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1960 Fleer Football #1 – #132 Complete your set – Pick your card

SKU: 6D8D58B4

Product Highlights

SKU 6D8D58B4



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1960 Fleer Football #1 – #132 Complete your set – Pick your card

#1 Harvey White EX NM Patriots
#3 Dan McGrew EXNM oc Bills
#3 Dan McGrew VG EX Very Good Exce Bills
#4 Bob White miscut Oilers
#4 Bob White dent Oilers
#6 Sam Salerno water damage Broncos
#10 Bob Stransky miscut Broncos
(2)#10 Bob Stransky miscut Broncos
#10 Bob Stransky dent miscut Broncos
(3)#10 Bob Stransky miscut Broncos
#10 Bob Stransky VG EX Very Good Exce Broncos
#12 George Shirkey miscut Oilers
#14 John Stolte NM Near Mint LA Chargers
#14 John Stolte EX NM LA Chargers
#14 John Stolte dent LA Chargers
#14 John Stolte creased LA Chargers
#15 Serafino Fazio water damage Patriots
#16 Tom Dimitroff EX Excellent Patriots
(2)#16 Tom Dimitroff EX Excellent Patriots
#18 Hogan Wharton creased Oilers
(2)#18 Hogan Wharton creased Oilers
#20 Sammy Baugh EX NM New York Titans
(2)#20 Sammy Baugh EX NM New York Titans
#21 Tony Sardisco water damage Patriots
#22 Alan Cann EX Excellent Patriots
#22 Alan Cann creased Patriots
(2)#22 Alan Cann creased Patriots
#22 Alan Cann miscut Patriots
#22 Alan Cann Poor Patriots
(2)#22 Alan Cann Poor Patriots
#24 Bill Atkins creased Bills
#24 Bill Atkins water damage Bills
#28 Joe Amstutz EXNM oc LA Chargers
#28 Joe Amstutz creased LA Chargers
(2)#28 Joe Amstutz creased LA Chargers
#29 Bob Fee EX Excellent Patriots
#30 Jim Baldwin creased New York Titans
(2)#30 Jim Baldwin creased New York Titans
#30 Jim Baldwin VG Very Good New York Titans
#30 Jim Baldwin water damage New York Titans
#31 Jim Yates creased Oilers
#33 Ken Adamson creased Broncos
#34 Ron Drzewiecki NM Near Mint Raiders
#37 Gary Cobb water damage Bills
#37 Gary Cobb EX Excellent Bills
#40 Jim Padgett miscut Broncos
#40 Jim Padgett water damage Broncos
#42 Bob Reifsnyder water damage LA Chargers
#44 Ray Moss water damage Bills
(2)#44 Ray Moss water damage Bills
#45 Tony Banfield EX Excellent Oilers
#46 George Herring VG EX Very Good Exce Broncos
(2)#46 George Herring VG EX Very Good Exce Broncos
#46 George Herring EXNM oc Broncos
#46 George Herring EX NM Broncos
#46 George Herring miscut creased Broncos
(3)#46 George Herring VG EX Very Good Exce Broncos
#48 Buddy Allen water damage Raiders
#49 Bill Brown VG Very Good Patriots
#50 Ken Ford miscut New York Titans
#54 Frank Bernardi EX Excellent Broncos
#56 Gene Cockrell miscut New York Titans
#57 Sam Sanders creased Bills
#58 George Blanda wrinkle Oilers
#62 Dick Chorovich water damage LA Chargers
#62 Dick Chorovich oc LA Chargers
#62 Dick Chorovich marked LA Chargers
#63 Bob McNamara VG EX Very Good Exce Patriots
#63 Bob McNamara EX Excellent Patriots
#64 Tom Saidock EXNM oc New York Titans
#64 Tom Saidock EX NM New York Titans
(2)#64 Tom Saidock EXNM oc New York Titans
#64 Tom Saidock EX Excellent New York Titans
(2)#64 Tom Saidock EX Excellent New York Titans
#64 Tom Saidock water damage New York Titans
#67 Sam McCord VG EX Very Good Exce Raiders
#69 Jim Swink dent Texans
#69 Jim Swink VG EX Very Good Exce Texans
#70 Don Hitt VG EX Very Good Exce Oilers
#70 Don Hitt dents creased Oilers
#70 Don Hitt miscut creased Oilers
(2)#70 Don Hitt dents creased Oilers
(2)#70 Don Hitt VG EX Very Good Exce Oilers
#70 Don Hitt creased Oilers
#72 Thurlow Cooper VG EX Very Good Exce New York T
#72 Thurlow Cooper creased New York Titans
#74 Billy Shoemake water damage Broncos
#76 Paul Lowe miscut LA Chargers
#77 Bruce Hartman roller mark Patriots
#77 Bruce Hartman miscut creased Patriots
#77 Bruce Hartman creased Patriots
#77 Bruce Hartman VG EX Very Good Exce Patriots
#78 Blanche Martin miscut creased New York Titans
#78 Blanche Martin miscut New York Titans
#80 Lou Rymkus VG EX Very Good Exce Oilers
#81 Chris Burford water damage Texans
#81 Chris Burford EX oc Texans
#81 Chris Burford EX Excellent Texans
#82 Don Allen creased Broncos
#82 Don Allen EX Excellent Broncos
#82 Don Allen roller mark Broncos
#83 Bob Nelson G VG Good Very Good Raiders
#83 Bob Nelson water damage Raiders
#84 Jim Woodard miscut Raiders
#85 Tom Rychlec miscut Bills
#86 Bob Cox oc Patriots
#87 Jerry Cornelison EX Excellent Texans
#88 Jack Work creased Broncos
#88 Jack Work EX+ oc Broncos
#88 Jack Work EX Excellent Broncos
(2)#88 Jack Work EX Excellent Broncos
#88 Jack Work EX NM Broncos
#90 Rommie Loudd VG EX Very Good Exce LA Chargers
#90 Rommie Loudd water damage LA Chargers
#91 Teddy Edmondson EX Excellent New York Titans
#91 Teddy Edmondson NM-MT New York Titans
#91 Teddy Edmondson water damage New York Titans
#91 Teddy Edmondson NRMT-OC New York Titans
#93 Doug Asad EX Excellent Oilers
(2)#93 Doug Asad EX Excellent Oilers
#93 Doug Asad creased Oilers
#93 Doug Asad Fair Oilers
#94 Jimmy Harris water damage Texans
#95 Larry Cundiff EX NM Broncos
#96 Richie Lucas VGEX oc Bills
#97 Don Norwood Fair Patriots
#97 Don Norwood EX Excellent Patriots
#97 Don Norwood stain Patriots
#97 Don Norwood miscut creased Patriots
#99 Bill Mathis oc Oilers
#99 Bill Mathis EX Excellent Oilers
#99 Bill Mathis VG EX Very Good Exce Oilers
(2)#99 Bill Mathis EX Excellent Oilers
#101 Marvin Terrell water damage Texans
#102 Charlie Flowers NRMT o-c LA Chargers
#102 Charlie Flowers VG EX Very Good Exce LA Charg
#102 Charlie Flowers EX Excellent LA Chargers
#102 Charlie Flowers stain creased LA Chargers
#103 John McMullan miscut New York Titans
#104 Charlie Kaaihue Poor Raiders
#104 Charlie Kaaihue water damage Raiders
#105 Joe Schaffer EX Excellent Bills
#106 Al Day EX Excellent Broncos
#106 Al Day EX NM Broncos
#106 Al Day creased Broncos
(2)#106 Al Day EX Excellent Broncos
#107 John Carson water damage Oilers
(2)#107 John Carson water damage Oilers
#107 John Carson VG EX Very Good Exce Oilers
#107 John Carson EX Excellent Oilers
#109 Doug Cline water damage Oilers
#109 Doug Cline creased Oilers
#109 Doug Cline EX NM Oilers
#110 Al Carmichael miscut Broncos
#112 John Bredice creased New York Titans
#113 Don Floyd marked Oilers
#113 Don Floyd NRMT o c Oilers
#113 Don Floyd miscut Oilers
#114 Ronnie Cain water damage Broncos
#114 Ronnie Cain dents Broncos
#115 Stan Flowers water damage Patriots
#118 Ron Mix VG EX Very Good Exce LA Chargers
(2)#118 Ron Mix VG EX Very Good Exce LA Chargers
#120 Elvin Caldwell VG EX Very Good Exce Patriots
#120 Elvin Caldwell creased Patriots
#121 Bill Kimber miscut LA Chargers
#122 Jim Matheny water damage Oilers
#122 Jim Matheny VG EX Very Good Exce Oilers
#123 Curley Johnson water damage Texans
#126 Jerry McFarland miscut New York Titans
#127 Dan Lanphear marked Oilers
#127 Dan Lanphear water damage Oilers
#127 Dan Lanphear EX Excellent Oilers
#129 Ray Collins water damage Texans
(2)#129 Ray Collins water damage Texans
#130 Ron Burton EX Excellent Patriots
#130 Ron Burton VG EX Very Good Exce Patriots
#130 Ron Burton miscut Patriots
#131 Eddie Erdelatz creased Raiders
#132 Ron Beagle creased Raiders
#132 Ron Beagle EX Excellent Raiders




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