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4K HDMI TV Game Stick 64GB 10000+ Game Video Game Consoles w/2*Wireless Gamepad~



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Product Description

HDMI 4K TV Game Stick 64G 10000+ Game Video Game Consoles w/2*Wireless Gamepad~~

Description:(64GB 10000+ Games)

1. Game list, including ps1/atari/mame/sfc/fc/gba/gb/gbc/md emulator games, total (32G) 5000+/(64G) 10000+ games

2. Game history, game registration list, classified by game entry time

3. Game collection, you can use the START button for three seconds to collect or collect your favorite games

4. Game search, based on complete English game or keyword query, the first Chinese letter matching game query

5. Game settings, key tone settings, view local files, restore default settings, system information, output settings

6.Compared with the wired handle, the wireless handle avoids getting close to the TV and protects your eyes more effectively. Mini host with wireless handle.

7. Easy to operate.Just connect the game console to the interface of the TV, connect the USB power supply data cable to the console, adjust the TV source to the corresponding high-definition channel to display the game list screen on the TV.


Operation System: Linux Retroarchiopen Source System

Support 10 languages:Chinese, Chinese Traditional, English, Portuguese, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Russian, Thai

Support 9 Emulator: MAME/FC/GB/GBA/GBC /PS1/MD/SFC/ATAR/

CPU: RK3066

Interface: HDMI

32G number of games: 5000+

64G number of games: 10000+

Product weight: 380g

Product size: 7×11.7×9.2CM

64GB Package list

1× Game Stick

1 x SD memory card 64G

2× wireless handle,

1× Wireless signal receiver,

1× USB charging data cable,

1× Signal extension cable,

1× English manual

64GB 20000+ Games


Game machine introduction:

CPU: dual-core cortex-A7

Multiple simulator formats: Support MAME/FC/GB/GBA/GBC/MD/SFC/PS1/N64/ATARI2600/ATARI7800 simulators. With dual wireless gamepads, the icing on the cake.

HD output: Support 4k ultra-high-definition TV video output (1080p / 720p) and monitors and projectors with HDMI input.

Support downloading games: This game console supports players to search for games, supports players to customize their favorite games, and can play and download games by themselves. Equipped with a wireless dual joystick, you can play all excellent games, let you enjoy the game more, let you quickly remember and enjoy the joy of childhood! If you need a game list, you can contact customer service to get the game list!


1. Game list, including ps1 / atari / mame / sfc / fc / gba / gb / gbc / md simulator games, totaling 10000+ games

2. Game history, game registration list, sorted by game entry time

3. Game collection, you can use the r2 button to collect or collect the games you like

4. Game search, based on complete English game or keyword query, first Chinese letter matching game query

5. Game settings, key sound settings, view local files, restore default settings, system information, output settings

6. Smooth lines, simple and generous design, plug and play, with wireless handle, wireless control range up to 8 meters. Compared with short-wired wired handles, wireless handles avoid getting close to the TV and protect your eyes more effectively. The mini host is equipped with a wireless controller, which is the best choice for foreign trade cross-border products!

7. Only need to connect the game console to the TV interface, the USB power supply data cable into the host, the TV source is adjusted to the corresponding high-definition channel to display the game list screen on the TV, and the handle is placed in the battery to remote control, that is Plug and play, simple and generous, easy to operate.

8. Packing size: 23.5×17.4×6.7cm

9. Weight: 392g

10. The product does not have a battery. When using it, put two AAA batteries into the handle.

11. Language: Simplified Chinese/Traditional Chinese/English

64GB Package Included:

1×Game console,

2×wireless handle,

1×wireless signal receiver,

1×USB charging data cable,

1×Memory card package (64G)

1×Signal extension cable,

1×English manual

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Returned items must be in the brand new, unaltered and resalable condition.
Seller is not responsible for any labor cost, expense in a dealer store, or damage due to wrong installation.

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We accept PayPal only. If buyer want
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the ebay message within 3 days

Payment via PayPal (PayPal accepts all major credits/debit cards and eCheque)

ECheque payment will take 3-10 days to get clear, thus DELAYing the shipment.
Handling time: 1 business day (Orders are not processed on weekends & holidays)
Tracking information will be sent once item is shipped.
Local pick-up is unavailable at the moment.
For international shipping and shipping to Guam, Hawaii and Alaska, Please contact us before placing the order.
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any issues with Defects, Return, Item Exchange request, please contact
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and resolve any problem. We highly value and appreciate your business.
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No returns will be accepted without an RMA number. Please contact us for the RMA number.
Return is acceptable within 30 days of delivery.
Return for replacement or money back is optional.
Returned items must be in the brand new, unaltered and resalable condition.
Seller is not responsible for any labor cost, expense in a dealer store, or damage due to wrong installation.

is accepted within 14 days after the buyer’s receiving the item.
(Excluding contrived damagement or misusage).100% money-back Guaranteed!
product will be tested in 100% before delivery.If the item is defected
by the processing of postage,Buyer has up to 14 days from date of
receipt for
exchange of a new one.All shipping charges for returned
products are to be paid by the buyer,Please contact us for the return

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All messages will be answered within 24 office hours.

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On Apr 19, 2023 at 01:26:19 PDT, seller added the following information:


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