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Shop Category
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Brad Nailer & Finish Nailer
Upholstery Stapler
V Nailer
Hog Ring Plier
Decorative Nailer
Carton Closing Stapler
Coil Nailer
Headless Pinner
Corrugated Nailer
Concrete and Steel Nailer
Flooring Stapler
Nail Puller
Picture Frame Tacker
Brad Nails & Finish Nails
Upholstery Staples
V Nails
C Rings
Coil Nails
Carton Staples
Headless Pins
Concrete Nails
Corrugated Fasteners
Flooring Staples
Angled Finish Nails
Clinch Clips
Drywall Screws
Roofing Nails
Spray Guns
Hot Item
meite MT7116LN 22GA 3/8” Crown Pneumatic Upholstery Stapler with Long Muzzle
USD 80.00
meite SC7C 15GA 3/4-Inch Pneumatic Hog Ring Plier C Ring Tool For Cage/Car Seats
USD 249.90
meite SC7-15GA C Ring Staples 15/16″ Outside Crown in Galvanized/Stainless Steel
USD 45.00
meite 18 Gauge Leg Length 2-Inch Galvanized Brad Nails Finish Nails Fasteners
USD 7.90
meite 21 Degree Framing Nails 2-3/8″ to 3-1/2″ Plastic Round Head Strip Smooth
USD 17.99
meite 18 Gauge Brad Nails For Triming, Woodworking Projects
- [Specification]
Fastener Gauge: 18 Gauge
Fastener Coating: Galvanized
Length: 1/2″ (12 mm), 5/8″ (16 mm), 3/4″ (19 mm), 1″ (25 mm), 1-3/16″ (30 mm), 1-1/4″ (32 mm), 1-3/8″ (35 mm), 1-1/2″ (38 mm), 1-9/16″(40 mm), 1-3/4″ (45 mm), 2″ (51 mm)
- [Packing Quantity] 1,000 pcs/small pack; 5,000 pcs/box
- [Sharp Chisel Point] To penetrate materials like fabric and thin wood more easily and quickly
- [Compatibility] Compatible with meite F50H, F50G pneumatic brad nailers, and other brands of brad nailers with the same nail range (Please verify the compatibility before ordering.)
- [Applications] Widely used in molding, crafts, woodworking, window trim, baseboard, picture frame assembly, cabinetry and many other wooden projects
- (1) Furniture Finishing: Refurbishment/renovation of wooden furniture such as chairs and tables
- (2) Crafts DIY: The ideal choice for photo frame assembly, door frame production, baseboard/window trim, and other DIY projects.
- (3) Upholstery for Home Improvement Projects: Can be used for cabinet construction, moldings, paneling, etc.
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Fasteners Specification
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Length |
1/2″ (12 mm) |
5/8″ (16 mm) |
1-3/16″ (30mm) |
1-1/4″ (32 mm) |
1-1/2″ (38 mm) |
1-9/16″ (40 mm) |
Pieces/Box |
5,000 |
5,000 |
5,000 |
5,000 |
5,000 |
5,000 |
Box/Case |
28 |
28 |
12 |
12 |
12 |
8 |
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F50H 18Ga 3/8-Inch to 2-Inch Length Pneumatic Brad Nailer Finish Nailer
USD 69.00
F50G 18Ga 3/8″ to 2″ Leg Pneumatic Brad Nailer Finish Nailer with Safety
USD 55.00
F32 18Ga 3/8″ to 1-1/4″ Length Pneumatic Brad Nailer
USD 45.99
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