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39 United States.
These ultra-flattering leggings transition to brunch, Bikram and beyond.
Measurements for size extra small/small
We Offer Free Shipping in the USA with Available Online Tracking on all items all the time!
All orders are processed and shipped within 3 business days from receipt of payment. All orders are shipped from our Scottsdale, AZ warehouse.
All International orders will be processed through eBay global shipping program.
We accept only PayPal payments at this time. Please make sure you have a valid/confirmed PayPal account before bidding All PayPal Payments must be Confirmed (Shipping and billing addresses must match)
If you have any question about this deal, please feel free to contact us.
Send us a message
We purchase all of our inventory directly from the manufacturer, it’s called overstock! All of our styles are 100% authentic, brand new, & never worn. Because the items are overstock, sometimes they have small defects like; the company logos aren’t printed onto the garment, a small snag, color manufacturing defects, etc. If you are ok with that, shop with us for amazing prices up to 85% OFF the retail price!
We are an online store based out of Scottsdale, AZ, dedicated to selling the best brands at incredible discounts. You might be wondering how are we able to offer such amazing prices, here is our story. We purchase all of our inventory directly from the manufacturer, it’s called overstock! All of our styles are 100% authentic, brand new, & never worn. Because the items are overstock, sometimes they have small defects like; the company logos aren’t printed onto the garment, a small snag, color manufacturing defects, etc. If you are ok with that, shop with us for amazing prices up to 85% OFF the retail price!
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us, we are glad to help.
Price: $25
Price: $50
Price: $20
Price: $20