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24PCS Hexagon Acoustic Foam Panels Sound Absorbing Wall Tiles Noise Proof Studio



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Details about 12PCS Hexagon Acoustic Foam Panels Sound Absorbing Wall Tiles Noise Proof




  Five Bullet Points:


    • POWERFUL SOUND INSULATION: This kind of hexagon absorption panel is formed by 100% high density of polyester fiber, which is of sound insulation, flame retardance, insipidity, skid resistance, non-toxicity, corrosion resistance and fading resistance. It weighs 300lbs per cubic yard, thus, having a better sound insulation effect than those soundproofing foams.
    • STYLISH DESIGN: We adopt a hexagonal honeycomb panel as it is all the rage at present. It can be regarded as the decorative wall, thereby adding a sense of art to the inner space you prefer and leaving countless sweet memories in an environment where it is laden with comfort and joy. The size is 11.8 x 10.2 x 0.35 inches.
    • EASY TO INSTALL: Under normal circumstances, both glue spray and double-sided adhesive tape (neither of them is included in the package) can be used as acceptable. All you need to do is to stick to the back of the acoustic panel and fix it to the right position.
    • WIDE APPLICABILITY: The hexagon absorption panel has a wide range of application and it can be widely used in recording studios, home studios, home theaters, offices, and family offices. Besides, you can put it on the ceiling, or behind the TV or beneath the rug.
    • OTHER FUNCTIONS: It is easy to form into shape and can be cut into different parts to meet the your personal needs. More importantly, it won’t alter the performances of the soundproofing insulation absorption panel per se.





It has a powerful sound insulation because of 100% high density of polyester fiber. Therefore, it possess a better sound insulation effect than other similar products on the market. It is tasteless, antiflaming, nontoxic, antiskid and durable. The weight of the acoustic foam panel is 300lbs per cubic yard.



The size of this acoustic panel is 11.8 x 10.2 x 0.35 inches. The stylish absorption panel has an eye-catching design because of the hexagonal honeycomb shape. You can use it to decorate the wall as part of art appreciation in your room and make your room seem more beautiful and appealing.



It is way easy to install this type of hexagon absorption panel. You use general glue spray or double-sided adhesive tape (neither is not contained in the package) to stick to the back of each absorption panel and apply them to the exact position you need.



    • Powerful Sound Insulation
    • Stylish Design
    • Easy to Install
    • Wide Applicability
    • Other Functions




   24 * Hexagon Absorption Panel 


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  • International buyers are responsible for duties and customs fees.
  • Transit times are provided by the carrier, exclude weekends and holidays.

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Your return must include the following or it will be rejected by our warehouse and returned back to you:

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  • If the merchandise is returned on time, in like-new condition, and conforms with the returns policy, then a replacement order will be prepared and shipped, OR the purchase price will be refunded to your PayPal account.
  • Please allow up to ten days from shipment for your return to arrive at our Returns Warehouse because the delivery times vary depending upon the shipper.
  • Your return will be processed by the Returns Warehouse within 5-7 business days (excluding weekends and holidays).
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About us

Mambate US Inc, founded in April 2001, continues to excel in the electronic distribution business, following its goal to be the electronic component distributor of choice, works for providing high quality electronic products at a competitive price.

MamBate Inc specializes in Laptop Batteries, Wireless Security Cameras, Wireless Baby Monitors, DVD burners, Watch Cell Phones, MP4 PMP players, Wireless Headphone, AC adapters and other related electronic products with competitive price and reliable quality.

MamBate Inc emphasizes product quality. We offer 1 year warranty for all our products and also offers considerate service for our customers. If you have any inquiries or comments for our products, our store and our services, please do not hesitate to contact us. we will do our best to help you. With the excellent service from our customer service team, you can feel free to purchase.

Delivery lead time is significantly shorter as our headquarters and shipping department was seated in New York.

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