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Complete Home Studio Recording Kit Mixer Condenser Microphone for Music Podcast
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【Excellent Sound Quality】 The microphone sound card kit is ergonomically designed, which offers a wide frequency response and handles high SPLs with ease. And it enables a direct convenient connection to the sound card without any additional driver software, just plug this recording microphone into the condenser mic interface of the mixer, then the device is ready to function.
【Detailed Design】 A condenser microphone is designed as a cardioid for picking up the collected sounds are more focused, and less noise as you speak around the sides and the bottom of the mic, and it is a widely used pattern in professional microphones. The cardioid condenser capsule provides crystal clear audio for your communication, creation and recording.
【Low Noise】 It features high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) that means less distortion to be caused on the process of recording. Unique 3-layer protection system prevents unwanted pop noises—providing singers with a clear, plosive-free vocal performance. The microphone cover also prevents wind noise while you are recording. The shockproof mount can securely hold the microphone and effectively reduce handling noise.
【Color Cycle Press and LED Display】 The keyboard backlight of the sound card has 7 colors of light, and it will constantly flash when in use, making it even cooler. The high-definition LED display and push-pull design provide a comfortable tuning experience over time.
【Professional Livestreaming Audio Mixer】 16 kinds of fun background special sound: Cheer/ Din/ 9277/ Dindin/ Awesome/ Giggle/ Kiss/ Applause/ Gunshot/ Slash/ Yell/ Mary/ Laughter/ Awkward/ PUBG/ Guys 9 adjustment kinobs: Treble/ Mid/ Bass/ Special Effect/ Record/ Mic/ Echo/ Backing Track/ Monitor/ Echo 7 kinds of voice recording modes: Primal Sound/ Recording Studio/ PRO/ POP/ MC/ Dodge/ Karaoke adds more fun to your live streaming and podcasting.
【Device Compatibility】 This sound effects device can be used on any mobile phone, computer, tablet iPad, PS4, Xbox, Switch, Apple iOS systems, Android systems and Any game platform. Change your voice anytime, anywhere, call with friends, chat on for WeChat, live and sing, take video on TikTok, Youtube, etc.
【Wide Application】 The condenser microphone kit with the sound card is perfect for live streaming, broadcast, podcast, singing, music recording, and gaming at home, office, or school. It delivers superb sound quality and offers intuitive and full control that suits the needs of both beginners and seasoned broadcasters.
Description: The BM800 high-performance microphones are designed to deliver clear, high-quality sound for memorable recordings. It can deliver warm, clear bass, detailed midrange, and a silky high end. It is ideal for vocals, musical instruments, podcasting, voiceovers, interviews, field recordings. Suitable for studios, recording studios, broadcasting stations, personal broadcast, adage performance and computers.
Specification: Material: Metal Color: Gold + Black Compatible Devices: Laptop, Personal Computer, Smartphone Hardware Platform: Laptop, PC Connectivity Technology: Bluetooth Power Source: Corded Electric Connector Type: 3.5 mm Jack Number of channels: 4 Suitable for: Studio Recording
Package Contents: 1*BM800 Condenser Microphone 1*V10XPRO Audio Mixer 1*Adjustable Mic Arm 1*Mic Pop Filter 1*Shock Mount 1*Fixing Cilp 1*Earphone 1*Charging Cable 1*Mic Cable 2*Audio Cable 1*Manual
Note: 1. The condenser microphone kit performs well on PC, however, we can’t make sure that it is 100% compatible via digital connection as iOS and Android systems are constantly updating. If the USB digital connection doesn’t work, please use the 3.5mm TRRS input (USB-C or Lightning to 3.5mm adapter may be required but not included) to connect your device. 2. This item works well for streaming and podcasting, but the sound quality might not be as good as a professional DJ mixer. 3. OTG adapter is not included; Not support Phantom power. 4. The picture may be a little different from that of real item due to the different display and different light. 5. Due to different producing batches, product details might be a little different. If you mind the difference, please buy with caution. Thank you for your understanding.
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1.Items are US stock. 2.We offer FREE shipping 3. Item will be shipped out within 1- 2 Working days upon your payment completed. 3.Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about our products. We will be responsible for any damages or losses incurred in the shipping process. Payment We can only accept Paypal payment only. You can send payment to our paypal account by many payment methods(Credit or debit card through PayPal). Return In the event that you would like to return your purchase, we allow returns that are processed within the defined return date through ebay return/replacement request, the return date is to be found in the return policy/shipping and handling section, usually 30 days after receiving the item. Any product you return must be in the same condition you received it and in the original packaging. Feedback Customer satisfaction is very important to us. If you have any problem with your order, please contact us and we will do our best to make you satisfied, please do not leave a negative feedback before we resolve your problem. We guarantee that your issue will be solved quickly. As long as you are happy with your purchase, please leave us a positive feedback. Your feedback is very important to us it affects our search placement on eBay. We will leave a positive feedback for you in return automatically once we receive your feedback. Feedback Working Day: Monday to Friday Working Time: 9:00 am to 18:00 pm |