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✅Lawn Valve Locator, the orginal Chat-R-Box®, Proven Product Since 2013


SKU: B0733837

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note – the Chat-R-Box Pro is more effective for Rainbird systems, click here.

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Lawn Valve Locator

See the Chat-R-Box® in action and watch the video

  • Are you tired of aimlessly searching for your hidden lawn valves?
  • You tried digging holes in the yard and poked the ground with a screw driver.?

  • Googled for a solution only to find expensive valve locator equipment?
  • Unable to find a ‘pro’ that would charge a reasonable price?

At last, a simple device for locating those pesky hidden lawn valves. Just connect the Chat-R-Box® between the controller and the valve wire of the valve you are trying to locate. Turn on your valve then the Chat-R-Box® causes the valve to emit a “chattering” sound allowing you to locate the valve. The Chat-R-Box® incorporates a solid state circuit which rapidly turns the valve off/on creating the “chatter” sound. The Chat-R-Box® uses a simple 2 wire hookup and relies on the power of your controller, eliminating the need for batteries.

The Chat-R-Box® was designed by me in 2013 and is manufactured in my home in Texas. The Chat-R-Box® will save you hundreds of dollars and countless hours. Get yours now!

I developed the Chat-R-Box® in 2013 after I spent 2 weeks digging up my yard and flower beds. Since I only needed to locate the valves and could’nt justify the need to spend hundreds of dollars just to locate a lawn valve.

The Chat-R-Box® works on all 24 v.a.c. lawn valves. The Chat-R-Box® works on many brands of valves including, Rainbird, Orbit, Hunter and Irritoll. 

100% Satisfaction Guarantee and quick shipping. Manufactured by Valvemapper.

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