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11 PCS Resistance Band Set Yoga Pilates Abs Exercise Fitness Tube Workout Bands



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Sports & Outdoors

Daily Deals

Sports & Outdoors

Daily Deals

11 PCS Resistance Band Set Yoga Pilates Abs Exercise Fitness Tube Workout Bands

  • New

    Item Description

    p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 16.0px ‘Helvetica Light’}
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    11pc Exercise Bands, Resistance Band Set At Home Workout Assorted Sizes


    • Different level resistance:yellow (10 lbs.), blue (20 lbs.), green (30 lbs.), black (40 lbs.), red(50 lbs.), all exercise bands are 48″ in length, and can be used alone stacked in any combination to a maximum equivalent of 150 lbs.

    • Multifunctional up assist bands can apply to different types exercise. Such as, powerlifting, calisthenics, Pilates, physical therapy, assisted pull Ups and chin Ups.

    • Package with free portable carry bag:comes with convenient travel pouch so you can take your bands to gym, office, and even workout on vacation.

    • Safety and high quality:resistance band is made of natural latex is kind to the environment. Strong wear resistance and perfect elasticity, steel metal buckle for stronger strength, non-slip handle, comfortable and absorbent.

    • Your own personal gym: this resistance band set includes five exercise bands, one waterproof carry bag, one door anchor, two cushioned handles, two ankle straps and user manual to allow you to perform the widest variety of resistance training exercises possible. Great for toning your chest, ABS, biceps, triceps, shoulders, quads, glutes, buttocks, legs and knees.


    • Yellow: 5x8x1020mm /10lb

    • Blue: 5x9x1020mm /20lb

    • Green: 7x11x1020mm /30lb

    • Black: 6x11x1020mm /40lb

    • Red: 5x11x1020mm /50lb


    Item Description

    p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 16.0px ‘Helvetica Light’}
    p.p2 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 16.0px ‘Helvetica Light’; min-height: 16.0px}

    11pc Exercise Bands, Resistance Band Set At Home Workout Assorted Sizes


    • Different level resistance:yellow (10 lbs.), blue (20 lbs.), green (30 lbs.), black (40 lbs.), red(50 lbs.), all exercise bands are 48″ in length, and can be used alone stacked in any combination to a maximum equivalent of 150 lbs.

    • Multifunctional up assist bands can apply to different types exercise. Such as, powerlifting, calisthenics, Pilates, physical therapy, assisted pull Ups and chin Ups.

    • Package with free portable carry bag:comes with convenient travel pouch so you can take your bands to gym, office, and even workout on vacation.

    • Safety and high quality:resistance band is made of natural latex is kind to the environment. Strong wear resistance and perfect elasticity, steel metal buckle for stronger strength, non-slip handle, comfortable and absorbent.

    • Your own personal gym: this resistance band set includes five exercise bands, one waterproof carry bag, one door anchor, two cushioned handles, two ankle straps and user manual to allow you to perform the widest variety of resistance training exercises possible. Great for toning your chest, ABS, biceps, triceps, shoulders, quads, glutes, buttocks, legs and knees.


    • Yellow: 5x8x1020mm /10lb

    • Blue: 5x9x1020mm /20lb

    • Green: 7x11x1020mm /30lb

    • Black: 6x11x1020mm /40lb

    • Red: 5x11x1020mm /50lb

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    Shipping Policy

    We take great care in packaging every item to ensure safe and quality shipping. Most shipments are sent out within 1 business day after the payment is confirmed or cleared, unless stated otherwise inside the listing. If you receive a tracking number after 2 pm your tracking may not update until the next business day.

    Domestic Shipping: All Domestic packages are shipped FREE ECONOMY SHIPPING – Up To 10 Business Days for delivery depending on your location (Unless other shipping method was selected on checkout)

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    The shipping charges are calculated by the item/weight/country shipped to, to calculate the shipping costs please press on the Shipping Options tab in the listing and enter the Quantity/Country you desire.

    With our Free Shipping option, we reserve the right to choose the best economical method for freight. If the ultimate destination for your package requires a specific method because the area has limited access, you are required to pay for shipping. A customer is also required to pay for shipping if he/she needs expedited shipping.

    We ship UPS/USPS/DHL depending on your location and the shipping method you have chosen.

    Please make sure to provide the correct shipping address when placing your order, orders will be shipped out to the shipping address provided by eBay.  (we are not able to modify the shipping address once the order has been finalized and synced to our system. Customers may request to cancel an order if an incorrect address was provided. Once tracking information has been provided, we can no longer cancel or stop shipment.)

    Packages are not shipped on Saturday or Sunday. Transit time varies and depends on the carrier, we cannot be held responsible for delays caused by carriers.

    Shipping time by eBay is estimated and not guaranteed and is subject to change especially during peak periods.

    Orders shipping to Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Guam or Alaska may not select the Free Shipping option for this item, if free shipping is selected for one of these destinations we reserve the right to cancel your order.

    PLEASE NOTE: USPS First Class International shipping is a trackable service. We ship to APO, FPO and P.O Boxes. Buyers having APO, FPO or P.O. Box addresses must choose USPS Mail option when purchasing since UPS does not deliver to these addresses. Transit time is dependent on the carrier service and cannot be guaranteed by us, sellers are not responsible for services transit time and the information provided is by the carrier and excludes weekends and holidays.

    ATTENTION INTERNATIONAL BUYERS: We are not responsible for any costs incurred due to import taxes in any given country (Unfortunately, we are not sure if import customs tax will be assessed as we are not aware of their rules and regulations. In this case, please check with your local federal agencies customs and border patrol to acquire further details). Please keep this in mind while browsing in our eBay store. In addition, declaring an item as a “Gift” or declaring a value that is lower than the actual cost of the product, as to avoid paying import taxes is ILLEGAL, as it violates U.S. & International Selling and Customs Laws, as well as eBay policy and WILL NOT BE DONE.


    Return Policy

    All items have a 30-day return period with the exception of the following items, which must be returned within 14 days of receipt: computers, computer hardware, computer software, printers, printing supplies, and products, 3D printers, 3D printing supplies, and products, camcorders, digital cameras, GPS units, digital music players, tablets, e-readers, portable video players, drones, televisions, cell phones, gift cards, video game hardware, software, and accessories. Please make sure to request an RMA by contacting one of our customer service agents. Only approved RMA’s may be returned.

    • The customer is responsible for the return, shipping cost, and proof of delivery on all returns, except for defective items. Please be sure that your return shipments are properly packaged and fully insured. We will not be responsible for returned packages that are lost/damaged by any shipper or carrier.
    • All returns require a Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) number. You may obtain an RMA number by contacting Altatac Customer Service via email or the marketplace messaging portal. Be sure to include our order ID, Your Contact Information, and the reason for return to ensure proper processing.
    • All returns must be in the original condition as received, including packaging, documentation, warranty cards, manuals, and accessories.
    • An item that was discovered to be defective upon receipt must be returned within 14 days of delivery to be eligible for a refund. Please make sure to include a full description of the issue.
    • Software Items/Video Games are only refundable if returned sealed in original packaging. A 100% restocking fee will be applied if such items are returned open or used.

    Please make sure the item you send back is the item you received from our company, this will be confirmed by our returns department as well as confirming serial numbers when applicable. (Attempts to change or manipulate serial numbers or replace the returned unit with a used or different product will be reported, and the return will not be authorized or refundable and the customer will be responsible for all shipping expenses)
    Once your return has been shipped, please keep a copy of the tracking number for your records.
    Do not use the original product box of the item as the shipping package.

    Once the return is received and inspected, we will process your refund or replacement within 24-48 business hours.

    **All refunds and credits are completed after receiving the returned product. We do not ship replacements without first receiving the defective unit. In any event, a buyer needs a replacement urgently, then they should place a new order through eBay with the desired shipping method and we will ship it as a new order and process the RMA for the defective unit for a refund.**

    Restocking Fees:

    Restocking fees may apply based on the condition of the item and the reason selected when requesting an RMA. Make sure to select the option that applies to you and best describe the reason for the return. We reserve the right to charge a restocking fee and shipping cost if the customer misrepresented the condition of the product.

    • If an item shows signs of use or if a returned item shows any kind of damage (ie. misused or abused merchandise). Restocking fees may vary based on the condition of the returned item, (ie. more damage will result in a higher restocking fee).
    • A 100% restocking fee will be applied to any video games returned open or used.
    • A return will not be accepted, or a restocking fee may be applied if the item returned is missing parts.
    • A return will not be accepted if you return an item different from what was purchased. Any item shipped to us in error may be returned to you at your expense within 14 days of us receiving the item.

    Failure to follow these guidelines may cause your return to be delayed or rejected.



    Our goal is for you to be completely satisfied with this transaction. If for any reason this is not the case, we would appreciate it if you would give us a chance to address your concerns by replying directly to this email.

    We are committed to your complete satisfaction. We will do everything possible to meet your expectations, In case of a problem, we would appreciate the chance to hear from you first, so please contact us.

    If you are happy with your purchase, your positive feedback will be greatly appreciated. Your vote of confidence will allow us to continue to provide outstanding service and low prices.

    This is an Offical Store / item by © Altatac on eBay, All Rights Reserved. 2019. Contact us for any queries or help.`

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