping experience.


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  1. Shipping by USPS or UPS, Package handling takes 1 business day
    at our warehouse, so please make sure enter correct payment and
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  3. Orders placed on weekend will be shipped within 2 business  days.
    USPS: 2-9 business days. | UPS: 1-6 business days.

Terms of sales

  1. All of our items come with a 30-day return policy. We ensure all
    our items are new and in excellent condition prior to shipping. In the
    event that you receive the item that is not to the standards above,
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  3. All
    NON-seller mistake returns for refund are subject to 20% re-stocking
    fee and buyer should pay for the round-trip shipping fee. (E.g. you
    bought wrong model or wrong color).
    We ONLY accept the return for
    original package. Please make sure that item has NO man-made sabotage.
    Used items will not be accepted for return.

  4. We reserve the right to refuse any returns for objective reasons.

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