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Nautica Voyage Sport & EDT Men’s 2-Pack Spray 100ml/3.4oz, NEW!


SKU: F9E5538A

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Nautica Voyage Sport & EDT Men’s 2-Pack Spray 100ml/3.4oz, NEW!

Nautica Voyage Sport by Nautica Eau De Toilette Spray 3.3 oz for MaleNautica Voyage by Nautica Eau De Toilette Spray 3.3 oz for Male

The Nautica Voyage Sport Eau de Toilette for men is a captivating fragrance that epitomizes a crisp and serene maritime essence, infused with green and floral delicacies for a refreshing aroma. Launched by Nautica in 2016, this elegant scent greets the senses with a vivacious concoction of Coriander, Sea Salt, citrus fruits, and oceanic accords at its forefront. Progressing to reveal a fusion of aromatic Apple, exotic Palm Leaf, zestful Green Pepper, and Geranium at its core. The perfume culminates in a robust and enduring foundation, harmonizing the earthy essences of Patchouli, Vetiver, Musk, and Brazilian Rosewood.
Meanwhile, the essential Nautica Voyage Eau de Toilette encapsulates the crisp effervescence of a maritime adventure beneath the open skies. This effortlessly wearable fragrance is ideal for daily use, defined by its aquatic freshness and accented with fruity notes. Opening with the lively greenery of leaves and Apple, it gradually transitions to a solid framework marked by the woody richness of Cedar and the soothing depth of Musk.
Distinctive features of this aroma include:
– Crisp apple and fresh green leaf delicately commingled with the lightness of lotus as the introductory notes.
– The woody finish encompasses Cedarwood’s sturdiness complemented by the warmth of Amber and the smoothness of Musk for an intricate base.
– This long-lasting scent gracefully adheres to the skin, offering a subtle yet persistent presence.
– Its versatility shines, being noteworthy enough for a sophisticated evening yet sufficiently gentle for daily wear.
– A classic, balanced composition with predominant fruity and woody notes, this eau de toilette could effortlessly become a signature fragrance.

Shipping Information

FREE SHIPPING applies for all U.S. ORDERS.

  • Most orders placed by 2:00 pm EST, Monday–Friday, will usually ship the same day;
    excluding holidays. Orders placed after 2:00 pm EST, Monday–Friday, will ship
    the following business day.
    Orders placed on Saturday or Sunday will ship on the next business day.
  • All express methods of shipment as long as verified take 1 business day to ship
  • We ship everything professionally in our state of the art warehouse boxed and shipped with perfection.
  • “Free Shipping” applies to orders shipped within the USA (48 states)
  • We do not ship to APO or FPO address
  • We do NOT ship to PR/HI/AK

  • Credit Cards: We can only ship to addresses that are noted with your credit card account. We may contact you for additional verification after you check out.
  • PayPal: We prefer to ship to confirmed addresses. We may contact you for additional verification for payments made by unconfirmed PayPal addresses.
  • We do not accept PayPal payments from accounts outside the USA.
  • When necessary, we may contact you via Direct Message or telephone to obtain additional verification.

  • We offer our customer’s a 30 days return for replacement policy if item is defective other then that all sales are final .
  • Returned packages without proper RMA demarcations will be refused by our warehouse and returned to you. Customers who refuse a delivery, will be subject to charges for return shipping to us. If the item was advertised as Free Shipping, then we will charge the amount of shipping as determined by Our Shipping Station .
  • Return Shipping
    Return shipping cost (the cost to send an item back to our store) is like or comparable to your cost of driving to any store for returning an item, which is not reimbursable. Therefore, we do not reimburse any return shipping cost.
  • If an item you received is defective, we will certainly replace the item with a new one, however we do not cover or reimburse the shipping cost for returning defective merchandise back to our store. We will ship the replacement product to you at our cost, and use every good measure to ensure that the replacement order is processed quickly.
  • Replacement
    We will send a product replacement after the authorized return has completed our receiving/inspection process. The replacement will ship within four business days following our receipt of your return. Please allow additional processing time after Holidays. Although it is our goal to ship a replacement as quickly as possible, we do not send replacements before we receive and inspect the returned merchandise. All items are sold with Manufacture Warranty so there is another avenue for assistance.
  • All returns must be packed with all contents which came with the original package including, cables, software, plastic and cardboard packaging, and unregistered warranty card.

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