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100 Watt LED Corn Light E39 Bulbs Garage Barn Warehouse Parking Lot Fixture Lamp


SKU: 53FF9D52

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Product Description

100 Watt LED Corn Light E39 Bulbs Garage Barn Warehouse Parking Lot Fixture Lamp

EASY to INSTALL— LED corn light bulb with an E39 mogul screw base, making it a super easy LED retrofit and incandescent/metal-halide replacement. In most cases, just screw in. In others, since LEDs use a driver and not a ballast, you must bypass the ballast (Halide and other bulb types). Consult your electrician.

BRIGHT LIGHT — 100Watt has up to 13500 lumens and can replace 400 Watt Metal Halide/HID/HPS lights. Save up to 80% on your energy! 6000K light color ensures a bright clear light.

CERTIFIED — UL Listed and DLC verified for safety and rebate eligibility. UL Certified products ensure better quality, safety and reliability. DLC is the Design Lights Consortium for independent verification.

APPLICATION — Unique design, energy saving, fast cooling,Widely Uesd For High Bay Fixtures,Gyms,Warehouses,Garages,Street,Offices,Hotels,Post Top Fixture,Parking Lot,Shoebox Fixture.Gas Station etc. anywhere need bright light.

WARRANTY — We provide 5 years warranty for our LED lights, Any problem or question about your order or product, please feel free to let us know. We will surely provide you a satisfying solution.We strive to provide the best service to every customer and give you a 100% satisfied warranty guarantee.

Product Feature:

UL Listed and DLC Approved

Instant-on, NO flickering, NO humming

No spot, No black area, Long lifespan and Less brightness decay

Unique construction design with full beam angle 360 degree

Long Service life, 27 years based on 5 hrs/day, with a big heat sink, two SUNON fan and dust cover to protect

Widely used in high bay fixture, warehouse, garage, home, office, hotel, hospital, school, street, garden, indoor and outdoor etc

Technical Characteristic:

LED Type: 644pcs 2835 SMD LEDS

Luminous Flux(lm): 13,500 Lumens

Beam Angle: 360 degree

Input Voltage: AC100-277V 50/60Hz

LED Power: 100W

CRI: >80

PFC: >90%

Color temperature: 5000K / Day White

Replacement: 400W to 450W Metal Halide / HPS

Warranty: 5 Years

Certificate: UL, DLC, CE, ROHS


1.Please turn off power before install or change assembly parts (AC100V-277V).

2.Please make sure to remove or bypass the ballast in the fixtures before installing.

3.Suitable for enclosed luminaries, please confirm the installation size before purchasing.

 4.IP64 waterproof rate, Suitable for damp locations (Do not use with dimmers)

Package Included:

1 x 100W LED corn bulb (E39 large mogul base)

  • About US
  • Payment
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  • Terms of Sales
  • Contact us

SHENZHEN NUOGUAN TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD founded in 2010.Located in Shiyan town,Shenzhen,China.

We are a high-tech company specializing in the production of commercial and industrial LED lights. Advanced production

equipment and Excellent R & D ability help us to combining service,production, selling together, provide top-level products to our customers.

Mainly products are LED Corn bulbs, LED retrofit kits, LED high bay fixture, LED Shoebox fixture,LED Canopy fixture etc. All Series of innovative Energy
Saving LED products for provide solutions of indoor and outdoor lighting. Safety certification UL、CUL、ETL and Energy certification DLC for rebate.
NUOGUAN has been set up warehouse in OH and TX. We provide fast delivery service and professinal led light solutions for customers.

1. We accept PayPal ONLY and Managed Payments via eBay Secure Check-Out.

2. Payment is expected within 7 days of auction close. Or Unpaid Items will be forfeited per eBay .

3. Taxes may be applicable at checkout as states adopt new laws and regulations regarding sales tax collection.

1. We ONLY ship to USA .

2. Orders will be processed within 1-3 business day after payment verification. There’s no Delivery service or courier service on Saturdays, Sundays or Public Holidays.

3. We have 3 different warehouse in US,so due to stock status and time differences, we will ship your item from our first available warehouse for fast delivery.

4. We offer Free Shipping within the Lower 48 states! All packages will be sent via UPS or USPS. The delivery time for UPS Ground is typically 2-5 business days.

We strive to ensure 100% satisfaction for our customers. We offer 60-day 100% money-back guarantee for our products.

If you are not satisfied with the item received, pls feel free to contact us, we accept return. We’ll refund or replace your item.

Please note that all returns must be authorized by our Customer Service department. Please contact us though ebay message first if you have any problem.

We will try our best to solve the problem well for you. We are responsible seller, and will reply within 24 business hours.

USA Warehouse. Fast shipping.

Office Time: 9:30 – 18:30, Monday – Saturday (UTC+8)

Please contact us through eBay Message if any problems.
We will respond within 24 business hours.

About US

SHENZHEN NUOGUAN TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD founded in 2010.Located in Shiyan town,Shenzhen,China.

We are a high-tech company specializing in the production of commercial and industrial LED lights. Advanced production

equipment and Excellent R & D ability help us to combining service,production, selling together, provide top-level products to our customers.

Mainly products are LED Corn bulbs, LED retrofit kits, LED high bay fixture, LED Shoebox fixture,LED Canopy fixture etc. All Series of innovative Energy
Saving LED products for provide solutions of indoor and outdoor lighting. Safety certification UL、CUL、ETL and Energy certification DLC for rebate.
NUOGUAN has been set up warehouse in OH and TX. We provide fast delivery service and professinal led light solutions for customers.


1. We accept PayPal ONLY and Managed Payments via eBay Secure Check-Out.

2. Payment is expected within 7 days of auction close. Or Unpaid Items will be forfeited per eBay .

3. Taxes may be applicable at checkout as states adopt new laws and regulations regarding sales tax collection.

1. We ONLY ship to USA .

2. Orders will be processed within 1-3 business day after payment verification. There’s no Delivery service or courier service on Saturdays, Sundays or Public Holidays.

3. We have 3 different warehouse in US,so due to stock status and time differences, we will ship your item from our first available warehouse for fast delivery.

4. We offer Free Shipping within the Lower 48 states! All packages will be sent via UPS or USPS. The delivery time for UPS Ground is typically 2-5 business days.

Terms of Sales
We strive to ensure 100% satisfaction for our customers. We offer 60-day 100% money-back guarantee for our products.

If you are not satisfied with the item received, pls feel free to contact us, we accept return. We’ll refund or replace your item.

Please note that all returns must be authorized by our Customer Service department. Please contact us though ebay message first if you have any problem.

We will try our best to solve the problem well for you. We are responsible seller, and will reply within 24 business hours.

Contact us
USA Warehouse. Fast shipping.

Office Time: 9:30 – 18:30, Monday – Saturday (UTC+8)

Please contact us through eBay Message if any problems.
We will respond within 24 business hours.

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