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Edifier MR4 4″ Powered Studio Monitor Speakers Active Near-Field Speaker – Pair


SKU: 76424CAF

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  • edifier-online-store

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    Edifier MR4 4″ Powered Studio Monitor Speakers Active Near-Field Speaker – Pair


    • TRUE STUDIO MONITOR – Based on the highly reviewed Edifier bookshelf speakers, professionally fine-tuned to a near-flat responsive curve for artists and music creators.
    • STUDIO QUALITY SOUND – 1-inch silk dome tweeters and 4-inch composite woofers produce a clear, smooth, and overall sound. MDF wooden structure helps to reduce resonance and reveal the true sound.
    • FLEXIBLE CONNECTIONS – 1/4-inch balanced TRS input, an unbalanced RCA input, an unbalanced AUX input, and a front headphone output are equipped to connect to devices, such as mixers, computers, tablets, etc.
    • THOUGHTFUL DUAL MODE DESIGN – Freely switches between monitor mode – to listen to true audio for music production and music mode – to enjoy daily music for relaxation according to your needs.
    • EASY-TO-USE CONTROLS – Equipped with two knobs to adjust high- and low-frequency controls separately, and a convenient front-panel knob to set volume and sound modes.

    Natural High End Tweeter

    The Edifier MR4 is equipped with the 1-inch silk dome tweeters to produce a smooth and high-frequency sound, and the special coating added on it ensures a more natural and refined treble. The tweeter can radiate sound more accurately with the wide dispersion pattern.


    Deep Bass Woofer

    The Edifier MR4 studio monitor utilizes 4-inch low-frequency diaphragm woofers to produce a strong bass with an accurate overall sound. And the diaphragm adds MICA to keep the original gentle and soft hearing sense and enhance the low frequency and extend the depth of bass at the same time.


    MDF Wooden Cabinets

    The strong and durable MDF wooden cabinets can minimize acoustic resonance and rendering effect effectively to restore the original tone.


    Various Connections for Multiple Devices

    1/4-inch (6.35mm) TRS balanced input: Used for connecting to the audio interface, mixers, audio production devices, etc.

    RCA unbalanced input: Used for connecting to personal music players, desktop computers, CD players, etc.

    9/64-inch (3.5mm) AUX unbalanced input: Used for connecting to mobile phones, tablets, etc.

    Headphone output: Used for connecting to headphones.

    Edifier MR4, the highly efficient and cost-effective studio monitor, is suitable for everyone who has enthusiasm for music production. As a professional monitor speaker, it can provide true sound monitoring and owns high-quality audio performance. In addition to that, it can connect many devices such as audio interfaces, mixers, desktop computers, CD players, mobile phones, and tablets via a balanced TRS input, an unbalanced RCA input, and an unbalanced AUX input. Edifier MR4 has the perfect match for your needs. Upgrade your listening experience with Edifier MR4 powered studio monitors.




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    Item Specifics
    Brand Edifier
    Type Studio Monitor
    Model edifier MR4
    Connectivity RCA, Auxiliary
    Features Active
    Color Black
    Country/Region of Manufacture China
    Shape Cube
    Material MDF Wooden Cabinets
    Input Sensitivity TRS balanced input:
    AUX/RCA unbalanced input -10dBV
    Product Weight (Net) 4.5kg
    Active Speaker Size 140 x 228 x 197.5 mm
    Passive Speaker Size 140 x 228 x 184 mm
    Woofer Unit 4 inch
    Treble Unit 1 inch
    Distortion ≤0.2%
    Signal-to-noise Ratio ≥85dBA
    Frequency Response 60Hz-20KHz
    Power Output 21W


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     [This item is sent from our US warehouse.
    Your item will be dispatched in 24 hours after we confirm the payment. It only takes 3-5 working days within US. (Except Holidays)
    Please contact us if you do not receive the item over 10 days, we will investigate and solve the delivery problem.
    Please verify your address during checkout. We are not responsible for any wrong or undeliverable addresses.
    We do not currently ship to PO Boxes or Parcel Lockers.Please enter a standard street address for your order.
    If you do not receive your item in the normal period, please contact us via eBay message first.]


    [ All of our items are shipped out in Brand New.
    We offer full refunds or exchange for defective items only.
    If you have received the item in a damaged condition, please notify us within 3 days after receiving.
    Full refund only applies for defective items and it must be sent back to us in the original condition. Including the original accessories and all packing materials.
    Buyer is responsible for all return shipping costs.Shipping and handling charges are not refundable. ]

    Contact Us

    [ Working time: 9:00AM — 6:00PM (Monday to Friday)
    Any question just feel free to contact us.
    Please allow us at least 24 hours to reply you when in the office.Thanks. ]

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    Any question, please contact us via eBay.
    Your satisfaction is our goal! ]



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    Edifier MR4 4″ Powered Studio Monitor Speakers Active Near-Field Speaker – Pair
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    • TRUE STUDIO MONITOR – Based on the highly reviewed Edifier bookshelf speakers, professionally fine-tuned to a near-flat responsive curve for artists and music creators.
    • STUDIO QUALITY SOUND – 1-inch silk dome tweeters and 4-inch composite woofers produce a clear, smooth, and overall sound. MDF wooden structure helps to reduce resonance and reveal the true sound.
    • FLEXIBLE CONNECTIONS – 1/4-inch balanced TRS input, an unbalanced RCA input, an unbalanced AUX input, and a front headphone output are equipped to connect to devices, such as mixers, computers, tablets, etc.
    • THOUGHTFUL DUAL MODE DESIGN – Freely switches between monitor mode – to listen to true audio for music production and music mode – to enjoy daily music for relaxation according to your needs.
    • EASY-TO-USE CONTROLS – Equipped with two knobs to adjust high- and low-frequency controls separately, and a convenient front-panel knob to set volume and sound modes.

    Natural High End Tweeter

    The Edifier MR4 is equipped with the 1-inch silk dome tweeters to produce a smooth and high-frequency sound, and the special coating added on it ensures a more natural and refined treble. The tweeter can radiate sound more accurately with the wide dispersion pattern.


    Deep Bass Woofer

    The Edifier MR4 studio monitor utilizes 4-inch low-frequency diaphragm woofers to produce a strong bass with an accurate overall sound. And the diaphragm adds MICA to keep the original gentle and soft hearing sense and enhance the low frequency and extend the depth of bass at the same time.


    MDF Wooden Cabinets

    The strong and durable MDF wooden cabinets can minimize acoustic resonance and rendering effect effectively to restore the original tone.


    Various Connections for Multiple Devices

    1/4-inch (6.35mm) TRS balanced input: Used for connecting to the audio interface, mixers, audio production devices, etc.

    RCA unbalanced input: Used for connecting to personal music players, desktop computers, CD players, etc.

    9/64-inch (3.5mm) AUX unbalanced input: Used for connecting to mobile phones, tablets, etc.

    Headphone output: Used for connecting to headphones.

    Edifier MR4, the highly efficient and cost-effective studio monitor, is suitable for everyone who has enthusiasm for music production. As a professional monitor speaker, it can provide true sound monitoring and owns high-quality audio performance. In addition to that, it can connect many devices such as audio interfaces, mixers, desktop computers, CD players, mobile phones, and tablets via a balanced TRS input, an unbalanced RCA input, and an unbalanced AUX input. Edifier MR4 has the perfect match for your needs. Upgrade your listening experience with Edifier MR4 powered studio monitors.




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    Item Specifics
    Brand : Edifier
    Type : Studio Monitor
    Model : edifier MR4
    Connectivity : RCA, Auxiliary
    Features : Active
    Color : Black
    Country/Region of Manufacture : China
    Shape : Cube
    Material : MDF Wooden Cabinets
    Input Sensitivity : TRS balanced input:
    AUX/RCA unbalanced input : -10dBV
    Product Weight (Net) : 4.5kg
    Active Speaker Size : 140 x 228 x 197.5 mm
    Passive Speaker Size : 140 x 228 x 184 mm
    Woofer Unit : 4 inch
    Treble Unit : 1 inch
    Distortion : ≤0.2%
    Signal-to-noise Ratio : ≥85dBA
    Frequency Response : 60Hz-20KHz
    Power Output : 21W

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    If you do not have a PayPal account, we suggest you register one or ask your friends for help. ]

     [This item is sent from our US warehouse.
    Your item will be dispatched in 24 hours after we confirm the payment. It only takes 3-5 working days within US. (Except Holidays)
    Please contact us if you do not receive the item over 10 days, we will investigate and solve the delivery problem.
    Please verify your address during checkout. We are not responsible for any wrong or undeliverable addresses.
    We do not currently ship to PO Boxes or Parcel Lockers.Please enter a standard street address for your order.
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    [ All of our items are shipped out in Brand New.
    We offer full refunds or exchange for defective items only.
    If you have received the item in a damaged condition, please notify us within 3 days after receiving.
    Full refund only applies for defective items and it must be sent back to us in the original condition. Including the original accessories and all packing materials.
    Buyer is responsible for all return shipping costs.Shipping and handling charges are not refundable. ]

    [ Working time: 9:00AM — 6:00PM (Monday to Friday)
    Any question just feel free to contact us.
    Please allow us at least 24 hours to reply you when in the office.Thanks. ]

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