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  • Product Features: 100% brand new and made from Nylon. White Red & Blue basketball net, striking and beautiful. All weather replacement for your hoop, indoor outdoor quality. Length: 17.7″ (45 cm).     Package Included 1 x Basketball Net.    
  • Brand Unbranded MPN Does Not Apply UPC Does not apply


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Replacement Basketball Net Heavy Duty All Weather Hoop Goal Rim Indoor Outdoor



Product Features:
100% brand new and made from Nylon.
White Red & Blue basketball net, striking and beautiful.
All weather replacement for your hoop, indoor outdoor quality.
Length: 17.7″ (45 cm).
Package Included
1 x Basketball Net.


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Item Specifics
Brand : Unbranded
MPN : Does Not Apply
UPC : Does not apply



  • We accept payment through Paypal ONLY.

    If you do not have Paypal account, please registered with (https://www.paypal.com)  Payment must be received within 5 days after auctions ended. Please do not  bid if you are not intending to buy. Unpaid dispute will be filed to ebay  for the non payable bidders.


Shipping and handling:

  • We ship to your eBay or Paypal address. Please make sure your eBay and Paypal address is correct before you pay.
  • Items will be shipped within 1-3 business day when we received payment.
  • Delivery time depends on destination and other factors;
  • International buyers please note:
  •   a.Import duties, taxes and charges are not included in the item price or shipping charges. These charges are buyer’s responsibility. We will try our best to reduce the risk of the custom duties.
  •   b.Please check with your country’s customs office to determine what these additional costs will be prior to buying.




  • We can exchange the item within 14 days after you received it if it is defective. Returned item must have all original packaging and accessories with Approval Return Code.
  • Buyer are responsible for the returning shipping costs. We will be responsible for the postage of replacements. Refund will be made upon receipt of the returned item.
  • It may take up to 3 business days to process your return after we receive your product.
Customer Services

Customer Services: 

  • Customer Satisfaction is invaluable for us. Any questions, please let us know first.
  • We will reply all you questions in one working day. If you have questions or problem about your purchases, full support will be given and QKMall LLC will try to sort all your concern out.
  • Any question, please send us message via ebay 

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4.5W USB Solar Panel Iron Fan 6 Inch Cooling Ventilation Fan Charge Phone
USD 28.43
2.5W18V monocrystalline silicon solar panel high efficiency power supply charger
USD 10.62
3W 6V Solar Panel Powered Fan for Camping Caravan Yacht Greenhouse Dog House Chi
USD 24.10
0.25W 5V DIY solar panels Dijiao board then electronic wire polysilicon
USD 5.64
8.5W 18V Semi Flexible Solar Panel 12V Battery Charger For Boat Caravan camping
USD 26.73
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Replacement Basketball Net Heavy Duty All Weather Hoop Goal Rim Indoor Outdoor



Product Features:
100% brand new and made from Nylon.
White Red & Blue basketball net, striking and beautiful.
All weather replacement for your hoop, indoor outdoor quality.
Length: 17.7″ (45 cm).
Package Included
1 x Basketball Net.


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Item Specifics
Brand : Unbranded
MPN : Does Not Apply

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