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Electric Heated Socks Rechargeable Battery Winter Thermal Warm Skiing Hunting US


SKU: 2FF688A0

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  • 1 Pair Rechargeable Electric Heating Socks Men/Women Winter Warm Feet Socks for Outdoor Skiing Angling Moto Cycling
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    Electric Heated Socks Rechargeable Battery Winter Thermal Warm Skiing Hunting US



    1 Pair Rechargeable Electric Heating Socks Men/Women Winter Warm Feet Socks for Outdoor Skiing Angling Moto Cycling



    1.Premium Heated Socks: This heated sock adopts inner stitching process, fine workmanship, simple and fashionable appearance, ideal for keep feet warm in winter. 
    2.Surround Heat Technology: Our electric heating socks use high-quality alloy heating elements,which are thinner than traditional carbon fiber heating wires and have more precise temperature control, no foreign body sensation when wearing! Embedded invisible heating wire surrounds the entire foot to ensure 360 degree uniform heating, which makes our heated socks unique!
    3.3 Heat Settings: One size heating socks fits 5-11 US-size. Wild style, keep warm and stylish! The Heated socks has 3 heating levels: Low temperature 116.6oF/47oC, medium temperature 125.6oF/52oC, high temperature 140oF/60oC.
    4.Ergonomic Upgraded Battery: Our electric Heated socks are equipped with a pair of 2600mAh rechargeable battery. Heating time up to 3-7 hours and full charge around 6 hours. Keep Warm All Day!
    5.Made of Selected Materials: Socks made with 22.5% viscose – 52.5% nylon – 10% polyester – 15% spandex ; Socks fabric is soft, comfortable, breathable and elastic, and the inside is combed fluff, which can maintain the temperature inside the socks and provide you softness. 
    6.Wide Application: Specially designed for winter outdoor sports, such as ice fishing, hunting, hiking, riding, motorcycling, snowboarding, running, camping, skiing, shoveling snow in Winter etc.



    Type: Electric Heating Socks
    Output: DC3.7V 1.5A
    Battery Capacity: 2600mAh * 2
    Battery Life: 500 Times of Charging
    Charging Time: 6hrs
    Working Time: 3-7hrs
    Heat Temperature: 47-60℃
    1 Light: 116.6oF/47oC for 7hrs
    2 Lights: 125.6oF/52oC for 4hrs
    3 Lights: 140oF/60oC for 3hrs


    Package Included (Optional):
    1 * Pairs of Socks
    2 * Batteries
    1 * USB Cable
    1 * User Manual

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    Item Specifics
    Brand Unbranded
    Sport/Activity Winter Sport
    Type USB Chargable Battery Electric Heated ,Foot Warmer
    Operating Temperature 60°under normal temperature.
    Output DC3.7V 1.5A
    Features Can Hand Wash
    Heating Area Front instep
    Battery Life 500 Times of Charging
    Working Time 3-7hrs
    Charging Time 6hrs
    Heat Temperature 47-60℃
    1 Light 116.6oF/47oC for 7hrs
    2 Lights 125.6oF/52oC for 4hrs
    3 Lights 140oF/60oC for 3hrs

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    1 Pair Rechargeable Electric Heating Socks Men/Women Winter Warm Feet Socks for Outdoor Skiing Angling Moto Cycling



    1.Premium Heated Socks: This heated sock adopts inner stitching process, fine workmanship, simple and fashionable appearance, ideal for keep feet warm in winter. 
    2.Surround Heat Technology: Our electric heating socks use high-quality alloy heating elements,which are thinner than traditional carbon fiber heating wires and have more precise temperature control, no foreign body sensation when wearing! Embedded invisible heating wire surrounds the entire foot to ensure 360 degree uniform heating, which makes our heated socks unique!
    3.3 Heat Settings: One size heating socks fits 5-11 US-size. Wild style, keep warm and stylish! The Heated socks has 3 heating levels: Low temperature 116.6oF/47oC, medium temperature 125.6oF/52oC, high temperature 140oF/60oC.
    4.Ergonomic Upgraded Battery: Our electric Heated socks are equipped with a pair of 2600mAh rechargeable battery. Heating time up to 3-7 hours and full charge around 6 hours. Keep Warm All Day!
    5.Made of Selected Materials: Socks made with 22.5% viscose – 52.5% nylon – 10% polyester – 15% spandex ; Socks fabric is soft, comfortable, breathable and elastic, and the inside is combed fluff, which can maintain the temperature inside the socks and provide you softness. 
    6.Wide Application: Specially designed for winter outdoor sports, such as ice fishing, hunting, hiking, riding, motorcycling, snowboarding, running, camping, skiing, shoveling snow in Winter etc.



    Type: Electric Heating Socks
    Output: DC3.7V 1.5A
    Battery Capacity: 2600mAh * 2
    Battery Life: 500 Times of Charging
    Charging Time: 6hrs
    Working Time: 3-7hrs
    Heat Temperature: 47-60℃
    1 Light: 116.6oF/47oC for 7hrs
    2 Lights: 125.6oF/52oC for 4hrs
    3 Lights: 140oF/60oC for 3hrs


    Package Included (Optional):
    1 * Pairs of Socks
    2 * Batteries
    1 * USB Cable
    1 * User Manual

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    Item Specifics
    Brand Unbranded
    Sport/Activity Winter Sport
    Type USB Chargable Battery Electric Heated ,Foot Warmer
    Operating Temperature 60°under normal temperature.
    Output DC3.7V 1.5A
    Features Can Hand Wash
    Heating Area Front instep
    Battery Life 500 Times of Charging
    Working Time 3-7hrs
    Charging Time 6hrs
    Heat Temperature 47-60℃
    1 Light 116.6oF/47oC for 7hrs
    2 Lights 125.6oF/52oC for 4hrs
    3 Lights 140oF/60oC for 3hrs

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