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Lavalier Wireless Microphone Audio Video Recording Mini Mic For Android/iphone


SKU: 26345CEE

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【Easy plug and play】 Special and professional, no adapter/additional application/Bluetooth is required, just plug the receiver into your IOS device and turn on the microphone and start recording (automatic connection and synchronization).
【Mini portable and durable】 The wireless lavalier microphone can be used continuously for more than 6 hours after being fully charged. Just edit and use, no cables needed-perfect for outdoor recording. Wireless microphone with lighting connector, suitable for IOS phones, tablets and IOS computer laptops with OTG function.
【Can work on Youtube/Facebook/TikTok/WhatsApp/Live Stream】You can directly use the microphone when playing Youtube/TikTok/WhatsApp or Facebook, which is not possible with traditional Bluetooth.
【Universal wireless system】The receiver is powered by the phone, and the transmission microphone has a built-in rechargeable battery for up to 10 hours of operation. 20M working distance without cable, 0.009s transmission delay.


Type: Wireless lavalier microphone audio video
Frequency: 2.4GHz
Frequency response: 20Hz-20KHz
Input voltage: DC4.8-5.4V
Battery capacity: 60mAh
Transmission distance: 20m barrier-free
Audio interface: light
Fully charged time: about 1.5h
Working time: about 6 hours per charge

1. Support lightning one for two. Two-way forward and reverse fast charging.
2. When supporting fast charging, all mobile phone functions such as live broadcast and recording can be used at the same time.
3. Support high-definition recording noise reduction, ENC call recording noise reduction, 3-level and 3-level switching decibels, and free buttons to adjust and control the noise reduction level application scenarios, no background noise swing noise and current sound.
4. Support double-transmit and one-receive receiving distance of more than 30 meters (including back-testing) and automatic reconnection when disconnected.

5. Support DSP reverb switching.
6. Save assembly and test time, and the transmitter can be directly turned off when charging and plugging. (There is no situation where the button cannot be turned off or the machine crashes)
7. There is no need for one-to-two paired production (chaos). Automatic pairing after one second of power on.

Power on: short press the power button, the white light flashes
Pairing: short press to power on, then plug the receiver into your mobile phone or other device, wait a moment to connect, connect
After connecting, the white light of the transmitter will be on, and the red light of the receiver will be on.
Turn on noise reduction: in the connected state, short press the power button to cycle through the noise reduction mode (the transmitter has a memory function,What noise reduction mode was used last time, the next time you turn on the power, the default noise reduction mode is the last used noise reduction mode)
Mute: After connection, click the power button of the transmitter to turn it into mute state, the light is off, at this time the other party cannot hear the sound of the transmitter, double-click again to cancel the mute, the white light is on
Three-level noise reduction function: Double-click the light to turn off and then double-click the white light to keep on. This is the first-level noise reduction. Double-click the light again to turn off and then double-click to double-click. level noise reduction mode,
Reverberation function: When connected, press the power button three times to turn on the reverberation, the white light flashes with breathing, and three times again to turn off the reverberation, the white light stays on and returns to normal mode
Power off: Press and hold the power button for 3 seconds in the power-on state
Note: If the transmitter is not connected to the receiver within one minute, it will enter the shutdown state!

Package Included:
1 x microphone transmitter
1x receiver
1 x charging cable
1 x User Manual

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