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Wooden Bayonet M9 Ancient, Maskbro,30-001-1,m Bayonet Csgo , Bajonett Csgo, Cs:go, Cs2


SKU: 04D42D9F

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SKU 04D42D9F Category


M9 Bayonet wooden.
Knife of excellent quality.
Painted and varnished, the paint is not washed off.
Wooden M9 Bayonet Ancient
• 100% made of wood M9 Bayonet Ancient for stand off
• High level of detalisation suitable for stand off cosplayers
• Brand new and high quality
• Sharpless, blade has a blunt tip for safery

Brand name MASKBRO
Product type Wooden knife CSGO
Sizes,mm 282х27х71
Type M9 Bayonet
Skin Ancient
#csgo #woodknife #maskbro #stand_off
Type in “”MASKBRO Wooden knife”” to watch customers’ reviews on Youtube

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