Latest Products
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21L Capacity & Durable Material & Space-Saving
These store baskets are fabricated by high-density polyethylene plastic, durable, and not easy to break. The wide plastic handle allows the large capacity to bear numerous items. The size of the basket is 16.9 x 11.8 x 8.07 in/42 x 30 x 20.5 cm. A set of 12 baskets can be stacked effortlessly and save more space with the help of the iron stand. It’s a good choice for shopping in the supermarket, bookstore, fruit store, etc.
Tough Equipment & Tools, Pay Less
VEVOR is a leading brand that specializes in equipment and tools. Along with thousands of motivated employees, VEVOR is dedicated to providing our customers with tough equipment & tools at incredibly low prices. Today, VEVOR’s products are sold in more than 200 countries and regions with 10 million plus members worldwide.
Why Choose VEVOR?
Durable Material
Bearing: Appr 20 lbs/9.1 kg. Our shopping basket adopts high-density polyethylene plastic material, which has a smoother and more durable surface. In addition, it creates a relaxing and joyful shopping atmosphere because of no odor.
Cast-Iron Handle
In contrast to the other’s handle, this cast-iron handle is corrosion-proof and more sturdy. Furthermore, the Iron handle screws to the basket tightly and is not easy to deform and damage.
High-Density Bottom
The bottom of the retail baskets has been improved its density to avert the falling. The bottom size: 13.2 x 8.5 in/33.5 x 21.5 cm, large enough to put a number of commodities.
Jumbo Size
The size of the basket is 16.9 x 11.8 x 8.07 in/42 x 30 x 20.5 cm. Capacity: 5.6 Gal/21L. It’s much bigger than the other’s basket and satisfies your various shopping demands at any time.
Iron Stand
Hand shopping baskets are equipped with a high-quality cast-iron stand. With the help of the rack, 12 pieces of baskets can be gathered together at any place to save more space.
Extensive Uses
Our shopping plastic basket is an excellent assistant while making a purchase. It is far-ranging used in putting snakes, drinks, books, and other things in the supermarket, bookstore, fruit store, etc.
Package Content
Features & Details
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Led Sign Led Scrolling Sign 40 x 15 inch 7 Color Signs For Advertising
VEVOR 21L Shopping Baskets Blue with Handles/Sign/Stand 12 Pack
Please be aware that PO Box cannot receive items,please DO NOT fill in the PO Box address.
California Warehouse: City of Industry, CA
Texas Warehouse: Houston, TX
New Jersey Warehouse: Perth Amboy, NJ
New York State Warehouse: Perth Amboy, NJ
Georgia Warehouse: Austell,GA
North Carolina Warehouse: Grove NC
Oregon Warehouse: AIRPORT WAY Portland,OR
VEVOR is a leading brand that specializes in equipment and tools. Along with thousands of motivated employees, VEVOR is dedicated to providing our customers with tough equipment & tools at incredibly low prices. Today, VEVOR’s products are sold in more than 200 countries and regions with 10 million plus members worldwide.
Why Choose VEVOR?
21L Capacity & Durable Material & Space-Saving
These store baskets are fabricated by high-density polyethylene plastic, durable, and not easy to break. The wide plastic handle allows the large capacity to bear numerous items. The size of the basket is 16.9 x 11.8 x 8.07 in/42 x 30 x 20.5 cm. A set of 12 baskets can be stacked effortlessly and save more space with the help of the iron stand. It’s a good choice for shopping in the supermarket, bookstore, fruit store, etc.
Durable Material
Bearing: Appr 20 lbs/9.1 kg. Our shopping basket adopts high-density polyethylene plastic material, which has a smoother and more durable surface. In addition, it creates a relaxing and joyful shopping atmosphere because of no odor.
Cast-Iron Handle
In contrast to the other’s handle, this cast-iron handle is corrosion-proof and more sturdy. Furthermore, the Iron handle screws to the basket tightly and is not easy to deform and damage.
High-Density Bottom
The bottom of the retail baskets has been improved its density to avert the falling. The bottom size: 13.2 x 8.5 in/33.5 x 21.5 cm, large enough to put a number of commodities.
Jumbo Size
The size of the basket is 16.9 x 11.8 x 8.07 in/42 x 30 x 20.5 cm. Capacity: 5.6 Gal/21L. It’s much bigger than the other’s basket and satisfies your various shopping demands at any time.
Iron Stand
Hand shopping baskets are equipped with a high-quality cast-iron stand. With the help of the rack, 12 pieces of baskets can be gathered together at any place to save more space.
Extensive Uses
Our shopping plastic basket is an excellent assistant while making a purchase. It is far-ranging used in putting snakes, drinks, books, and other things in the supermarket, bookstore, fruit store, etc.
Red Shopping Baskets | Blue Shopping Baskets | Red Shopping Baskets | Black Shopping Baskets | Red Trolley Baskets | Blue Trolley Baskets | |
Color | Red | Blue | Red | Black | Red | Blue |
Basket Material | HDPE Plastic | HDPE Plastic | HDPE Plastic | HDPE Plastic | PP Plastic | PP Plastic |
Handle Material | Plastic | Plastic | Iron | Iron | Plastic | Plastic |
Load Capacity | 20 lbs/9.1 kg | 20 lbs/9.1 kg | 20 lbs/9.1 kg | 20 lbs/9.1 kg | 75 lbs/34 kg | 75 lbs/34 kg |
Bottom Size | 12.8 x 8.1 in | 12.8 x 8.1 in | 12.8 x 8.1 in | 12.8 x 8.1 in | 14.6 x 7.5 in | 14.6 x 7.5 in |
Number | 12 Pcs | 12 Pcs | 12 Pcs | 12 Pcs | 6 Pcs | 6 Pcs |
Features & Details
California Warehouse: City of Industry, CA
Texas Warehouse: Houston, TX
New Jersey Warehouse: Perth Amboy, NJ
New York State Warehouse: Perth Amboy, NJ
Georgia Warehouse: Austell,GA
North Carolina Warehouse: Grove NC
Oregon Warehouse: AIRPORT WAY Portland,OR