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EMS Abs Stimulator Muscle Abdominal Toner Trainer Belt Fitness Workout Equipment



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June 7th, 2024 01:14 am

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  • EMS Abdominal Belt New Silicone Fitness Shaping Belt Smart Fat Burning Muscle Training Abdominal Muscle Stimulator Trainer For Home Outdoor
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    EMS Abs Stimulator Muscle Abdominal Toner Trainer Belt Fitness Workout Equipment

    EMS Abdominal Belt New Silicone Fitness Shaping Belt Smart Fat Burning Muscle Training Abdominal Muscle Stimulator Trainer For Home Outdoor


    1.Multiple Use: Can be used to exercise different parts of body, such as abdomen, back, waist, leg, etc.
    2.Two Types: The black one is an ordinary type, it has 6 gears, 19 levels of intensity. The white one is an upgraded type, it has 12 gears, 20 levels of intensity.
    3.Smart Fitness Belt: The micro-electric abdominal muscle belt automatically recognizes the position of the muscle and releases it at a fixed point, and releases micro-current from different positions on the micro-electric board. The exercise is more effective in positioning the current without wasting the current signal, making the muscle jitter more effective.
    4.Portable Design: You can take it and exercise at anytime and anywhere.
    5.Silicone Conductive Material Patch: 6 pieces of silicone conductive material patch, durable and no need to replace, stylish and high-grade appearance.
    6.EMS Bionic Micro Current: EMS bionic micro-electric technology, smart chip, mode control, run fast, say goodbye to cell damage.
    7.Intelligent Power Off System: 20 minutes timer switch, automatic shutdown if without contact with skin in 30 seconds.
    8.USB Charging (Ordinary Type): Provide stable and long lasting power, no need to replace battery.
    9.USB Fast Charging, Magnetic Buckle (Upgraded Type): USB interface, magnetic adsorption buckle, enhanced conductivity, after fully charged, can be used continuously for 15 days if 15 minutes a day.
    10.Silicone Conductive Material: Apply water before use, the pulse will be smoother, greatly improve the hydrophilicity of silica gel, and make the current transmission more stable.
    11.Wide Application: Suitable for different groups of people, can be used in various occasions, such as at office, home and so on.


    Type: EMS Abdominal Belt
    Color: White
    Charging Method: USB Charging


    Package Included:
    1 * Host
    1 * Manual
    1 * Abdominal Belt
    1 * USB Cable

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    Item Specifics
    Material : New Silicone
    Sport/Activity : Gym & Training
    Type : EMS Abdominal Belt
    Features : Adjustable
    Gender : Unisex
    Brand : Unbranded
    Muscle Group : Abdominal

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    EMS Abs Stimulator Muscle Abdominal Toner Trainer Belt Fitness Workout Equipment
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    EMS Abdominal Belt New Silicone Fitness Shaping Belt Smart Fat Burning Muscle Training Abdominal Muscle Stimulator Trainer For Home Outdoor


    1.Multiple Use: Can be used to exercise different parts of body, such as abdomen, back, waist, leg, etc.
    2.Two Types: The black one is an ordinary type, it has 6 gears, 19 levels of intensity. The white one is an upgraded type, it has 12 gears, 20 levels of intensity.
    3.Smart Fitness Belt: The micro-electric abdominal muscle belt automatically recognizes the position of the muscle and releases it at a fixed point, and releases micro-current from different positions on the micro-electric board. The exercise is more effective in positioning the current without wasting the current signal, making the muscle jitter more effective.
    4.Portable Design: You can take it and exercise at anytime and anywhere.
    5.Silicone Conductive Material Patch: 6 pieces of silicone conductive material patch, durable and no need to replace, stylish and high-grade appearance.
    6.EMS Bionic Micro Current: EMS bionic micro-electric technology, smart chip, mode control, run fast, say goodbye to cell damage.
    7.Intelligent Power Off System: 20 minutes timer switch, automatic shutdown if without contact with skin in 30 seconds.
    8.USB Charging (Ordinary Type): Provide stable and long lasting power, no need to replace battery.
    9.USB Fast Charging, Magnetic Buckle (Upgraded Type): USB interface, magnetic adsorption buckle, enhanced conductivity, after fully charged, can be used continuously for 15 days if 15 minutes a day.
    10.Silicone Conductive Material: Apply water before use, the pulse will be smoother, greatly improve the hydrophilicity of silica gel, and make the current transmission more stable.
    11.Wide Application: Suitable for different groups of people, can be used in various occasions, such as at office, home and so on.


    Type: EMS Abdominal Belt
    Color: White
    Charging Method: USB Charging


    Package Included:
    1 * Host
    1 * Manual
    1 * Abdominal Belt
    1 * USB Cable

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    Item Specifics
    Material : New Silicone
    Sport/Activity : Gym & Training
    Type : EMS Abdominal Belt
    Features : Adjustable
    Gender : Unisex
    Brand : Unbranded
    Muscle Group : Abdominal

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    We Accept Paypal Only.Thank you~

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    2.We will ship out your order within 1-2 business days after receiving your verified payment (Excluding Weekends and Public Holidays)! 

    3.For USA Buyer, We will ship out your order via USPS/UPS. It will take 5-7 business days to you. If you can’t track your parcel or didn’t receive your parcel, please kindly contact with us.

    1.If you are not satisfied with our products. Please kindly contact us before you open the return request. We provides 30-45 days Money Back or Exchangement Warranty. 

    2.Please Kindly contact us for the RMA No.and address before returning the item back.

    We try to make sure you have a pleasant shopping experience with us, so that we could do more business with you. If there is any dissatisfaction, please email us before leaving any 1 or 2 ratings, negative feedback or open any ebay or paypal dispute. We will try our best to resolve the issues. Please give us the opportunity to resolve any problem. PS. you may contact us by ‘Ask a question’

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    On Mar 28, 2023 at 18:57:06 PDT, seller added the following information:


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