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Exercise Bands Latex Resistance elastic Band -Pull Up Assist Bands Fitness


SKU: 39C5D20C

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Top Rate U.S. Seller
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Exercise Bands Latex Resistance elastic Band -Pull Up Assist Bands Fitness
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U.S. Stock, Same Day Shipping with Tracking. BUY WITH CONFIDENCE

More Product Details

#1 Yellow Resistance Band | 5-15lbs Resistance | 0.25’’ wide | 4.5mm Thick | 

#2 Orange Resistance Band | 20-35lbs Resistance | 0.5’’ wide | 4.5mm Thick | 

#3 Green Resistance Band | 30-50 lbs Resistance | 0.75’’ wide | 4.5mm Thick |

#4 Blue Resistance Band |40-80 lbs Resistance | 1.25’’ wide | 4.5mm Thick |

#5 Red Resistance Band | 50-120 lbs Resistance | 1.75’’ wide | 4.5mm Thick |

#6 Black Resistance Band | 60-150 lbs Resistance | 2.5’’ wide | 4.5mm Thick |

#7 Purple Resistance Band | 80-200lbs Resistance | 4’’ wide | 4.5mm Thick | 

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