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Outdoor Commercial 2000W LED Solar Street Light IP67 Dusk-to-Dawn Road Lamp US


SKU: A76A5A79

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100% Genuine
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Outdoor Commercial 2000W LED Solar Street Light IP67 Dusk-to-Dawn Road Lamp+Pole


〓SHIP From US Local Stock

〓FAST & Free, 1-6 Days Arrival

〓FREE Return, Seller Pay!!

〓LIFETIME Money Back Guarantee

〓LIFETIME Free Replacement Guarantee

〓LIFETIME Warranty

〓QUICKLY Reply within 24 Working Hours

〓 MOST orders ship within 1 business day with Tracking Number

〓 ANY PROBLEM please email us before feedback, thanks!




【Fast charging and Dusk to Dawn】Our commercial solar street light outdoor comes with 6500k cool white light, Built-in Super Bright LED Beads, it is more bright other led beads, it provided the clear and bright vision. The conversion rate of solar panel installation reaches 22.5%. Fully charging 6-8 hours in the daytime, the led street light can continue to work for more than 14 hours . Powered by solar and save electricity bill, automatically turns on at dusk and turns off during the day. Dusk to Dawn. No worry lighting lasts.

【Motion Sensor + Remote Control+Timing mode】 These led road street light are equipped with remote control, it is good for long distance to control, remote distance:12m. You can choose different lighting modes ( Light Sensing Mode, Motion Sensing Mode ) and light brightness for your needs. There are 4 levels of brightness that can be adjusted. Remote control operation can be timed,it Provides 5 Timing sets: 2H/3H/5H/6H/8H. Radar sensor mode, the lights are 100% brightness when motion is detected, and the lights are dim and 30% brightness when no motion, intelligently saving electricity, and increasing the lifetime of street lights.

【220° solar panel design and wide-angle lighting】 We have upgraded the solar panel and it has two-way wide-angle lighting, the lighting angle reaches 220°, and benefits from super bright led beads, allowing it provide a wider range of lighting and brighter light compared with ordinary 180° street lights. Illumination area up to 1600-1900sq.ft, we recommended installation height:6-8M.It can be lighting up street and offer convenience for walking at night.

【IP67 Waterproof and Durable】 The outdoor solar street light adopts high-quality material, which is lightning-proof, rain-proof, oxidation-proof and anti-exposure. IP67 waterproof function makes it work on a rainy day. Its adaptable working temperature is -22℉~140℉. This outdoor Solar Parking lot Lights pole has 15000mAh battery capacity, is more stable and longtime lasting.

【Easy to install and wide application】This street light solar powered has 2 installation ways, it is easy to install on poles and walls. The installation accessory included in the package, no wiring is required, which can be easily installed outdoor. Perfect for street and roads, parking lot, basketball court, garage, garden, street, courtyard, farmhouse and squares, etc.



-Solar power& environmental protection:Solar panels convert solar energy into electricity.NO wires,easy to install.Big capacity battery can save up to 100% electricity.

-Ip67 Waterproof & Anti-corrosion : Made of good quality durable ABS material and can be used in outdoor for any bad weather conditions. The working temperature is -50℉-140℉.

– Light Control &Remote Control: LED solar flood light will automatically turn on at dusk and turn off at dawn.Remote control functions including 2h/3h/5h/6h/8h setting ,25%/75%/50%/100% brightness.

-Super Bright: Imported LED lamp bead light source.Two-way lamp beads wide-angle lighting The brightness is several times higher than traditional light bulbs.

-Human body sensing & radar sensing: The light is bright when there are people, and the light is slightly bright when there are no people

-Safe to use:Built-in protection circuit for long life.

-Multiple installation methods: Pole-mounted and wall-mounted

which can be installed on light poles/walls/small diameter cylinders .

-Widely Application:Outdoor wall or pole in Plaza, Park, Garden, Courtyard, Street, Walkway, Pathway,Campus, Farm, Perimeter Security and etc.


2000w 800LED 

Wattage: 2000W

Fully charged lighting: 20 hours

Solar panel: 6V/30W

Battery capacity: 3.2V 2.0AH

Product function: radar + light control + remote control

Lamp body size: (H*W*L)68*8.5*35cm/26.77*3.35*13.78inch

Lamp beads: 800

Irradiation area: 250 square meters

Installation height: 4-6m

Material: ABS engineering plastic PC cover

Waterproof :IP67

Remote control :Normal light or induction mode

Remote control battery type: 2*AAA (included)

Life: 100000 (h)


Installation Instructions:

1. Please link the shell and light pole of the street light with which is installed on the shell with hex key.

2. Please bore the hole into the wall.

3 .Please tighten the nut with a hex wrench and secure it

Package including:

Solar Street Lights *1

Remote control*1

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We only ship to confirmed Paypal addresses. Please comfirm that your paypal address is in line with your shipping address.

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means exactly the the same color and size. 

takes about 7-15 working days to US; about 10-30 working days to other
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We strive for 100% customer satisfaction! Positive Feedback is very important to us. 

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