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21W Solar Charger with 10000mAh PowerBank and 3 Fast Charging IPX4 Waterproof


SKU: 119B8B42

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  • Connector Type USB Type C Brand ALLPOWERS Battery Capacity 10000 Milliamp Hours Model Name AP-SP-002-BLA-NEW  
  • Allpowers_us

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    ALLPOWERS 21W Solar Charger with 10000mAh PowerBank and 3 Fast Charging USB-A/USB-C Ports, IPX4 Waterproof Portable Solar Panel for Camping Hiking Compatible with iPhone iPad Samsung Galaxy
    Connector Type USB Type C
    Battery Capacity 10000 Milliamp Hours
    Model Name AP-SP-002-BLA-NEW



    • 【Bulit-in A 10000mAh Battery Bank】With 10000mah high capacity, the solar panel can be use as a portable charger to power 3 times for an iPhone, 2 times for a Samsung and 2 times for a tablet. When it power outage, you can recharge from solar power or wall charge( there’s a micro input port), great for a week-long trip.
    • 【High-Efficieny】The Monocrystalline solar cell allows convert up to 23.5% of solar power into electric energy. PET–A type of thin-film solar material that offers greater flexibility while retaining durability. Three ports are covered with rubber cover to protect them from dust or water damage.
    • 【Fast charging USB Ports】2 USB-A Ports(5V2A to 12V1.5A Automatically adapt to the maximum input of the device to meet your different device needs) and 1 USB-C Port(PD18W input and output) make you free to charge phones, tablets, drone, camera and more in amazing fast speed.
    • 【Foldable and Waterproof】The 12×7.08×0.79 inch (when folded ) small size and 1.67 lbs design that can easily squeeze in your backpack offers portability and simplicity, and the attachment hook makes the portable solar charger ideal for connecting to a backpack while you’re on the hiking or camping. IPX4 waterproof material allows it use normally in a cloudy day and worry-free.
    • 【What You Get】You will get ALLPOWERS 21W Solar Charger, USB-A to Micro Cable, 2 carabiner, User Manual, 18 Months Warranty and Friendly Customer Service.

    Note: Products with electrical plugs are designed for use in the US. Outlets and voltage differ internationally and this product may require an adapter or converter for use in your destination. Please check compatibility before purchasing.













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    Item Specifics
    Brand Allpowers
    Type Solar Panel Power Bank
    Number of Ports 4
    Compatible Model Universial
    Capacity 10000 mAh
    Compatible Brand Universial
    Connectivity Dual USB
    Design/Finish Thin Fit
    Colour Black
    Wireless Charging Standard No
    Built-in battery Li-polymer 10000mAh
    Material SUNPOWER
    Items Included Charging Cable
    Voltage 5 V
    Solar Panel Peak Power 5V21W (Conversion Rate : 22%-25%)
    Features Foldable
    Country/Region of Manufacture China
    USB Output 5V2A/5V3A/9V2A/12V1.5A
    Type-C Output PD 18W 5V3A/9V2A/12V1.5A
    Solar Charging Input 5V2A approx. 4-5 hours
    Net Weight 758g/26.7oz
    Manufacturer Colour Black
    Manufacturer Warranty 18 months
    UPC 6713169365890
    Folded Size 305 x 180 x 20 mm/12 x 7.08 x 0.79 inch
    Unfolded Size 520 x 305 x10 mm/ 22.47 x12.0 x 0.39 inch


    1.  When you make the payment, please leave your phone number for us, which is required for international shipping.

    2. Please leave a note for your special request (e.g. Colors or Size) in Ebay note when you pay the order.


    1. Fast delivery, dispatched within 24 hours once we receive your payment, we do not arrange shipment on weekends and public holidays.

    2. Shipping usually takes about 1-5 business days, if you don’t receive your items in expected time, please contact us firstly, we will check that and do our best to meet your demand, thanks.


    1. We provide money back within 30 days of receiving the item, but please make sure the item in its original box and in a good condition.

    2. The warranty date of all our products is one year. Contact us if you have any question about quality.

    Contact Us

    1. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us, we will reply you as soon as possible.

    2. If not any response within 24 hours, please check the spam of mail box or kindly re-send it to us.

    Working time, 9:00~18:00(GMT+8) , Monday to Friday.

    (Emails received on weekends would be responded on Monday.)


    1. We greatly appreciate your 5 Star Positive Feedback . Please do not leave negative or neutral feedback without any contact.

    2. We will work with you to until you are satisfied. we sincerely hope that you can leave us a positive comment.



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    ALLPOWERS 21W Solar Charger with 10000mAh PowerBank and 3 Fast Charging USB-A/USB-C Ports, IPX4 Waterproof Portable Solar Panel for Camping Hiking Compatible with iPhone iPad Samsung Galaxy
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    Connector Type USB Type C
    Battery Capacity 10000 Milliamp Hours
    Model Name AP-SP-002-BLA-NEW



    • 【Bulit-in A 10000mAh Battery Bank】With 10000mah high capacity, the solar panel can be use as a portable charger to power 3 times for an iPhone, 2 times for a Samsung and 2 times for a tablet. When it power outage, you can recharge from solar power or wall charge( there’s a micro input port), great for a week-long trip.
    • 【High-Efficieny】The Monocrystalline solar cell allows convert up to 23.5% of solar power into electric energy. PET–A type of thin-film solar material that offers greater flexibility while retaining durability. Three ports are covered with rubber cover to protect them from dust or water damage.
    • 【Fast charging USB Ports】2 USB-A Ports(5V2A to 12V1.5A Automatically adapt to the maximum input of the device to meet your different device needs) and 1 USB-C Port(PD18W input and output) make you free to charge phones, tablets, drone, camera and more in amazing fast speed.
    • 【Foldable and Waterproof】The 12×7.08×0.79 inch (when folded ) small size and 1.67 lbs design that can easily squeeze in your backpack offers portability and simplicity, and the attachment hook makes the portable solar charger ideal for connecting to a backpack while you’re on the hiking or camping. IPX4 waterproof material allows it use normally in a cloudy day and worry-free.
    • 【What You Get】You will get ALLPOWERS 21W Solar Charger, USB-A to Micro Cable, 2 carabiner, User Manual, 18 Months Warranty and Friendly Customer Service.

    Note: Products with electrical plugs are designed for use in the US. Outlets and voltage differ internationally and this product may require an adapter or converter for use in your destination. Please check compatibility before purchasing.













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    Item Specifics
    Brand : Allpowers
    Type : Solar Panel Power Bank
    Number of Ports : 4
    Compatible Model : Universial
    Capacity : 10000 mAh
    Compatible Brand : Universial
    Connectivity : Dual USB
    Design/Finish : Thin Fit
    Colour : Black
    Wireless Charging Standard : No
    Built-in battery : Li-polymer 10000mAh
    Material : SUNPOWER
    Items Included : Charging Cable
    Voltage : 5 V
    MPN : AP-SP-002-BLA-NEW-E
    Solar Panel Peak Power : 5V21W (Conversion Rate : 22%-25%)
    Features : Foldable
    Country/Region of Manufacture : China
    USB Output : 5V2A/5V3A/9V2A/12V1.5A
    Type-C Output : PD 18W 5V3A/9V2A/12V1.5A
    Solar Charging Input : 5V2A approx. 4-5 hours
    Net Weight : 758g/26.7oz
    Manufacturer Colour : Black
    Manufacturer Warranty : 18 months
    UPC : 6713169365890
    Folded Size : 305 x 180 x 20 mm/12 x 7.08 x 0.79 inch
    Unfolded Size : 520 x 305 x10 mm/ 22.47 x12.0 x 0.39 inch


    1.  When you make the payment, please leave your phone number for us, which is required for international shipping.

    2. Please leave a note for your special request (e.g. Colors or Size) in Ebay note when you pay the order.


    1. Fast delivery, dispatched within 24 hours once we receive your payment, we do not arrange shipment on weekends and public holidays.

    2. Shipping usually takes about 1-5 business days, if you don’t receive your items in expected time, please contact us firstly, we will check that and do our best to meet your demand, thanks.


    1. We provide money back within 30 days of receiving the item, but please make sure the item in its original box and in a good condition.

    2. The warranty date of all our products is one year. Contact us if you have any question about quality.

    Contact Us

    1. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us, we will reply you as soon as possible.

    2. If not any response within 24 hours, please check the spam of mail box or kindly re-send it to us.

    Working time, 9:00~18:00(GMT+8) , Monday to Friday.

    (Emails received on weekends would be responded on Monday.)


    1. We greatly appreciate your 5 Star Positive Feedback . Please do not leave negative or neutral feedback without any contact.

    2. We will work with you to until you are satisfied. we sincerely hope that you can leave us a positive comment.

    All rights reserved.

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