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700MLAutomatic Liquid Soap Dispenser Handfree Touchless IR Sensor Wall Mount



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Product Description

700MLAutomatic Liquid Soap Dispenser Handfree Touchless IR Sensor Wall Mount

✨Self-detection: Integrated infrared smart sensor, fully automatic and contactless operation, no more contact to avoid second cross infection.
✨No residue: A single 1ml liquid removes residue and debris from the countertop.
✨asy and safe to use: The cover can be locked, wall mounted, easy to install and use.  Powered by 4 AA batteries (not included), with led indicator light, more convenient to use at night.
✨Maximum capacity: 700ml.  Ideal for lotions, liquid soaps or disinfectants, etc.
✨Perfect for use in bathrooms, kitchens, nurseries, offices, schools, hospitals, airports, hotels and restaurants.

Type: wall mounted soap dispenser
Material: ABS
Quantity: 1 pc
Item Color: As Shown
Maximum capacity: 700ml
Drop volume: 1ml / hour
Effect distance: 0-10cm
Battery: 4 * 1.5V AA (not included)
Static: 60uA
Nominal current: 120mA
Size: 11 * 95 * 16.5 cm / 4.3 * 3.75 * 6.5 “

Package Included:
🎁1 * wall mounted soap dispenser
🎁1 * Mounted Accessories
🎁1 * user manual

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