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LG Dishwasher Silverware Basket Assembly Utensil Cutlery MAN635283 AAP74471301


SKU: 7F8A70A8

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LG Dishwasher Silverware Basket Assembly Utensil Cutlery MAN635283 AAP74471301

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LG Dishwasher silverware basket in Great Condition. Inspected, appropriately cleaned and ready for fast shipping. 
If your Silverware basket looks like this it is probably a match. Many LG Dishwashers use this same part. 
About 19” wide and 6” tall without handle. With handle about 9 1/4” tall
Thanks for being green and using reclaimed parts. All our parts are inspected, appropriately cleaned and fully functional OEM parts. May have slight imperfections from use, but they look as pictured and function as expected.
 _gsrx_vers_1503 (GS 9.2.1 (1503))
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