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Zipper Fashion Men’s Wide Casual Necktie Tie Lazy Zip Up Business Gentle Nice



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SKU 91CEC6A8 Category


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Product name: zipper tie
Colour: Black
Material: polyester yarn
Size: 48*5cm/18.89*1.96inch

Stylish zipper and black design, more convenient and fast to use.
The appearance is solemn and noble, made of high-quality materials, soft and smooth.
Pre-fastened and secured in place with a comfortable zipper closure, it’s easy to wear.
Perfect for weddings, proms, semi-formal events, formal events, important business meetings and more.
Various sizes are available for women and men with different needs. It can be a decent gift or an elegant gift for your own use.

1. As we all know, different computers display different colors, and the actual color may be slightly different from the picture below.
2. If you find it difficult to choose the size, you can contact me at any time, we will give you some suggestions, but only for your reference.
3. We can accept orders of mixed items, colors and sizes.

This product includes:
1 pc tie


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